Eclipse path of totality cuts across 13 U.S. states

This map does not show them all so I will post them here.

-Nineveh, Texas

-Nineveh, Missouri

-Nineveh, Indiana

-Nineveh, Ohio

-Nineveh, Pennsylvania

-Nineveh, Virginia

-Nineveh, New York

The eclipse will also cross over a location named “Nineveh” in the province of Nova Scotia in Canada.

I had been hearing about the coming eclipse that will take place on April 8th but didn't really think much of it until I recently heard that there are 8 cities called Nineveh on its pathway. Wait a minute now! Did I hear that right? Yes, there are 8 Nineveh's. You can't make this stuff up. I light up when you throw Bible names and/or numbers into the mix... lol So not only is this Eclipse happening on the 8th but there are also 8 cities called Nineveh in the pathway. How does that happen? Not by chance, I am sure. I know that nothing is random and that this is yet another proof that God is doing something awesome in our world today to take back our country. The article that I happened upon says this eclipse is called 'The Great American Eclipse of 2024'. Interesting too that Trump always uses the phrase 'Make America Great Again'.

I quickly texted my sister Michell, and said, it's mind-blowing that there are 8 cities named Nineveh because 8 is the number of 'new beginnings'. Would you call that random? Before I ever read the article after looking a few things up to be sure, I also found that there is a city in the pathway called Jonah. What? Yes, you read that right. God is reminding us of the true story of Jonah and how He sent him to prophecy to Nineveh to warn them that if they didn't repent, they'd be destroyed. The story of Jonah tells us that Jonah did not want to obey God. He did not like the Ninevites and so he wanted God to destroy them, so he ran instead. Jonah's heart can be written about at another time but of course a huge population in our world knows that Jonah had to be thrown overboard of a ship into the sea and was swallowed up by a 'big fish'. [As a side note here the Bible does not say it was a whale although movies often depict Jonah in the belly of a whale. How can we possibly know the fish that were in the sea in Jonah's day?] The story of Jonah can be found quickly by opening up your Bible to the book of Jonah, but we must realize that God loves people and actually doesn't want to destroy them (hence why he sends prophets and calls them to turn back to Him). At that time the Ninevites including the King did repent and their destruction did not come at that time. 

You and I are listening to the prophets. We are getting God's News before the News. He has been warning and speaking to us for years now and thankfully more and more people are waking up and hearing His call back to Him but to those who are still blinded and refuse to see what is happening around us He plans a total eclipse of darkness so that for a time people cannot see, but the darkness will turn to light. He wants us to see. You might be wondering if this is the darkness that God has been telling us about through countless prophets. Honestly, I do not know and am not going to predict, but an eclipse normally lasts from a few seconds to as long as 4 minutes. I also find it quite interesting that this eclipse will be starting in Eagle Pass, Tx. where Governor Abbott and the great state of Texas are fighting for the protection of our country even now. Random? Probably not.

The article says,

As the moon's shadow travels northeast, totality in the U.S. will begin at 1:27 p.m. CDT in Eagle Pass, Texas. From there, the path will cut diagonally across the country before ending around 3:33 p.m. EDT in Lee, Maine, according to nationaleclipse.com.

So here we are again with the numbers. This writer says that the eclipse will start at 1:27 so of course you know that I had to look at the Bible and I immediately found that in Genesis (the beginning) 1:27 the Bible tells us...

Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.


One thing I've been saying for years now that I know was hard to even fathom by many of you is that God is taking us back to the Garden. Is it 
possible? Do we really believe God can turn all of this around? Is it possible that only about 3,000 wealthy people stole our country and put so many terrible things in place that we didn't even realize that 8 billion of us became slaves? Yes, dear ones, it is. What we are living in today is not the world that God created for us to live in, and our wonderful Father in Heaven fully intends to take those who will believe back to Eden. I hope you noted what I just said there. I've said it now countless times. YOU MUST BELIEVE or you will not receive it. If you're not believing for healing, you will get what you believe. NOTHING. Until you do you will remain sick and infirmed. If you're not believing for the WEALTH TRANSFER, you'll get what you are believing for. NOTHING. Until you do, the new financial system might help you in some way, but you won't get the abundance that God wants to pour out. We do not automatically receive as was proven through the children of Israel who took 40 years to get to the Promised Land because they grumbled, complained and made idols to worship and saw miracle after miracle and DID NOT BELEIVE. In the end it was their children that finally stepped into the promised land as the older generation died out but it's not about being old it's about believing God. Joshua and Caleb were older as well and they lead the Israelites in. I DON'T CARE HOW OLD YOU ARE as long as you believe you will receive. 

