
Showing posts from December 27, 2022

The Terror of You - Blog

  A while back as I was watching one of Julie Green's prophecies, she mentioned something that has really stayed with me. I often have to take things to the Lord to see if it is simply something He is telling me or something that He wants me to share with others. This morning it came back up again, and I felt it was time to share it with you as well. Now normally I use an NIV Bible (New International Version), but the verses I will be sharing from are in the AMPC (Amplified Classic). For those who feel they can't read the Amplified, I hope you will re-think this. People that truly study the Word of God use a concordance which opens up the language of Greek and Hebrew to give a better understanding. The Amplified simply gives you the most important references and/or word changes that the concordance would give you. It opens things up for you to understand it even better without feeling you need a huge concordance all the time. The scriptures I will use today are found in Joshua

30 Powerful Women (An inspiration of the Lord)

  Receive your promise from the Lord defying all of the norms like Sarah did. (Genesis 21)  Be  courageous as  you step into the new life God has called you to like Rebekah did. (Genesis 24) Accept the honor and blessing of your beauty like Rachel did. (Genesis 29) Dance, write songs, and sing unto the Lord like Miriam did. (Exodus 15)  Declare your rights to all God has for you like the daughters of Zelophehad did. (Numbers 36) Stand with the Lord and save your entire family from destruction like Rahab did. (Joshua 6) Be a mother in  Israel.  Counsel, judge disputes, and deliver God's people like Deborah did. (Judges 4 & 5) Give it your all to take out the enemy and fulfill prophecy like Jael did. (Judges 4) Teach the younger generations  strength  in submission like Naomi did. (Ruth) Be lifted out of obscurity and poverty to a place of influence like Ruth was. (Ruth) Pour out your soul before the Lord and receive exactly what you asked for like Hannah did. (1 Samuel 1) Be a w

The Eagle Dream - November 14, 2022

  The Dream   I was up high on what I felt was a rooftop, but not of a home. It felt to me to be the top of a high building. I was alone. I saw from a distance an eagle flying toward me and so I kept my focus on it because I just love Eagles and even in the natural see them all the time and watch them. It didn't seem unusual except that I was on top of a rooftop. The eagle began getting larger and larger the closer it got of course because it was coming more and more into my view. It kept coming and the closer it got I could see the coloring on it and the white feathers on its head. It was definitely a bald eagle. It kept coming and coming and it never swayed or swerved at all. It was closer and closer and still coming directly at me. I began to get concerned because it was now so close that I was a little fearful that if it flew into  me,  I was going to be hurt by the  beak, and the talons  not to mention the rest of this majestic  bird's  very large body. It was still coming


  Either Either your slaying Giants or you're cowering in fear Either you're  a Joshua and Caleb or you're a deceived and defeated spy Either you're walking through on dry ground or you're being crushed by walls of water Either you're walking on water or your faithlessness will push you under Either you're parting the red sea or you're being pulled back into bondage Either you're a person who worships God or you're a lost and lonely lover of self Either you're a child of faith, hope, and love or you're captured and blinded by religion Either you're living in His Glory or you're waiting on the rapture rug Either you're a friend of the Most-High God or you're an enemy, yea even a foe By Sheryl L. York .

The God Who Sees You - Blog

Dear Ones, With everything that is going on in our world today, it is easy to look around in our own lives, jobs, homes, and even relationships and feel very small and insignificant, but I want you to know how very special you are in the eyes of your Father. Never in History has there been a time like we are living in today. In fact, people in all Countries are living in so much fear and anxiety that they are literally in survival mode. I wonder if it is possible for the entire world to have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome)? So many people are lost and lonely. Many are thinking it can't get any worse, can it? Sadly, beloved, I have told you that the answer is yes. Although this particular writing will not have articles or political video links in it if you go back and read my previous letters, I do share things to come or things to watch for. So, continue to do so because we are not done yet and God is still working in supernatural power behind the scenes to rescue His people