'Oh Snap'...

The Exodus was not just about overthrowing a Pharoah. If we still to this day believe it was about one man (a human being made by God of the dust of the earth) who was holding God's people hostage, we are missing the point of the Exodus I believe and will miss it today with what we are all experiencing now as well. If it were only about one man or a Pharaoh God would have done it in an instant. No, the Exodus deliverance is about more than humans being used by a very real enemy. This is about something even more evil than most seem to understand or realize. God has been calling us up higher. What do I mean by that? I believe He is requiring us to move past simply going to church on a Sunday or picking up our Bible on occasion and wanting us to go deeper with Him to find out what He was saying to those He was speaking to back then, but also what He is saying to us today. There are many hidden things in the word of God, and I often share a scripture in Proverbs to help you understand our Father in Heaven.

Proverbs 25:2 -  It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.

So then God purposely hides things because He wants us to search out the matter or we could say, search Him out. 

So, what was the God of Israel doing in what may have been the yearlong trials that the Egyptians faced before the Exodus? Well, first let me say that although it is clear that the Israelites experienced a few hardships as Pharaoh became angry at the Lord's requests to let His people go and it is true that he did make their work harder for them but one thing many miss is that the Israelites DID NOT experience the plagues that the Egyptians did. God protected His people in Goshen a Town in the Mountains of Judah which I was surprised to find is between Gaza and Gibeon. What are we hearing about in our news even today? Gaza, which was given by God to the Israelite people yet has constantly been under some form of attack with countless attempts at taking it away from them.

We've all read the story over and over haven't we? In fact, sometimes it seems as though there couldn't possibly be anything left to learn but that simply isn't true. If one reads the Bible without the Spirit, it can seem like words on paper but once you add the Holy Spirit the words jump off the page at you. All of a sudden, you've never seen a word before or how something is phrased, and you want to look it up. That is what happened to me several years back when I heard Dutch Sheets sharing that Baal Zephon was considered a god. He went into detail about how each plague that God brought upon the Egyptians was actually to prove to them that the God of Moses and the Israelites was the one true God and that all the gods that they served and worshipped were meaningless and could not help or save them. We so quickly read through things that there can be things that we miss. An example would be in Exodus 7.

Exodus 7:8-12 - Then the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying, “When Pharaoh speaks to you, saying, ‘Show a miracle for yourselves,’ then you shall say to Aaron, ‘Take your rod and cast it before Pharaoh, and let it become a serpent.’ ” 10 So Moses and Aaron went into Pharaoh, and they did so, just as the Lord commanded. And Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and before his servants, and it became a serpent.

11 But Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers; so the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments. 12 For every man threw down his rod, and they became serpents. But Aaron’s rod swallowed up their rods.

By all appearances it looks like Moses has been humiliated. Why were the sorcerers able to do the same? I think even though the next scripture I am sharing is a New Testament one it is clear that satan is able to deceive.

2 Corinthians 11:14 -  For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.

It takes spiritual discernment to see the truth that is right before you which is why we are in the position we are in today in our world. The enemy got in and instead of being taught the truth satan got in and made his ways and thoughts look like light when they were literally creating a wide path of darkness and destruction. The part that most people get caught up on is the 'why the sorcerers were able to do the same', rather than reading it in its entirety and rejoicing in the fact that Aaron's rod swallowed all the other rods and/or serpents. This I believe was a foreshadowing of all that would come after. Pharaoh had no idea that day that Aaron's serpent/rod swallowing up all the others was a prophetic picture of what was to come. God Wins!

A Rock and a Hard Place...

The basic Exodus story is that Abraham was told the children of Israel would go into bondage for more than four hundred years, but God did not forget them and came to deliver His people who started out a blessed nation and ended up penniless slaves through time and tyranny. Sounds familiar to our day, doesn't it? The reason that I mentioned above that it may have been a yearlong trial is because each plague took time because Pharaoh would not willingly let God's people go. Finally, after going through 10 horrible plagues that didn't only affect the Egyptians but also Pharaoh himself as in the end he lost his first born son, he lets God's people go only to decide he shouldn't have and chases after them thinking he has them cornered because they are up against the Red Sea where it appears to Pharaoh they have hemmed themselves in because in the natural they had no place to go and he is certain he's going to capture them and take them back. But this final standoff was bigger than Pharaoh ever imagined. The people back then were no different than the people of today. Either man makes of himself a god, or he chooses other gods over his true Creator. Entering the story here we find ourselves stuck between a rock and a hard place... lol Maybe that is where the saying comes from.