So, what is God saying using Genesis 1:27? He is telling us that He is our creator no matter what the Cabal, Elites, Dirty Politicians and so forth try to make us believe. He does not want His creation destroyed as they continue to plot and scheme to depopulate His planet and confuse our children with same sex agendas, transgenderism and even using laws and back door meetings to continue abortion which has now been outlawed. And then if that wasn't enough the eclipse ends at 3:33. What do we see in the numbers 333 biblically speaking?

Jeremiah 33:3 ‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.

He is telling us that it is time to call out to Him. Stop right now and consider your ways dear ones. Are you certain that you know the Lord and even more importantly does the Lord know you? I cannot emphasize this enough. This is not a normal day or a normal hour. This is a time like no other where God is intervening in the affairs of man like He did in Noah's day, in the Israelites day, in Egypt using Joseph to save the Nations and His people. This is a time when God is sending His messengers to call us out of Sodom & Gomorrah. People will be saved from what is to come but they must be willing to leave the evil, wickedness, and immorality of the time we are living in and not look back. We are running out of time so again I say if you are not sure that you are born again this is not something to play with. This is a warning from a friend or even family member depending on who is reading this. The things that are happening around us are not just random. Get right with the Lord because Darkness (the eclipse) evil is taking us over and we must choose Him to break through into the light.


At least 3 other cities on the above map should capture your attention as well.  First let me say that the number 3 is symbolic of resurrection. How many times have I told you that America will literally look like it is dead before God resurrects it? What He will do will show every tribe and tongue that man could not save us, but He (the true living God) did. This is one way He will turn the hearts of those who don't know Him to Himself. I was not surprised to see that Jonah was the name of one of the cities in the pathway because I had already mentioned to my sister that God was speaking to us about Jonah. So, for me it was just total confirmation that I was really hearing Him and that He was definitely speaking through this eclipse coming in April when I found the city names in the article. However, there are still 2 other cities to mention. One is 'The Ark' which is yet another 'God is wiping the slate clean and starting over with only a remnant of His people', story and then there is also a city called Rapture. Quite interesting but this is not the rapture dear ones. I have explained that countless times through my blogs. 

Scripturally speaking there are too many prophecies in the word of God that have not yet come to pass and countless scriptures that point to one final harvest of souls before the end. Read Joel 2:28, Ecclesiastes 2:26, Ephesians 5:27, and even Mark 16:15 and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few but none of these are fulfilled or have come to pass yet.  I believe the reason Rapture was included in this pathway is because God is shaking people to their core to wake them up. He is saying are you listening? Can you see what I am doing? DO YOU KNOW HOW CLOSE THE RAPTURE IS? The sad truth is people don't know and quite a number have been so destroyed by religion and secularism that they don't even care. But God wishes that none would perish so in His longsuffering He keeps calling out and showing signs in the Heavenlies (i.e. the eclipse and its pathway). So, adding a city called Rapture speaks of the very serious time we are in right now but let's also look at what the word Rapture means (the word itself is not in the Bible). I looked it up and found this...

The English word 'rapture' derives from the Latin verb 'Rapere,' meaning 'to carry off,' or 'to catch up.' Although the term 'rapture' is not found in the Bible, the theory is based on Scripture.

There are many mysteries in the Bible that we do not understand and that the Lord is opening up and revealing to us even now, but I believe this city name speaks volumes about how bad things have gotten in our world and how close we actually are to 'the rapture' or 'the catching away' of God's people.


