
Showing posts from February 10, 2023


  ​ NEVER ENDING... Can you feel it? Can you see it? After years of going without hearing from God can you look back over the last few years or more and say that you have heard from the Lord better today than you did previously? Maybe you're dreaming more or listening to prophetic voices, and you never did that before. Maybe your seeing numbers consistently that speak to you or lead you to Bible verses or you are noticing things around you that you used to take for granted. Either way, I know you are hearing the Lord speak to you more and more and I am so blessed to be a part of it. Something that you can't really put your finger on is building and building and building and although it feels at times never-ending, I can honestly say that I feel it in my bones that we are on the verge of something BIG! Something HUGE! Something MIRACULOUS! Something that we have never seen, felt or experienced before is on the horizon and the excitement in me is palpable. While spending time wit