
Showing posts from February 14, 2023

We're So Close

A True Exodus... This morning I found myself in the book of Exodus and WOW! It is amazing if you read the first Exodus the similarities are literally like a blueprint that not only shows you what we are walking through but also how very close we are to DELIVERANCE. Woo hoo! What is the big difference? It's all much bigger, much grander, and not just one Country being affected, but our entire world is being delivered this time. If you are one that hasn't really been in the word a lot and you don't know the real story of the Exodus, I encourage you to get out your Bible, dust it off, and read this fabulous account of how after 430 years God delivered His people the Israelites from a tyrannical Pharaoh and one of the strongest countries in its day with a massive Army called Egypt. Note that Egypt has never recovered and never been known as the strongest or greatest nation ever again. In fact, it has been prophesied recently that they will rise up and try to exalt themselves ag