Can you feel it? Can you see it? After years of going without hearing from God can you look back over the last few years or more and say that you have heard from the Lord better today than you did previously? Maybe you're dreaming more or listening to prophetic voices, and you never did that before. Maybe your seeing numbers consistently that speak to you or lead you to Bible verses or you are noticing things around you that you used to take for granted. Either way, I know you are hearing the Lord speak to you more and more and I am so blessed to be a part of it. Something that you can't really put your finger on is building and building and building and although it feels at times never-ending, I can honestly say that I feel it in my bones that we are on the verge of something BIG! Something HUGE! Something MIRACULOUS! Something that we have never seen, felt or experienced before is on the horizon and the excitement in me is palpable.

While spending time with the Lord recently He shared with me that far too many people are still sitting back and waiting for life to return to normal. I sensed that He was speaking of the normal that we had before Corona Virus. Then I heard Him say there are also people who feel that this life that they are living right now is their new normal. The reality is neither is the truth. We aren't going back, and we aren't staying here. As a people, we have failed, and we are fallen. Whether we want to accept it or not it was on our watch that Satan took over and through deception led billions of people astray. Thankfully because we have a wonderful Father in Heaven who loves His children all that we see today is about to change. I know, I know. Everyone is tired of hearing 'is about, will happen soon' etc..., Well it's time to get over that because as I continuously have to tell my own children, God is not going to move just because you're uncomfortable. The Bible tells us that He is touched by the feelings of our infirmities, but it is not our kicking, screaming, blaming, and downright tantrums or tears that move Him. The one thing that truly moves God is faith. It is our faith that will bring an end to everything that we see today.


This morning, I came up with a really terrific idea. Let's be in faith. Wow, can you imagine? Let's become the people that God desired us to be. A people who know their God (Daniel 11:32) and who believe that while just about anything is impossible for man with God ALL things are possible. Let's address the elephant in the room first off. What is the elephant in the room? We've been going through a very difficult trial for over 3 years now (actually much much longer, but people are focused on what happened when the 2020 Election was stolen from DJT because of the horrible impact it had on our Country, the American people and sadly even around the world). At first, we thought it was about us, it was about our Country, it was about overturning an election, etc... We thought surely, they will be caught and in 2020 all would be given back, but that didn't happen. Then we headed into 2021 and we thought surely it will be straightened out by January 20 of 2021 and Biden will not be inaugurated, but then in their brilliance NP, CS, and even MM as well as others plotted and planned along with the FBI to create the insurrection on January 6th to make sure Trump and those who support him looked bad and to make sure that those who were standing up and challenging the electoral would be too afraid to speak up or support DJT at all. Because of that supposed Insurrection JB was inaugurated and since that time there has been lie after lie and cover up after cover up to keep them in their positions and keep DJT from getting back in office. (Note, I am using abbreviations that I hope you can understand as I don't want this blog to get flagged to be taken down).

Now, I have written to you many times reminding you that although I do share about DJT because God is using him the reality is you must also keep things in the right perspective. God is using him. He is a genius. He was chosen by God for such a time as this just as Esther was in her day or Joseph was in his day. Daniel was chosen, Moses and Abraham were chosen. One thing people miss is that God chooses who He will, not because they are perfect people, but because before they were formed in their mother's belly, He already knew them, and He chose to call them (Jeremiah 1:5). None of us is perfect. He doesn't choose people even because they are somehow wonderful Christians... lol If that were the case Abraham and Moses wouldn't have been chosen at all. Abraham was from a family who worshipped false gods and looking at Moses we see a life that was predestined to become the Deliverer, yet it took years because he wasn't ready. He didn't know the Lord for at least his first 40 years living in Pharaoh's house and then even later after he murdered a man and ran from Egypt, he was not close to the Lord. Had he been close to the Lord for those 80 years he wouldn't have needed the burning bush experience, would he? Moses was called from his mother's womb, but God did not tell him so until the burning bush. 

God Never Asks us For Permission...

