
Showing posts from September 11, 2024

Things Are Not as They Appear - blog/word

I want to preface this by saying that I believe this is a blog/word because God spoke to me and gave me all these scriptures. It is written more like a blog but I can clearly see that God is saying this to His people right now. I did not watch the debate. I had several people write and tell me to, but the answer is No, I can't sit under all the lies, deception, and negativity so I just won't do it. I'll pick up things later on through the prophets, patriots, or even the news but I won't submit myself to the nonsense that is a debate. It's not really a debate. It's a 'you did this, and he did that' arguing match that promotes nothing but strife in a person's heart in my opinion. Many years ago, the Lord gave me a scripture (personally for me) which says,  in the   multitude   of   words   sin is not lacking, But he who restrains his lips   is   wise ( Proverbs 10:19 ). This is I guess why I write rather than talk or call people. When I write I am some