
Showing posts from April 2, 2023

You Will Recover All

  You Will Recover All... For over a year now I have known by the Spirit that what is coming is glorious. I understand that by all appearances and the things that we see in the natural, it DEFINITELY does not look that way. While many are feeling down and depressed and that all is lost, I find myself joyful and excited and looking forward to not only what the Lord is doing, but also what He plans to do which we can see if we truly dig into His word and accept that He still speaks today through His servants the Prophets. He has clearly told us about the days we are living in, but man got it wrong and taught fear, doom and gloom, and escapism. Let's look again at a few scriptures that we have simply brushed aside rather than taught and taken seriously.   God’s   Spirit   Pour ed Out... Joel 2:28-29  “And it shall come to pass afterward That I will  pour  out My  Spirit   on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall s