You Will Recover All


You Will Recover All...

For over a year now I have known by the Spirit that what is coming is glorious. I understand that by all appearances and the things that we see in the natural, it DEFINITELY does not look that way. While many are feeling down and depressed and that all is lost, I find myself joyful and excited and looking forward to not only what the Lord is doing, but also what He plans to do which we can see if we truly dig into His word and accept that He still speaks today through His servants the Prophets. He has clearly told us about the days we are living in, but man got it wrong and taught fear, doom and gloom, and escapism.

Let's look again at a few scriptures that we have simply brushed aside rather than taught and taken seriously.

 God’s Spirit Poured Out...

Joel 2:28-29 
“And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions. And also, on My menservants and on My maidservants, I will pour out My Spirit in those days.

Numbers 23:19 
God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?

Some will say, but Sheryl that is Old Testament. Yes, I agree but there are prophecies in the Bible that have yet to come to pass and actually the very same thing is said in the book of Acts which is the New Testament.

Acts 2:17 ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.

So, the word tells us that God said this two times. It was so important that He repeated it to us. If we just look at the scriptures above, we can clearly see that God does not lie. Unlike us, He doesn't just flippantly say things. When God speaks His word does not come back to Him void.

Isaiah 55:11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

Not only have the Prophets like Julie Green, Hank Kunneman, Amanda Grace, and many more told us that this is not a time for the Rapture of the church but God says in Joel 2:28-29 that He will pour out His spirit on all flesh. In your years alive have you ever seen this happen? Even with past revivals that America and other nations have experienced has God's Spirit ever been poured out on ALL flesh? Have you ever seen your sons and daughters prophesying? 

The answer is no because it hasn't happened yet. It is something that we are still waiting to see and the time we are living in right now is that time. The time that Joel prophesied when the former rain and the latter rain would come together. We are literally living in days when the prophecies of Joel are being fulfilled. How awesome and amazing is that?

Have you ever seen the fulfillment of the wealth transfer spoken about several times in the word of God? 

Proverbs 13:22 A good man shall leave an inheritance to his children’s children, and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.

Proverbs 28:8 Whoever increases wealth by taking interest or profit from the poor amasses it for another, who will be kind to the poor.

Ecclesiastes 2:26 To the person who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God.

No, this has also never happened in history. God also spoke about the wealth transfer several times but we've yet to see it. So, to those who don't believe it, you are basically saying you believe only parts of God's word or certain scriptures. The Bible is the inspired word of God. Jesus was the word.

John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

Jesus was the word that became flesh and dwelt among us. He is truth. The entire inspired word of God is truth. Just like in the days of Pharaoh our government and the Deep State slowly but surely began killing, stealing, and destroying the church. The poor got poorer while the evil ones got wealthier and wealthier. In Pharaoh's day, they could probably see that they had become slaves. In our day we had the delusion that we were not slaves. Making our own decisions, our own way, and our own money, but that isn't the truth. The truth is we are in bondage, and they are controlling almost every aspect of our lives in the world. The time we are living in now got out of hand. Trump won in 2016 and in short order destroyed what they had been doing to set us up for over 100 years. Now they are making up for lost time by tearing everything down and killing millions so that they can have their way, their disgusting lifestyle, our money, our children, and the world for themselves.

The First Exodus...

In the Exodus, the children of Israel were poor and yet when they left Egypt they left with the silver, gold, and jewels of all of their neighbors. They left Egypt wealthy. God restored the wealth He always intended for them to have that they had lost or abdicated through time under a wicked Pharaoh-Ruler. They did not go to Egypt broke, busted, and disgusted but became slaves afterward. Pharaoh took everything from them. In the end, God took everything from Pharaoh.

Exodus 12:36-36 Now the children of Israel had done according to the word of Moses, and they had asked from the Egyptians articles of silver, articles of gold, and clothing. And the Lord had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians so that they granted them what they requested. Thus, they plundered the Egyptians.

Mordecai Becomes Prince of Persia...

In the book of Esther, Haman cooks up a plot to have all the Jews killed. We know the story. Esther in fear that she could be killed goes before her husband the King at her uncles' request and tells the King of Haman's evil plot to annihilate the Jewish people. The gallows have literally already been built for Uncle Mordecai and the date has been set for him to hang first but it is Haman who ends up hanging on his own gallows. The Jewish people are saved, and Mordecai is lifted up to 2nd in command with only the King above him. Esther is given Haman's house to do whatever she wants with it and Mordecai is dressed in Royal Raiment and wearing the King's signet ring with a new title 'The Prince of Persia'. 