Exodus 14:2 -“Tell the Israelites to turn back and encamp near Pi Hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea. They are to encamp by the sea, directly opposite Baal Zephon.

I've often said God speaks through everything. He speaks through numbers, dreams, visions, prophecy, names, nature, weather and more, but His word is living and that is why through the Spirit and often times some research we can find so many new facets or nuances in the word daily and some that are mind-blowing as Baal Zephon was for me. Taken at face value Baal Zephon is the name of a place, or is it? Just like the scripture reference above we must be willing to search it out.

God was not just trying to deliver His people or show them that He was higher than Pharaoh (a man). His plans were actually much greater. As I mentioned previously, he was actually showing them through the many plagues that He was the only true God and that the other gods that the Egyptians worshipped were nothing in His sight. They were puny gods, and He would not only use Pharaoh and his men and chariots to show His people who He really was to and for them (their protector, provider and healer) but also to prove to His people that false gods could never keep Him from them. There was no god above Him and the Red Sea although FANTASTIC was not just about taking out all of Pharaohs men and chariots never to come after His people again but was also to show His people Israel that one of the final gods that Pharoah and the Egyptians worshipped could never keep them.

Puny god...

Baal Zephon which I highlighted in the Exodus scripture above was considered a god. It sounds ridiculous but we must remember that man has always created gods to worship. In another Exodus story we also find the Israelites melting down gold and creating a golden calf to worship while Moses was literally on the Mountain getting the 10 Commandments from the God who had just delivered them. Baal-Zephon was the name for the Canaanite storm god and Baal is his role as lord of Mount Zaphon or "Lord of the North" in Hebrew.

Britannica says: Baal was a Semitic god of life, rain, and fertility, worshipped by many ancient Middle Eastern communities, especially among the Canaanites. He was also king of the gods and a rival of Yamm, the sea god. 

If we go back just a little further, we find that the Lord told Moses to tell the Israelites where to camp. He even told Moses that Pharaoh would think they were bewildered, or the land has closed in on them, but this wasn't the case at all. It was God planned and it was God who directed them to that specific location. Let's look at Exodus 14 again.

Exodus 14:1-4 - Now the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: “Speak to the children of Israel, that they turn and camp before Pi Hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, opposite Baal Zephon; you shall camp before it by the sea. For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, ‘They are bewildered by the land; the wilderness has closed them in.’ Then I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, so that he will pursue them; and I will gain honor over Pharaoh and over all his army, that the Egyptians may know that I am the Lord.” And they did so.

It is important to remember that God specifically said opposite of Baal Zephon because He wanted them to look hemmed in with nowhere to go. God knew that the children of Israel had watched as the Egyptians worshipped their puny gods, and He wanted them to watch and see what He was going to do not only to deliver them from Pharaoh & his Army but also to watch Him prove that Baal Zephon (a symbol or natural monument to one of their gods) which was right in front of them could do NOTHING to save Pharaoh or the Egyptians. The one true and living God would deliver His people while wiping out all of the evil ones who had held them in bondage for so long at once. The truth is we have seen quite a shake up in the last few years, but it's barely been a trickle compared to what God has planned to save His children this time.


Were there reasons to fear? Of course, there were. Here they'd finally been released and traveled so far and now here they were trapped at the Red Sea with nowhere else to go. The next thing they did should be a message to us today. They saw Pharaoh and his six hundred chariots coming and they became so terrified that they began complaining to Moses and even blaming him for bringing them out there in the first place. PLEASE be careful with the things you are going through today. The truth is you are even now a part of a Greater Exodus and where you end up will be determined by your own beliefs and your own mouth. Do not whine and complain as the Israelites did. I believe God gave us His word and these stories to teach us not only who He was and is but also to show us what not to do or how not to act. Let's be mindful that the children of Israel although delivered in a mighty way wandered around in the desert for 40 years not entering the promised land. I've often said 'imagine God taking care of you for 14,600 days. Feeding you, keeping you dressed, your sandals never wore out or anything and yet you could never believe that He could take care of you, feed you, keep you dressed or keep you in shoes. He proved He could for 40 years. Not 40 days. 40 years and they grumbled all the way. Sadly, it isn't until Moses dies that Joshua finally takes the younger generations into the promised land. 

I know many of you are going through a lot right now, but God is looking for a remnant who trusts and believes in Him and knows He is the God of the impossible. There is something here that is often missed. They were never out of God's protection. In Exodus 14 verse 19-20 we read...

