
Showing posts from August, 2024

Angels & Saints / Blog

  Here is the song:   Throne Room' Kim Walker-Smith I'm obsessed. lol. What a way to start a blog right? I found a song by Kim Walker-Smith called 'Throne Room' on YouTube on Thursday around 10 pm and thought it was a new song. Nope, I was wrong. It is literally from 7 years ago. How did I find this song so late? Where have I been for 7 years? Well, I think one reason I found it this late is because it wouldn't have impacted me the same way a few years or even months ago to be honest. I mean the song is powerful but the line that tears me up says, 'And I fall on my face with Angels and Saints and all I can say is Holy, Holy, Holy are You God.' Although I do realize that some may not understand this blog, I can't do anything right now but sit down and write. I feel like I've been on my face crying Holy, Holy, Holy are You God since I heard it. I couldn't figure out why this particular song was impacting me like this. I can't listen to it witho