
Showing posts from December 13, 2023

'Oh Snap'...

The Exodus was not just about overthrowing a Pharoah. If we still to this day believe it was about one man (a human being made by God of the dust of the earth) who was holding God's people hostage, we are missing the point of the Exodus I believe and will miss it today with what we are all experiencing now as well. If it were only about one man or a Pharaoh God would have done it in an instant. No, the Exodus deliverance is about more than humans being used by a very real enemy. This is about something even more evil than most seem to understand or realize. God has been calling us up higher. What do I mean by that? I believe He is requiring us to move past simply going to church on a Sunday or picking up our Bible on occasion and wanting us to go deeper with Him to find out what He was saying to those He was speaking to back then, but also what He is saying to us today. There are many hidden things in the word of God, and I often share a scripture in Proverbs to help you understand