So, then God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called. He uses who He will, and He doesn't ask you or I if He's made the right choice. He does not look to man for counsel. No, He looks upon the heart. David committed a horrible sin in taking the wife of another man and then to cover it up had her husband murdered, yet in previous years God Himself called David a man after his own heart (Acts 13:22). God wasn't looking for perfect or sinless. He was looking for someone who loved Him. Someone whose heart was soft and pliable. So, since God knows the end from the beginning, He full well knew David was going to step out of line and fall into sin with Bathsheba, yet He still chose David to lead anyway so, therefore, holding the previous sins of a man against him is not the Lord, but the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10). No man can know the heart of another man, but God does. He holds the heart of the king in his hand and turns it (Proverbs 21:1) so be careful not to judge a man because you don't know his heart. You just might find they are called by God, and you set yourself up to be standing against the Lord Himself.


Not one thing has gone our way for years now. None of us knew or understood that what God is doing is so much bigger than an election or even one Country. We are so small-minded. God Himself tells us in (Isaiah 55:8)For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord 

Even when we look at the original Exodus, we see God saving His people in a big big way, but God's people are everywhere now. God's people are in China, Australia, Peru, Europe, Indonesia, Brazil, and the United States of America to mention just a few. In fact, it isn't even the US that has the largest population of people. The Countries with the largest populations are China whose church is underground because Christianity is not allowed, and Indonesia's known religion isn't Christianity at all. It is Islam, yet there too they have pockets of Believers who are crying out to the very same God you and I are. Would any of us expect God to just ignore those cries? Ignore those children simply because they live in a Country where He is not lifted up or even allowed? No, they are our brothers and sisters in Christ, and many are dealing with way worse conditions and situations even than we are here in the United States. I want God to take the time He needs to work things out for all of us. Our world is in dire need of our Savior right now. Therefore, saving America would help us, but for how long if evil is all around the world. Sit back, relax, and do your best to wait on the Lord because He is never too late. Or is He?

Have you ever heard someone say, 'God is never too late!' I guess that it would depend on your perspective, right? God is perfect so of course He knows all and knows what He is doing, but from the perspective of man He is occasionally too late isn't He? In the Gospels, we find that while Jesus was on His way to heal a little girl that was very ill the woman with the issue of blood comes up from behind and touches Him. He knew something had happened. He literally felt healing virtue flow out of Him, so he took the extra time to find out who the woman was. He wanted to tell her that it was her faith that made her whole. He was amazed by her. Taking this extra time for this woman put him at the little girl's house later than originally planned and sadly the little girl died. Was Jesus worried about it? No, because nothing is impossible for Him. He went in the room and asked everyone except for a few of His disciples to leave and he raised her from the dead to her parents' astonishment.

Then we have another incident that seemed completely impossible. Mary and Martha send word to Jesus that their brother and His good friend Lazarus was dying. Jesus purposely waited 4 days until He went. In our minds this is horrible. We thought Jesus was caring. How could he just sit back teaching and preaching in another City while His good friend Lazarus was dying? In John 11:14-15 we find So then he told them plainly, “Lazarus is dead, and for your sake, I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him.”  So, then we see by what Jesus said that the purpose of it was to show others what God could do. He had always intended to raise Lazarus from the dead to show God's glory and power. This is also the only place in scripture where we find that Jesus cried. He must have felt for Mary and Martha and what they'd had to go through. Jesus cried and I believe He feels for us right now, but just as He raised Lazarus from the dead when it looked like all was lost and he'd been in the grave for 4 days decaying. Jesus is more powerful than death or a grave. Didn't He prove that Himself when He died and rose again? How is He never too late? He is the resurrection and the life and again NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM.

So, what is it that we are waiting for? We now understand why God is taking as long as He is because this is a world event, not just one Country that He is delivering. This is the most mind-blowing thing of all beloved. We don't know exactly what we are waiting for, but we do know that it will be something we've never seen before. Something that has never happened before in our history or even in the historical accounts that we read in the Bible. God is truly doing a NEW THING.

In Moses' day, their deliverance from Egypt was Huge. They'd been in bondage for over 400 years. How could they believe for deliverance at all when Pharaoh made it harder and harder every time a request went forth from Moses? Yet, it did finally happen. Pharaoh finally relented after the 1st born of all the Egyptians died and then he still went after them again. The Red Sea parting had NEVER happened before not to mention that they walked across on dry ground. Did you know that the Bible actually says that the waters congealed? Exodus 15:8By the blast of your nostrils the waters piled up. The surging waters stood up like a wall; the deep waters congealed in the heart of the sea. That means the walls of water became like jello. They became like a jelloey substance and kept the waters from being able to flow through. Yet one more thing that movies never seem to get right. My point is it was the first time. It had never happened, and the children of Israel had no reason to believe it could, but God.

