
Showing posts from May 29, 2023

Shout Them Down

  I've been feeling for some time now that I needed to write a blog on why we shout and why we speak out loud about things, in decrees, in prayer, etc... In the prophecies the Lord gives to Julie Green He often tells those of us listening/reading to shout things down. Where does this come from? Probably every single person reading this knows that it comes from the book of Joshua where the Israelites brought down the walls of Jericho by shouting and blowing shofars (a ram's horn) on the seventh day. Let's put aside the Jericho stories you've seen of Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber (Veggie Tales) walking around the wall or other animations where you see a few people walking around the wall playing instruments or talking amongst themselves. The actual story told in the Bible is a little different and quite amazing. It's worth noting here that these people going to Jericho are a new generation of God's people. The original people who left Egypt with Moses have