That Which Has Been Will Be Again - Blog

I found something in one of Julie's words from January 2022 that I feel to share with you if I haven't already.

Julie Green
January 16, 2022

I will not stand by and watch My world be taken over by Luciferian worshippers wanting to destroy humanity, just like they tried in the days of Noah, by changing the DNA of mankind. They want to destroy My bloodline that I created for humanity. No, they will not have their way. They want to manipulate the bloodline to the point that it is satan's bloodline and his heritage. No, that is a joke because he cannot create anything. He is a fallen being. So, he is using humans to design things to destroy what I have created. He wants to stop My Glory from filling this Earth, but that is never going to happen.

I often mention Noah in my blogs for a reason. What many Christians are missing is that God doesn't just destroy mankind because of sin. He already took care of that by sending his son. Sin, perversion, and the like are not the real reason God gets involved. He gets involved when mankind turns against Him and excludes Him. He gets involved when Satan is able through weak-minded people to work to destroy or change mankind. Our enemies want to change our DNA as God said in the word above. There have been people who have not believed me but today I still stand. You cannot go along with the world and believe that you are doing what God expects of you. DO NOT FEAR! Fear is what our enemy uses to kill, steal and destroy us. DO NOT FEAR in some form is in the Bible at least 365 times. Isn't that interesting? You could say Do Not Fear once for every day of the year. I'm sure He planned it that way.

How did this happen in Noah's day? Let's look at Genesis 6...

The Wickedness and Judgment of Man

Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.

And the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive[a] with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” There were [b]giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

Then [c]the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent[d] of the thoughts of his heart was only evil [e]continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. So the Lord said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.” But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

This is where we got the Nephilim hybrid giants. Something was created that was not to be. We can argue that the sons of men were Angels of God but that could not be true as God's holy Angels would not do something like this. Many have studied and taught on this through the years so I will not go into it because I would simply be giving you, my opinion. My point of sharing it is more to help you understand why God is stepping in right now at this time in history. Why not before? The answer I believe is that the Globalists have a depopulation agenda as well as a change mankind agenda. It is to take us back to only having 500 million on earth and we have over 8 billion, so they have some serious work to do. They have created robots to take us into the age of AI (Artificial Intelligence), but not only robotic things as much as robots with literal DNA that they have manipulated. They are continuously working on cloning, and we know for a fact that part of their plan was to force vaccinate the world and put mRNA into our bodies which within 5 years would have changed our DNA and for some would have killed them through health issues, heart attacks, and strokes just to name a few. 

Thankfully God woke us up and now we know the truth that the vaccines were never for Covid at all. The truth is pouring out and no one has ever answered the question of why Bill Gates has a patent on microchipping. Have a look at Microsoft’s US patent #w o2020 060606: digital currency system using body activating data. This would have not only automatically given us updated vaccinations but also controlled our money. This truly is the mark of the beast and has already been started in other countries as I've shared before. What are the chances with all the patents that Bill Gates would have 60606 in it? Even I drop the 0's when I am doing research on numbers. You cannot make this stuff up.

It is my hope that you understand why this is happening. How far we have come with the evil in our world and the agenda to kill you, your kids, and your grandkids. This is not just corruption; this is pure evil, and God is longsuffering, but He is not all suffering. When He looks down and sees that evil and wickedness is not only hurting the children and His people but is trying to change mankind into something AI or evil that will turn against Him and no longer have His DNA He has a problem with that.

Let's look for a minute at why He chose Noah...

Noah Pleases God

This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, [f]perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God. 10 And Noah begot three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. 12 So God looked upon the earth, and indeed it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.

It sounds like our world today. Filled with violence and corruption. Noah however was found as perfect in his generations. Not perfect as a man. Man cannot be perfected without God. Noah like others had to sacrifice animals for his sins and the sins of his family. Jesus had not come and died for our sin at that time, but Noah was still perfect because he had pure blood. The blood of the generations from which he came from. Noah has Enoch and Methuselah in his family line. Enoch, we remember as one who walked with God and then he was not, for God took him (Genesis 5:24). Like the Prophet Elijah, Enoch never died. He was taken to Heaven by God Himself.

I did not plan to take up much of your time on this because I know your interest is prophecy fulfilled but just about anything I talk about can become a blog or sermon... lol However, it is important to me that you understand why all of this is happening right now. Everything that is happening is a prophecy being fulfilled all over again. It's the word of God coming to pass in your lifetime. God is coming to save us so that we will have pure blood. He has been intervening so that they cannot completely take over and change the DNA of the human race that He created. Now I am not saying those who took the vaccine don't have pure blood so before anyone takes my words and feels condemned that is never my purpose. If you took the vaccine and then found out the truth and repented to the Lord for taking it, He forgives you and we have had countless prophecies that He will heal you and get it out of you. Don't take what I am saying wrong. It is a circumcision of the heart. 

Ask yourself these questions. Am I working toward walking with God in a close relationship like Enoch did? Can God use me and my family to start over in the new world He is creating? Believing His prophetic words that speak about my health, wellness, financial blessing, and hope for a greater future? When God speaks do, I really hear Him, or do I simply ignore what He has said to me? If He called on me to do something as difficult as Noah that might bring persecution and rejection, would I still do it or am I ruled by a fear of man rather than having a healthy fear of the Lord?

We must stand up church. We must speak His words and call forth what we know our Father wants and desires for us. We cannot just sit back in silence and allow the enemy to transform this entire nation and all of mankind. If we are not speaking forth what He has asked us to we are not waling in the power and authority that God has given to us. God created the world with words. He is in us and expects us to do the same. Make it a daily habit. You spend hours watching tv. STOP! Turn it off and spend time with Him. Make declarations, worship, and get into the word.

Why is it so important? Because if you don't learn to love Him and be grateful now for what He is doing for you then you may find yourself in the new world completely disconnected from the things of the Lord. The new world will be COMPLETELY different. Systems are failing and God will replace them. Not with the old type, but with new ones that He always intended. Finances will be different; health care will be different to the point where Hospitals will close up and God will shut down all Doctors who are not willing to go His way and treat the people without all the poisonous drugs. Schools will change and prayer and the Bible will be taught in school again. Governments will change and Leaders in high positions will call upon God's people and prophets for advice rather than listening to the wicked and evil people who have led us thus far. You really must prepare your heart and your mind. Your spirit is ready and willing, but the rest of you may be having a hard time seeing it.

And I will share one last scripture which I believe also helps us to see where we are today and what we are facing...

Ecclesiastes 3:15
15 That which is now already has been, and that which is to be already has been and God

 seeks that which has passed by [so that history repeats itself].

History is repeating itself dear ones. We don't always understand that God has been through this over and over throughout history. He has saved His people over and over. If you can learn to trust Him and comprehend His love for His creation you will not fear anything that is still to come because you rest in the fact that God, has you, He loves you, and is protecting you. The things that you will see and hear in the days still to come are to take them down not to hurt you or your family. So, stand today and see the salvation of the Lord.

This is not THE END. It is THEIR END.

Sheryl York


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