19 And the Angel of God, who went before the camp of Israel, moved and went behind them; and the pillar of cloud went from before them and stood behind them. 20 So it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel. Thus it was a cloud and darkness to the one, and it gave light by night to the other, so that the one did not come near the other all that night.

God immediately put protection behind them by having the Angel of God move behind them and then the pillar of cloud go behind them as well. The Israelites had light and protection while they were crossing through on dry ground which took all night long. Pharaoh and his men only saw darkness and clouds until God's people were almost through the Red Sea and then the trap was set. Pharaoh, probably in his pride and arrogance thought Baal Zephon had made a way for him to get God's people back, but Baal Zephon was able to do NOTHING. Pharaoh and his men and all their chariots went in after them and as soon as the last sandal of the Israelites gets to the other side, God has Moses call the waters back together.

Exodus 14:28-30 -  28 Then the waters returned and covered the chariots, the horsemen, and all the army of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them. Not so much as one of them remained. 29 But the children of Israel had walked on dry land in the midst of the sea, and the waters were a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.

30 So the Lord saved Israel that day out of the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore. 31 Thus Israel saw the great work which the Lord had done in Egypt; so, the people feared the Lord, and believed the Lord and His servant Moses.

The Evil One's You See Today You Will See No More...

This is what God is doing for us right now. We are part of a greater Exodus and just like the Exodus lead by Moses we will see the same deliverance. The evil ones will continue to follow after us and many will fear them, but God has been speaking to us for years now and has asked us countless times through the word of God and through the prophets 'not to fear' or to 'fear not'. Either way He has gone above and beyond to make sure that we know what is coming and what we will see. He has told us of the body count that we will see of those who tried to keep us in bondage. Isn't that what the Israelites saw not only with the 10th plague which was the death of ALL the first-born sons but also when they continued to pursue them and ended up right smack dab in the middle of that Red Sea and the Israelites got to see the waters come back together after they'd gotten through safely at the hand of their Mighty God. I absolutely love Exodus 14:13...

Exodus 14:13 -  And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever.

This too has been prophesied for us today. There will actually come a day when we don't ever have to see Dr. Fauci, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Adam Schiff, Bill Gates, George Soros and so many others ever again. They will not only be charged with either Treason or crimes against humanity, but they will go through Tribunals and be sentenced harshly for the things that they did in our nation and against its people but also for other countries as well. A few years ago, it was hard to even believe it was possible but how often do you see Nancy Pelosi now? Is McCarthy out finally? We've had over 30 Congress people and Senator's step aside in only the last two months. How many has it been since 2020? Where are all the News Anchors that lied and helped steal the election now? What has happened to the Legacy Media? CNN who had a corner on the market in News and even had all the Airports to use as Propaganda machines has lost any respect they ever had, and they are on the brink of bankruptcy. Corporations are crashing. Stores are closing and truth is being revealed. Companies that were greatly respected are being exposed and being destroyed by their own Woke Agenda (i.e. Disney). Right now, we are watching as colleges are being brought down. Banks have been exposed and are closing at a massive rate because the money was all a lie. Schools are being exposed. The WHO, CDC, FBI, CIA, DOJ, and more have been exposed for exactly who they have been for many years now which is a corrupt bunch of looneys. Even the U.N. is being exposed right now big time for what it is. They are all about getting rid of God and His Jewish people at any cost even celebrating Iran and Hamas while trying to destroy Israel.

Do We Really know The Enormity of the Exodus or Has It Been downplayed?

I love a good Christian movie, but I think Hollywood productions and even people with good intentions have gone overboard to deceive all people by not really studying the word of God well enough to know what really happened or how it should be portrayed. Most of us have seen the portrayal of Moses leading the children of Israel to the Red Sea and Pharaoh and his Army coming after them. But I think they often show a few hundred people or even a few thousand that left Egypt to follow Moses, but that is not what really happened. In Exodus 12 we are given a much bigger picture of the deliverance the Lord brought using His servant, Moses. We are able to multiply all the people that God provided for and protected for 40 years plus. Of course, along the 40-year journey many were added to the Israelite people by having more children too, but do we really comprehend how HUGE this event and all the planning really was? We can make the mistake of turning the one true living God into a puny god if we believe it was only a few people that He delivered or see it as 'not a big deal'. The truth is it was probably over a million people. It was a huge deal.

Exodus 12:37b-38 - about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides children. 38 A mixed multitude went up with them also, and flocks and herds—a great deal of livestock. 

