
Showing posts from February 29, 2024


                Eclipse path of totality cuts across 13 U.S. states This map does not show them all so I will post them here. -Nineveh, Texas -Nineveh, Missouri -Nineveh, Indiana -Nineveh, Ohio -Nineveh, Pennsylvania -Nineveh, Virginia -Nineveh, New York The eclipse will also cross over a location named “Nineveh” in the province of  Nova Scotia in Canada. I had been hearing about the coming eclipse that will take place on April 8th but didn't really think much of it until I recently heard that there are 8 cities called Nineveh on its pathway. Wait a minute now! Did I hear that right? Yes, there are 8 Nineveh's. You can't make this stuff up. I light up when you throw Bible names and/or numbers into the mix... lol So not only is this Eclipse happening on the 8th but there are also 8 cities called Nineveh in the pathway. How does that happen? Not by chance, I am sure. I know that nothing is random and that this is yet another proof that God is doing something awesome in our wo