
Showing posts from July 22, 2024

Why Do We Raise Our Hands to Worship God?

  I want to share a few thoughts on why we lift our arms and hands to the sky when we are worshiping God. My husband Jerry told me a story many years ago that I wanted to share. He was only 15 years old when he got saved and he was the ONLY ONE in his entire family too. His family did not understand him, and most rejected him because he had changed so much, but his mother, Dolly always loved her first born son and tried to stay kind and loving and remain involved in his life even though she wasn't interested in the things of the Lord herself. To make conversation one day his mother asked him why he raised his arms to the sky when he was singing to the Lord. I thought, good question. I mean unbelievers see this and think we are nuts... lol At the time he was newly saved and didn't really know how to answer her. He was just pretty much doing what he saw others do in his church services and he felt in his heart that it was right. His unsaved mother then said to him, "Oh, I al


  For several days now I can't seem to get Rhoda off my mind again.  I know I've written a blog on this before so why can't I seem to meditate on something or someone else? The Bible has 66 books in it so why am I being reminded of one chapter in the book of Acts and the story of Peter being released from prison again? Why is the Lord reminding me right now of the miracle that happened when a praying church took God seriously and began fervently praying for one of their own? I believe God gave me the answer when He sat me down this morning to write this blog. It is because it's time. We (the church, the ecclesia, the remnant) are about to see and experience some things we've been praying and believing for and yet many of us may be praying and not truly believing at all. I believe He wants Rhoda to wake us up right now. Shake yourself out of your slumber because if you have been praying you are about to see some things that you prayed for come to pass right before yo