Just like the story told in the Gospels of Jesus multiplying the loaves and fishes and feeding 5000 men, we are tasked with multiplying the numbers because obviously there were also women and children there as well. This event resembles that one in that we are only given the number of men which was about 600,000 and that didn't even include the wives, mothers, and children. The Exodus must have been a sight to behold for sure but try to imagine that many people walking on dry ground through the Red Sea and walls of water on either side of you. Could they see Whales? Could they see Sharks in those walls that the Bible actually tells us were congealed?

Exodus 15:8 -  And with the blast of Your nostrils the waters were gathered together; The floods stood upright like a heap; The depths congealed in the heart of the sea.

Oh Snap...

The waters were literally parted all night long, but the word congealed actually gives us a little more insight into how it might have appeared to those walking through. Congealed means that the fluid became hardened or a solid state like we might see in Jello's or some deserts. Amazing is all I know to say and brilliant but still a little hard to wrap your mind around because in our days on earth we've never seen anything of the sort. For us this is all brand new except that we have God's word showing us who He is and what He has done for His children before. Either way the trap had been set. God knew that Pharaoh would see the Israelites walking through and so the Bible says God hardened Pharaoh's heart. He wanted Pharaoh to do EXACTLY what he did and follow them in. The cloud that looked like darkness on Pharaohs side protected God's people all night long while over six hundred thousand men plus all the women, children and even their flocks and herds got through to the other side. I imagine Pharaoh thought and maybe even prayed to Baal Zephon believing that although all of his other gods had failed him and he'd even lost his first-born son, surely Baal would give him back the Israelites as his slaves. Surely the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was beneath Baal Zephon but once God's children were across and Pharaoh was able to see them walking through on dry ground he was pulled right into that trap until 'SNAP', the trap shut on them all as God told Moses to call the waters back together. 

If you are one who actually believes in God, you must also believe there is a devil. If you are one who believes there are Angels, then surely you acknowledge that there are also demons. There are many spirits in the word of God that we as fleshly beings contend with. Remember we do not wrestle with flesh and blood. 

Ephesians 6:12 -  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

God Always Wins...

In 1 King's the Prophet Elijah took out 450 prophets of Baal. Baal worship is happening right now in America and God is not only taking out the little guy that we see with our eyes, but He and the Angels are bringing down principalities and powers of which Baal is and any other spirit that exalts itself above the knowledge of God. Although our Exodus will look very different, the reality is today God will be saving and delivering millions of people not just thousands. In fact, there is an old prophecy that over a billion souls will meet Jesus in this final harvest and I want to remind us all to 'fear not' and start rejoicing and praising the Lord even now. That is faith. Faith looks into the spiritual realm and sees what God intends always realizing that God Wins! No matter what it looks like.

When you see the wonders that He is doing in your lives, your cities, your states and even your countries right now by bringing the wickedness and evil agendas down rejoice and praise His Holy name because every fall, every collapse, every resignation, every corporation that goes bankrupt, every termination in our schools, colleges and every exposure is for you, your children and your children's children. Praise Him when you see what He is doing to Disney which was a beloved Company that so many trusted for so long but now is being exposed for what it really was created for in the first place. A home for pedophiles and people who put out movies that have indoctrinated generations of our children. Your Father in Heaven knows the needs of His children and He will not stop until every single one of the prophets of Baal are not only completely humiliated as they see that their god has no power at all, but He will make sure they are taken out entirely so that they cannot continue in their deception and propaganda that has attempted to destroy generations of God's people for far longer than you or I have even been on this earth.

And I will close by saying the only thing that is always true is that God Always Wins! We just have to decide which side we are on and be willing to take the consequences of our choices. As the darkness comes many will be shocked at what they are seeing happen around them. As that darkness grows darker it will not only be seen but felt. The Ninth plague is coming but those of us who love the Lord will not have to go through the plagues or the judgment that those who sided with evil will.

Exodus 10:21 -  Then the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, darkness which may even be felt. 

This darkness will give people time to really think about their choices and their mocking of God and His children.  Those who have been willing to destroy relationships thinking they were the ones with all the wisdom. Those who did not listen, and laughed at the prophets will be grieving to know what they have done and what side they found themselves on. A warning here for us too though. You were once asleep and deceived as well so don't be so hard on them when they come back to apologize because I can prophesy it right now. It is coming. God will restore relationships and friendships. He has trained you in this time to be there for others so don't turn them away when they call on you. They may have laughed before but now they know that the light of God is truly in you, and they will be humbled and ready to learn from you when we all get to the other side.

In His love and mine,  
Sheryl L. York   ðŸ•Š️ 


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