It's All Over

 In the last week or so I have been researching the word standstill because Julie Green has now mentioned it 11 times and it stood out to me.

Let's look at Job 37:7...

God seals up (stops, brings to a standstill by severe weather) the hand of every man [and now under His seal their hands are forced to inactivity], that all men whom He has made may know His doings (His sovereign power and their subjection to it).

If we define standstill 

a state of cessation of movement or action; halt; stop:

If that doesn't speak to you look at what the synonym is

Now that I found funny. Haven't we been saying that Trump is playing a 3-tier chess game while the Deep State is playing checkers? I think it is important to realize that it is the Deep State that is going to bring us to this standstill, but God foreknew it was coming. God knows that the more truth that is being exposed they are frantically trying to figure out how to keep so many people from hearing the truth. Nothing they are doing has worked. 

  • Censoring us hasn't worked. More social media or news podcasts have opened up and we've gotten around them to find truth.
  • The virus that was purposely created to kill many hasn't killed as many as they'd hoped. I got it and so did my sister Michell. I was DOWN SICK for 2 weeks literally. Surprisingly even though she is younger than me she was DOWN SICK for about a month because of a pre-existing condition. If you got Covid and survived be grateful because this was them trying to kill you. There is no mistaking it. The entire truth is finally coming out. The virus was created in Wuhan China and paid for by our government and good old Dr. Fauci purposely moved his lab to China because he was being called out here in the US. And don't forget that Bill Gates is behind the Pfizer vaccine as well. Fauci and Gates are all about depopulation.
  • If you took the vaccine, be grateful you are still alive. It too didn't work like they'd hope so that is why they kept forcing more and more and tried to (by law) force it on everyone. They murdered multitudes, but still not as many as they needed to for their purposes.
  • Weather events, tornadoes, earthquakes, Tsunami, Hurricanes and so much more. We have NEVER experienced all of this at this level, but please remember that God has said they have something they have created that makes our weather events even worse. We have yet to see it, but I have no doubt God will prove it to us. So, for years people have been calling horrible events an act of God, but actually, they were weather events to depopulate our planet and distract us from what they are really doing, and who better to blame than God Himself?
  • Train Derailments have been horrible, but now we are finding bombs on the tracks before they even happen once again proving that it is all a setup and not an accident at all.
  • Food shortages. Be grateful if you can still go to your store and find food on the shelves. My Walmart may run out of something once in a while, but we have all we need. Sadly, there are countries right now who truly are experiencing the shortages because of the leadership and yes, we also have states in the US that are because they are run by Democrats who are following Deep State to the T. In most places, their food shortages have failed.
  • Wars and rumors of wars. We know that Russia is actually helping us. What our government is not telling us is that they are paying off Zelensky to keep hidden the Hunter and Joe stuff as well as the Bioweapons labs they had over there trying to come up with the next virus that would be worse. No matter what anyone thinks they know about Putin he is being used by God to save us. All the stuff about China, and Taiwan is all distraction because what they really want to take down is the United States of America. They keep our eyes elsewhere by using the Media so that we don't see what is really happening. I don't think it's working anymore. Have you seen the viewership of some of these Dinasaour Media platforms? CNN is almost closing its doors and so much is now coming out about NBC.
  • Stealing elections hasn't worked. It appears that it has, but we know that DJT has just stepped aside and is working for us still. He is most likely still over the military. He is working on the new financial system because this one is being torn down. He knew full well what their plans were, and he told us exactly what they were going to do. He wrote executive orders before he left office and they've all been caught in a trap of their own making as I have said many times just like in the book of Esther with Haman being hung on his own gallows. Also, even with the stealing not everyone made it back in. We took the House and got rid of Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney, and countless others who never thought they'd lose their seat. Our Country is redder today than ever in history, but so far, they've been able to hide the truth. Once the truth comes out, we will see the true red wave that was prophesied. God sees the end from the beginning. If God says there was a red wave, there was a red wave. Why, because He already saw it. Now we must look beyond the natural and see what He sees.
  • This financial crash/crisis will not work either. Do not fear this. No one feels comfortable if they don't have money in the bank or can't run and buy something they need, but God has said by others and Julie Green that it will be short-lived. Be prepared with water, canned food, and TP and you will be fine.

