
Showing posts from September 5, 2024

Turning the Prodigals - Prophecy

  My child hear Me says the Lord, for I am doing a work in your Prodigal even now that you cannot see and even if I told you you would not believe it ( Habakkuk 1:5 ). I am about to shake everything that can be shaken and that includes your children. For I love them, and I want to pick them up and place them back on the path of righteousness. Right now, there is so much noise around them that they cannot hear Me, but I will whisper ' turnaround ' into their ears with My still small voice and they will hear Me says the Lord ( 1 Kings 19:12) .  They will turn (repent)  and  give heed to My reproof, and I will pour out My spirit upon them, and I will make My words known to them ( Proverbs 1:23 ). For I have said that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh and not only will they prophecy, but I will also cause them to have visions and  dreams  ( Joel 2:28 ). Yes, I will speak to your children even at night while they lay sleeping upon their beds ( Job 33:15 ). Remember My child t