
Showing posts from March 16, 2023

It's All Over

  In the last week or so I have been researching the word standstill because Julie Green has now mentioned it 11 times and it stood o ut to me. Let's look at Job 37:7... Job 37:7 God seals up (stops, brings to a   standstill   by severe weather) the hand of every man [and now under His seal their hands are forced to inactivity], that all men whom He has made may know His doings (His sovereign power and their subjection to it). If we define standstill   a state of cessation of movement or action; halt; stop: If that doesn't speak to you look at what the synonym is  'checkmate'.  Now that I found funny. Haven't we been saying that Trump is playing a 3-tier chess game while the Deep State is playing checkers? I think it is important to realize that it is the Deep State that is going to bring us to this standstill, but God foreknew it was coming. God knows that the more truth that is being exposed they are frantically trying to figure out how to keep so many people from