
Showing posts from May 29, 2024

'What Bible Are You Reading' - blog

  I just love how God speaks to me. Sometimes He just really cracks me up. If you are one who thinks your Father in heaven doesn't have a sense of humor than why does He say in   Psalm 2:4   that He sits in the heavens and laughs? lol Also in   Psalm 37:13   the Bible says He laughs at the wicked knowing that their day is coming. Why would the word of God say in   Proverbs 17:22   that a merry heart does good like medicine? He has a sense of humor and I love my relationship with the Lord. We actually enjoy spending time together. On a side note, let me share with you something many miss. It is found in Acts 9:10 . Acts 9:10 Now there was in Damascus a disciple named   Ananias . The Lord said to him in a vision,   Ananias . And he answered, Here am I, Lord. Did you see that? Isn't that powerful? This is the relationship every single one of us should have with the Lord. God didn't have to come to him over and over. He didn't have to pound him on the head to get him to mov