The Lord has stepped in over and over to keep the masses from dying. Are people dying? Yes, but again I need to say that God protects His own so if a born-again believer dies, they go to heaven, right? There is nothing to fear then. Now we have to assume that those who are dying and aren't saved have made that choice. Stop looking at every single disaster and asking where God is. He is there. He never leaves us or forsakes us. He will give His angels charge over you and if you drink any deadly thing it will not hurt you. You have to believe it for yourself. Remember 

Job 3:25 says For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me. So, Job has taught us that we cannot allow fear to rule us because what we expect will come upon us.

I expect God's goodness, blessings, abundance, favor, peace, healing, and so on and so I know that it is coming to me. In the natural, it does not look like it. We've been in lockdown for years it feels like. Covid, social distancing, sicknesses, and now bed bugs have kept us away from everyone. In order to visit my mother I go sit in her front porch and talk through a window because I refuse to give these bugs to her. My sister moved to Arkansas a year ago and I have seen her all of 3 or 4 times, but I still believe that God is going to do miraculous things for us and our kids and all the people that we pray for including this e-mail list. As I shared however with my friend Leisa you must be positioned for it. If you are a doom and gloom, God never does a thing for you, and you don't see Him doing anything type person then that is what you will get. Hope for the best, pray, make confessions of His word and what you'd like to see in your life, and don't allow yourself to expect the worst. We've had a tough couple of years. All of us have, but God is working. I can see it and I know that you can see it too. 

When I recently heard Timothy Dixon's dream about the grandfather clock in the middle of the street on Time Square and the clock stopped working, I knew God was saying more than Timothy was getting out of it. I was reminded of 2 Biblical stories.

  1. The first is found in Joshua 10:13 “Sun, stand still over Gibeon; And Moon, in the Valley of Aijalon.” So, the sun stood still, And the moon stopped, Till the people had revenge Upon their enemies. So, the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day.

Isn't this where we are right now? God says vengeance is His. He does not expect us to take vengeance for the things we've been through, but what He has planned will be seen by all and we will see His vengeance on the people who have been trying to depopulate our planet and arrogantly think they are superior, and we are nothing more than trash they can throw away whenever they desire. However, the sun standing still is amazing. Something that we have never experienced right? But that doesn't mean we won't. 

  1. Then we have another story in Isaiah 38:8 Behold, I will bring the shadow on the sundial, which has gone down with the sun on the sundial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward.” So, the sun returned ten degrees on the dial by which it had gone down.

Again, we find that God who is out of time because He created time can do anything He wants to do. We put God in a box. We get into our own minds and think He won't do this, or He can't do that, but God can literally stop time or turn time back. Get ready everyone because I believe God is going to do something that is going to blow our minds. He is after all our GRAND FATHER like the clock in the road at Time Square that Timothy saw only days ago. 

I went even further. Sorry, couldn't help myself, but if you go to 4609 in the Hebrew Concordance, degrees doesn't necessarily mean what you think it does. It sounds at face value like God turned back time, but no. That isn't all He did. The word is actually ma alah and it means elevation, a journey to a higher place, a thought arising, a step or grade mark, climactic progression, and things that come up. Wow! So, God is not taking us back in time as in backward, but He is calling us up higher, asking us to arise to a new elevation and taking us on a new journey.

Isaiah 43:19 Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

In closing, I will say, 'mark my words'. I am not prophesying this. This is not a Thus saith the Lord. I am simply sharing with you what I believe part of the standstill will entail. For some, it will be difficult. We've been told electricity might go out. Speak to it, I say. We've been told our internet will go out and cell phones may as well, to try to cut off all communication. Speak to it, I say. But we've also had a dream from Barry Wunch in Canada to give us a light at the end of the tunnel. Barry said this dream was about the US and not Canada although he resides in Canada. He said that he was standing in front of a monitor of the US Electrical Grid and that he saw the lights going off in entire states, state by state until it was all darkened as they were being shut down. Although he couldn't really tell how long it was, he didn't feel it was for a great length of time. Silence and darkness were all around and then it came. Even faster than the grid went down all at once everyone's Emergency Broadcast systems went off on their phones, televisions etc... and on the other end breaking the ominous silence he heard the voice of President Donald J. Trump saying, "It's all over' and then going on to explain what had happened in the silence. I can barely type that part without crying because I look so forward to that day. 

Have faith friends. God is doing a marvelous work, and Trump is simply working behind the scenes. It isn't over until we hear DJT say 'It's all over'. If you are wondering why I sent this out and didn't simply post it on my blog it is because my e-mail list has been cut down and I really feel you guys need to read this, but I've noticed that even though I am announcing when I do a blog not many are going to read them since my first one. I feel this is important or I wouldn't be sending it this way.

Sheryl L. York


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