
Showing posts from February, 2024


                Eclipse path of totality cuts across 13 U.S. states This map does not show them all so I will post them here. -Nineveh, Texas -Nineveh, Missouri -Nineveh, Indiana -Nineveh, Ohio -Nineveh, Pennsylvania -Nineveh, Virginia -Nineveh, New York The eclipse will also cross over a location named “Nineveh” in the province of  Nova Scotia in Canada. I had been hearing about the coming eclipse that will take place on April 8th but didn't really think much of it until I recently heard that there are 8 cities called Nineveh on its pathway. Wait a minute now! Did I hear that right? Yes, there are 8 Nineveh's. You can't make this stuff up. I light up when you throw Bible names and/or numbers into the mix... lol So not only is this Eclipse happening on the 8th but there are also 8 cities called Nineveh in the pathway. How does that happen? Not by chance, I am sure. I know that nothing is random and that this is yet another proof that God is doing something awesome in our wo


Acts 17:22-23   22  Then Paul stood in the midst of the  Areopagus and said, “Men of Athens, I perceive that in all things   you are very religious ;  23  for as I was passing through and considering the objects of your worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Therefore, the One whom you worship without knowing, Him I proclaim to you: After reading that how many of you know that Paul didn't mean this as a compliment? In the Kingdom of God, ignorance is not bliss. Our world has taught us that God wants us to be religious as if that is somehow a good thing, but the truth is this is absolutely FALSE. In the book of Acts we find that as Paul is traveling and preaching the good news of what the blood of Jesus did for each individual, he finds many cities and people who worship false gods. He calls them RELIGIOUS. This statement should tell us something.   God is not looking for a religious people. In fact, He is looking for sons and daughters. We were ne