
Showing posts from April 13, 2023

That Which Has Been Will Be Again - Blog

I found something in one of Julie's words from January 2022 that I feel to share with you if I haven't already. Julie Green January 16, 2022 I will not stand by and watch My world be taken over by Luciferian worshippers wanting to destroy humanity, just like they tried in the days of Noah, by changing the DNA of mankind. They want to destroy My bloodline that I created for humanity. No, they will not have their way. They want to manipulate the bloodline to the point that it is satan's bloodline and his heritage. No, that is a joke because he cannot create anything. He is a fallen being. So, he is using humans to design things to destroy what I have created. He wants to stop My Glory from filling this Earth, but that is never going to happen. I often mention Noah in my blogs for a reason. What many Christians are missing is that God doesn't just destroy mankind because of sin. He already took care of that by sending his son. Sin, perversion, and the like are not the rea