
Showing posts from September 2, 2023

A Tale of Two Ships - Blog (edited 7.16.24)

Religious Misconceptions... I have come to find that one of the biggest misconceptions is that Christians don't go through anything. This morning while reading through Acts I felt that I was to share some of Paul's story to help us to see that Paul who was an Apostle of Jesus Christ and fully in the will of God went through some truly difficult ordeals. One of those was being a prisoner and being tossed from ship to ship to get to his destination. First of all, we must remember that back in those days prisoners were not treated kindly by any stretch of the imagination. They were bound in chains and shackles and thrown from place to place rarely even being fed at all.  God does not promise that we won't go through anything. The truth is we live in a fallen world, but He does promise that He will be with us, that He will help us, and that He will protect us. In fact, Jesus said in  John 16:33 ... John 16:33  I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] p