Noah's day is even more amazing to me. At the time when Noah was alive, it had never rained before. The earth did not need rain. It was never a thought for Noah or anyone who lived in his day. Water would come up through the earth like a mist and that is how things got watered. Genesis 2:6But there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the groundGod took care of everything and all plant life that way. They didn't have lightning, thunder or rain up until the day that God closed the Ark doors with Noah's family safely inside. Evil was all around just like we see today. People mocked Noah for over 100 years because he believed what God told him and built the Ark. Surely at first, he built it by himself when his three boys were younger and then eventually, he brought them into the family business called 'Noah and Son's'. They then helped, got married to three wives and of course, the rest is history. Finally, God has had his full of all the evil and wickedness. Tells Noah to take his family and get into the Ark. God Himself brought most of the animals and then God Himself closed the door. You have to imagine the people outside in the flood now wanting in. Now wishing they'd listened. Probably pounding on the sides of the Ark screaming 'Let me in.' But by this point, it is too late and you've been given over 100 years of warnings that you chose to disregard. You chose to mock His prophet Noah and reject Him. It had to be heartbreaking for God. He is their creator too. He loved them. He had plans for them, but they rejected His hand of deliverance from the evil that surrounded them.

If there is one thing, I think is the most amazing about the story of Noah it is that God was willing to start over, but He didn't start from scratch. What do I mean by that? He didn't wipe everyone out and create man all over again. No, we were already in His likeness. He gave the earth over 100 years to get right with Him yet knowing that they wouldn't, He already had a plan. He started Noah working on that Ark giving anyone a chance to be saved, but ultimately, He must have known that only Noah and his family would stay faithful to the end and be on that Ark. God was willing to go to that extreme to SAVE ONLY 8 PEOPLE and the animals. Wrap your mind around that. 8 people were so important to God that He started over, cleaned the sleight, and gave them a fighting chance by bringing them out of a world that had turned against Him and had become so wicked and evil that they were like the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. This truly is where we are today.

So, then what is coming? What are we waiting for? Could you figure it out by anything that you've just read? Through the different stories I've shared did something pop into your head? Probably not dear one, because what we are waiting for is beyond us. It's out of this world. It will happen by the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Our Father who spoke everything into existence using words. God who got down on His own hands and knees to form us out of the dirt in His image has a huge plan for our entire world and for each of us individually. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He was the creator from the beginning, and He still creates today and forever. He saved 8 people in Noah's day, and He wants to save you and your family now. He delivered millions of people in Moses' day, and He wants to deliver the billions around the world that need Him so desperately today. People must be willing. He will not force Himself on them. They must choose Him and if they don't, they will wake up one day and find they are on the wrong side of HIStory.

Do not get discouraged, and do not lose heart. You can clearly see for yourself and through the prophecy-fulfilled e-mails that I send out that God is doing some miraculous things to deliver us from this present darkness. Get into the Bible. Did you know that only about 10% of Christians even pick up their Bibles? Hmmm, how are you going to know the God of this world if you aren't even willing to open His mouth (Bible). If you would simply take the time to get into His word you would find that God wants you to have a Chapter 42. I'm ready for mine, are you? What am I referring to? We read in Job the difficult things that happened to him, but He still believed in God. He lost his family, his health, his cattle, his friends, and everything and yet he still put his life in God's hands. The truth is while walking through all of that Job did not know he had a Chapter 42. What is a Chapter 42? That is where God restored everything even more abundantly than he'd had before. God wants to give you a Chapter 42. He wants to give me and my family a Chapter 42. 

We are His covenant people, and He has no problem with us having wealth He has a problem if wealth or money has us. Do you really believe that God wanted Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, and the elites wealthy while we were begging? No, He did not, but at least 3 times in the Bible God says, 'The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous.' Get ready because what is about to happen in our world has NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. How God will deliver us will be absolutely amazing and out of this world and I also know that DJT has always been a part of God's plan. He has been working on a new financial system for about 6 years now behind the scenes. Don't miss your chapter 42 because of lying doctrines, what man has taught you that doesn't fit in the Bible or unbelief. Get ready because it is flying right at you even now just like that eagle, I saw coming at me in that dream I shared a few months back. I dare you to believe God and try to imagine it. 

In His Image,
Sheryl L. York


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