Shout Restore - Prophecy

It is time My children and again I say it is time. Do not fear the things to come but stand and see the salvation of your God, for even while I Am shaking Heaven and earth, My chosen ones will not be shaken. You have stayed close to Me, and you now find yourself laughing when you hear or read anything that is adverse. Why is this My child? It is because you have been prepared. It is My child because you have listened, and you have learned of Me. You have grown and you now have no fear of things to come. For I have warned you time and time again that things would appear worse, and, in many situations, they do but I have promised that I would restore the years that the cankerworm and the palmerworm have eaten and so I shall.

Remember My children that I have told you that this is not the end, but it is their end. Whose end Lord? It is the end of the Globalists who have been used by that old serpent the devil to kill, steal and destroy for countless years now right under your noses. This is not a 6-year thing or even a 60-year thing. No, for My church and My people were deceived and forced into outer darkness. They were put to sleep by medications they should have never been taking. They've given over their lives, finances, and even their minds but through the remnant that has been calling upon My name I have been able to gain entrance into this world again, and as My word so clearly states 'If My people who are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, I will hear from Heaven and heal their land' and that My children is what you're Father, the Great I Am is doing even now.

You My children have been waiting on the appointed time and I know that it has been hard as many of you battled in your minds with whether I was really doing anything but clearly after a little while you could see My hand at work as the house of cards around the Globalists, the blue and even many in the red is falling daily. The very things that have been hidden from you for over a century are even now coming crashing down. Putting aside your either love or hatred for My son Donald Trump, I need you to know My children that he is a man. Just as Moses was a man. Just as Joshua was a man. Just as the prophets of old and the disciples of the New Testament were men. It is not Donald Trump that is saving this nation nor the world. It is I, your Father. The God of Heaven and Earth and yes, the Great I Am.

For I have always used men and women upon this earth to bring about My plans and My purposes yet just as I told Abraham that his people would be in bondage for 400 years, I already had a plan with Moses, and so have I spoken in My word of the very day you are living in now. This has not come upon Me as a surprise. No, I told you the truth long ago in My word. See the Gospel of Mark chapter 13 and even Matthew 24.

Matthew 24: 6-8

And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not frightened or troubled, for this must take place, but the end is not yet.

For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in place after place;

All this is but the beginning [the early pains] of the [c]birth pangs [of the [d]intolerable anguish].

Yes, I have already warned My body that even with all that you see today it is not yet the end. This My children is only the beginning, but for those who are Mine, for those who are close to Me and for those who trust that they are living in Goshen, I will cover you with My wings and give My angels charge over you. I will protect you from the terror of the night and from the arrow by day. Do as My children did in Goshen and plea the blood over your doorposts My children. Anoint your doors and windows and I promise you that the death angel that is even now moving across your land and removing those that Satan has been able to turn against Me and Mine from this earth whose thoughts and plans are always evil toward you and those standing against Me says the Lord.

The glory is here, and the glory is now. My covering is here My children, and My presence can not only be felt but also seen. Reach out My children. Lift up your arms for the glory is already there for the taking. Your health will be restored. Your wealth will be restored. Your relationships will be restored and even flourish in this new season. 

Then the Lord reminded me of this scripture in Isaiah 42 which says, 

Isaiah 42:22 

22 But this is a people robbed and plundered;
All of them are snared in holes,
And they are hidden in prison houses.
They are for prey, and no one delivers.
For plunder, and no one says, “Restore!”

23 Who among you will give ear to this?
Who will listen and hear for the time to come?

So, say restore My children. Yes, shout restore for your time of bondage is coming to an end, but many of you still don't understand that you hold the restoration of all the enemy has stolen from you in your mouth. For have I not already said that death and life are in the power of your tongue. Learn My ways. Lean not on your own understanding because I need you to speak to the dead and dry things in your life My children. Get into My word. 

He then said, tell them to read Ezekiel 37 and speak to those things in your life that are dead and dry. 

Speak to your marriage and tell it to come back to life. Speak to your relationships and say dry bones live. Speak to your health and call forth you're healing and the wholeness that I have taken those stripes on My back for you to walk in. Speak to your finances and shout restore what the devil has stolen from you. For in My word, I say that once the thief has been caught, he must restore seven times what he has stolen from you, My children. My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge and that lack comes from their unwillingness to open My mouth (the Word) and learn of Me. 

Choose you this day who you will serve My child. If Baal serve Baal but if Jesus turn away from the life you have lived void of power and glory because it is I who formed you and knew you in your mother's womb and it is I who separated you and called you to the nations. No longer allow the enemy to steal from you even one more minute or one more day. Has he not deceived you long enough? Has he not already stolen enough from you? Has he not attempted time and time again to destroy you, My child? For I have said in My word that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing and My heart for you has always been that you would choose life and blessing. For I came to give you life and that more abundantly and that is still My plan for you, but you must learn of Me and partner with Me by speaking life, says the Lord.

In His Love & Mine,
Sheryl L. York

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