If my mind wasn't blown enough, I also found out something else that intertwines with the 8 Nineveh's speaking to us today about God calling us to REPENT and come back to Him because He loved the Ninevites enough to send His prophet at the time which was Jonah to help them turn. Think of Noah's day when the people literally had 100 years watching Noah build that ark to repent and turn back to God and they refused to the point where God finally closed the door, and they were left outside to drown. Was that Noah's fault? No. He tried to tell them. Was that God's fault? No. The way out was being built right before their eyes. God was providing a way, but they chose to ignore it. They had to purposely choose against God in order to be left out.

{Addendum: Please see GOD IS IN THE DETAILS - ECLIPSE 2024 # 2. I did not feel it would be Integris to entirely remove this part of the blog because people had already read it. I made an error and am willing to humble myself and say that I did, but I do not believe the 7 Salem's had to do with witchcraft. Prophet words are established out of the mouth of 2 or 3 and it is very clear now that they are all saying the 7 Salem's meant Shalom or Peace. This is how you grow and learn.}

This is not the first total Eclipse because back in 2017 there was another one but in 2017 the pathway had only 7 of the same cities in it. Let's look at the number 7 first which to me speaks of a time of rest. In Genesis God rested on the 7th day. Interesting that it is also Trumps first year as President since he was voted in November of 2016, and he would have taken office on January 20, 2017. He may not have rested at all because he was such a hard worker but boy if you look at the stress, anxiety, disorder, disfunction, and outright craziness of where we are today, we definitely rested in those early days.  But the number 7 also means completion. 'Completion' stands out to me because it means something has been completed. That is quite different than 8 which is 'new beginnings' which means something new is beginning.

Now let's look at the 7 cities that were in the pathway of The Great American Eclipse of 2017. I am copying the info here from an article that I will post the link to below to make sure the right person gets credit.

It was also known as “the Seven Salem Eclipse” because the path of that eclipse crossed over seven U.S. locations named “Salem”…

-Salem, Oregon

-Salem, Idaho

-Salem, Wyoming

-Salem, Nebraska

-Salem, Missouri

-Salem, Kentucky

-Salem, South Carolina

I think we can look at this two ways. The writer of the article surmises that God used the name Salem because of Jerusalem but I'm not so sure. Maybe he is correct, but because 7 means completion I had another impression immediately when I saw the cities were named Salem. When I think of Salem I think of witchcraft. Witches were burned in Salem. Is it possible that back in 2017 God used only 7 cities called Salem to say 'completion'? The witchcraft is done. I have put My son (DJT) in office and now I am working with him to take down the witchcraft that has run rampant in America and the world for countless years? It is still going on today. Many of us woke up in 2020 but the truth is God has been speaking about this for a very long time. I can remember Kim Clement prophesying things back in 2007 that are just now coming to pass.

My conclusion is that God is speaking to us through this April 8th of 2024 total eclipse. The fact that it starts in Eagles Pass, Tx. means a lot considering what is going on there and Amanda Grace has prophesied several times that Eagle Pass is Holy Ground, and that God will work miracles in that place. Why Eagles Pass? Because Eagles themselves are symbolic of the Prophetic and of America. A place where Prophets can pass through or America will pass through. A pass is an opening and a way to get through. I had a fabulous Eagle dream in November of 2022. Here is the link if you'd like to read it. The Eagle Dream - November 14, 2022 (sheryllyork.blogspot.com)

All the numbers I've already explained so I won't go over it again but the last thing I want to tell you is that the pathways are also Crossings. Get it Cross - ings? The first path in 2017 and the path that this 2024 one will take will cross over each other in Illinois. I have yet to understand why Illinois, but the point is X marks the spot. The paths literally create a huge X over America. Interesting that Elon Musk renamed Twitter X recently too, right? God is in control dear ones. Get as close as you can to Him. You don't want to miss a word, a dream, a vision, a symbol or anything because we are coming into a time when evil will get louder, and more distractions will come. He wants to be so close that we hear Him and that we are at peace fully trusting Him. Don't let ANYTHING keep you from sitting on your daddy's lap.


Here is the link to the article I read while putting some of this together incase you'd like to read it.


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