
Showing posts from May 23, 2024

Going Through the Book of Revelation Part 2 - Jezebel

Celebrating 29 years of marriage and 4 wonderful children. This is the man of God who stuck with me through it all. Just like the Lord, he never left me or forsook me.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Continuing Chapter 2 regarding the Jezebel Spirit I ended Part 1 talking about the spirit of Jezebel and although my original intent was to get right into chapters 3 & 4 I feel the need to share more about the spirit of Jezebel which has been wrongly taught through the church. This spirit is not male or female as many suggest and have often used against women who believe they are called into ministry or simply women who are strong and confident in the Lord. The Jezebel spirit is prevalent in the church and the world, but it most definitely deceives you if you believe it only works through women. I clearly see when a spirit of Jezebel is working through someone. Why? Because it is not just a domineering or controlling spirit but in Revelation, we are told that she ca