
Showing posts from May 18, 2023

Shout Restore - Prophecy

It is time My children and again I say it is time. Do not fear the things to come but stand and see the salvation of your God, for even while I Am shaking Heaven and earth, My chosen ones will not be shaken. You have stayed close to Me, and you now find yourself laughing when you hear or read anything that is adverse. Why is this My child? It is because you have been prepared. It is My child because you have listened, and you have learned of Me. You have grown and you now have no fear of things to come. For I have warned you time and time again that things would appear worse, and, in many situations, they do but I have promised that I would restore the years that the cankerworm and the palmerworm have eaten and so I shall. Remember My children that I have told you that this is not the end, but it is their end. Whose end Lord? It is the end of the Globalists who have been used by that old serpent the devil to kill, steal and destroy for countless years now right under your noses. This i