
Showing posts from April 11, 2023

Going Through the Fire...

This morning in my time with the Lord I specifically heard the words 'going through the fire'. I meditated on that for a bit and then I knew what God was saying to me. I think for many there is this great misconception that everything is supposed to be sunshine and rainbows if you are a Christian, but we can clearly see through God's word that is not the case. God doesn't always keep us from the fire. In fact, quite the opposite. Most often He is there with us in the fire. He is there in the storm. He is there with us in our trials and the tribulations of life. The names just flooded to me while I was meditating on God's words 'going through the fire' and then I immediately thought of Psalm 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley   of   the   shadow   of   death , I will fear no evil;  For You   are   with me ; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. This one scripture tells us that we will walk through some difficult things, but also tells us that God