Esther 10:3 For Mordecai the Jew became second-in-command to King Ahasuerus, and he was highly revered among the Jews because he worked for the prosperity of his people and was an advocate for their well-being.

So, in this Biblical account as well, we find God waiting until the very last minute while using His people (Esther and Mordecai) to stand up, speak up, and in the face of great fear trust His love for them believing that He will turn things around. It also tells us that Mordecai worked for the prosperity of his people. God is always about the well-being and prosperity of His people. When God gets involved and turns things around His people get blessed, favored, and become prosperous.

David’s Conflict with the Amalekites...

In 1 Samuel 30, we find yet another account of God's people being blessed beyond what they had before, but this too came with great darkness and a huge trial that literally had David's mighty men wanting to stone him. The story in this account is found in 1 Samuel 30 if you'd like to read it for yourself. David and his men are away from the city of Ziklag where they resided. We are talking about a good 600 men. The Amalekites come in like a thief in the night and take everyone young and old including all the men's wives and their children and then they burned down the entire city leaving nothing behind. You can imagine the tears and distress as the Bible says that all the men cried until they couldn't cry anymore. This one scripture below is absolutely one of my favorites because it is so hard for any of us to do when we are hurt, sad, or even distressed; yet it turned EVERYTHING around for David and his mighty men.  

1 Samuel 30:6b But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.

This is after he lost everything of his as well. This is after he heard the cries of his men for their families being gone and they could have been dead, raped, or whatever. They held David to blame as he was their Leader and they had followed him out of the City believing their families would be safe. 

So often we just fall to tears and give up rather than realize that God did not do this. God did not abduct their wives and children. God did not burn down their city. An enemy got in and did all of that and now David knew something we all need to take to heart. You must get back up and TAKE BACK WHAT THE ENEMY STOLE. He isn't just going to bring it back. God gave us the authority to take it back. 

So, David goes before the Lord and asks him if he should pursue. Why would David do this? Why wouldn't he just go after them on his own? Because David knew something that many don't. If God is with you (like when he took down Goliath) it's a done deal, but if for any reason God was not in something it will fail or fall apart. God tells David...

1 Samuel 30:8b And He answered him, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.

Then David and his mighty men pull themselves together and go after their wives, children, and all their belongings. He takes about 400 men with him and leaves 200 behind resting because they are simply too exhausted to fight another day. So, David just happens (right!) upon a man that was at Ziklag and saw all that happened, and the man is willing because he has been abandoned by the Amalekites to tell David where they went and where they took everyone and everything that was stolen. In a fight that the Bible tells us was from twilight until the evening of the next day David recovered everything and more.

1 Samuel 30:18-20 So David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away, and David rescued his two wives. And nothing of theirs was lacking, either small or great, sons or daughters, spoil or anything which they had taken from them; David recovered all. Then David took all the flocks and herds they had driven before those other livestock, and said, “This is David’s spoil.”

Not only did David recover all, but he ended up taking the spoils of the Amalekites for what they had done to their families and their city. This whole horrible incident was turned around and they got all their families back, all their stuff back, and went home with even more.

I felt to write this to you today because you have been receiving my e-mails for quite some time now and it is important to me that you understand that you must set yourself up to receive this. You have read God's words through Julie Green just as I have, and God has several times now said that those who DO NOT BELIEVE will not receive. If you are sitting around in unbelief, you will receive exactly what you are believing for. You will see it happen or take place for others, but why not believe for something greater than you've ever experienced in your life? Like me, you have seen the prophecies being fulfilled. You have the same opportunity I have had to put my faith in God and believe what the prophets are saying. 

Everyone has the same opportunity. Everyone has been given free will. Everyone will have to make up their own minds, but my prayer for you is that you move beyond your own mind which is limited and finite, and that you tap into our Fathers whose ways are not our ways and whose thoughts are not our thoughts. God wants His children to recover all, but He isn't the lottery. He is your Father and He wants to bless you but He can't make you love Him and He won't make you believe Him.


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