Things Are Not as They Appear - blog/word

I want to preface this by saying that I believe this is a blog/word because God spoke to me and gave me all these scriptures. It is written more like a blog but I can clearly see that God is saying this to His people right now.

I did not watch the debate. I had several people write and tell me to, but the answer is No, I can't sit under all the lies, deception, and negativity so I just won't do it. I'll pick up things later on through the prophets, patriots, or even the news but I won't submit myself to the nonsense that is a debate. It's not really a debate. It's a 'you did this, and he did that' arguing match that promotes nothing but strife in a person's heart in my opinion. Many years ago, the Lord gave me a scripture (personally for me) which says, in the multitude of words sin is not lacking, But he who restrains his lips is wise (Proverbs 10:19). This is I guess why I write rather than talk or call people. When I write I am somehow able to focus on the Lord and the word but in conversations, there are times that people don't even realize it, but they are moving into sin. Yes, a debate can show what side someone is on, but beloved, we already know don't we? We already know who the Lord has anointed, and I find that sometimes even the person I am rooting for says things I disagree with so to me it matters very little what either says. Even in times that I don't necessarily agree with Trump I still stand with the Lord that He is not done using Him and that he is called for such a time as this. So, my own mind that the Bible says is at enmity with God (Romans 8:7) asks me to make a choice and I refuse to move off what God says no matter what it looks like

I do realize that some that are reading this right now may be offended at what I am saying but my heart is to not only have peace but literally enforce peace in my home, so I won't purposely open a portal (television, computer, or cell phone) to strife. Another one of my favorite scriptures says, only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom (Proverbs 13:10). I have to capture thoughts and vain imaginations (2 Corinthians 10:5). I have to come into alignment with His plan. Just as our Father in Heaven had a plan that allowed for the unthinkable, our Jesus had to be put up on that cross to die for our sins, and when Peter pulled Him aside and rebuked him saying; “Far be it from You, Lord; this shall not happen to You!” Jesus had to rebuke him and literally called him Satan (Matthew 16:22-23) for speaking against the plan of God. My point is we too must watch what we say because God has a plan and His ways are not our ways nor are His thoughts our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8) even in what is happening around us today, we too have to make sure that even if we don't understand everything right now, we at least comprehend that even though His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts He does not want us to walk in anxiety but in peace. Psalm 46:10 says, Be still and know that I am God, but let's look at it in the Passion translation.

Psalm 46:10 
Surrender your anxiety! Be silent and stop your striving and you will see that I am God.

Amazing, isn't it? God does not want us all riled up, stressed out, filled with strife, or anxiety. He truly wants us to seek peace and pursue it (Psalm 34:14), but it is a challenge at times. My husband was however watching some of the debate and from the kitchen, I could hear what was being said. My mind couldn't grapple with what I was hearing at first because Kamala was actually coming across very normal or like someone who could actually debate even after all the pundits said she'll fall flat on her face. And then we had the word through Julie Green only days prior that Kamala was going to do as bad as Joe Biden and they would clearly see that she is not a good candidate but as I listened and glanced occasionally, I saw an angry Trump who really had to defend himself and a calm Harris who was prepared to go after him and his presidency attempting to prove that he was somehow a horrible president and not to vote for him again. My mind was on tilt, and I just began to pray. I then started praying in tongues and left the area. Why? Because my mind started questioning what God had already said. Isn't that what the enemy wants? Like with Adam & Eve he whispers, 'did God really say'? 

This morning in my prayer time I talked with the Lord about this. He knows your heart and your thoughts afar off (1 Corinthians 3:20) so why not be honest? I asked Him to forgive me for becoming disheartened. I told Him I still believe Him and put all my trust in His plans. Dear ones, I only listened for a few minutes so I can't even imagine how people felt who watched the whole thing, but the Lord forgave me and very quickly began speaking. He said something to me that I had heard through several of the prophetic voices over and over but for some reason, I keep forgetting these words and maybe some of you do as well. What did He say to me you might be wondering? He said, 'Things are not as they appear'. Those simple words opened up my heart and while I was still praying, I was literally writing and making notes because I knew that God wanted me to share with you and to encourage you all as well.


This happened countless times in the Bible and in order to not make this too lengthy I will only share a few things that came to me right away while I was sitting with the Lord this morning. 

  • In 1 Samuel 17, it APPEARED that a Giant named Goliath could destroy the armies of God. Saul and his army sat in their tents shivering and quaking in their boots until God's plan stepped into the picture. It was all about fear and terror, but God had been watching and was about ready to bring that fear and terror down.

  • In Esther 4, it APPEARED that Haman had won. He was able to get King Xerxes to sign off with his signet ring on killing the Jews and it was all over. Haman's hatred for Mordecai literally darkened his heart so much that he wanted to see the extinction of the Jewish community. Haman of course had no way of knowing what he'd stepped into. God even allowed him to build his own gallows.

  • In Exodus 4, it APPEARED that Pharoah would absolutely never let God's people go. He saw that Yahweh was the true God. God proved it through signs, wonders, and plagues over and over, but Pharoah was so deceived about who he was that he kept trying to negotiate. God wasn't into negotiating. He wanted His people free so they could freely serve Him.

  • In 1 Samuel 30, it APPEARED that David and his men lost everything. The Bible says that David and his men came home to Ziklag, and they found that the Amalekites had raided their home and taken all the women (which meant their wives), their children and everything they had and then burned the city with fire. Even his men were so angry they wanted to stone him. THIS WAS A SERIOUS SITUATION.


In the end, it doesn't really matter what things around us appear like. One reason for my starting the Prophecy Fulfilled Newsletter was to show those that might be fearful that God is doing something. He is working behind the scenes and doing things that we can't even see and probably wouldn't understand. The Bible says He will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5) but we are the ones who have to believe it. We have to live a life of knowing that God truly works all things together for our good (Romans 8:28). What has God proven to us over and over beloved? He has proven in His word (if we believe it) that no matter what things APPEAR like He hasn't had His final say or outcome yet. So, we wait on Him.

Isaiah 64:4
For from of old no one has heard nor perceived by the ear, nor has the eye seen a God besides You, Who works and shows Himself active on behalf of him who [earnestly] waits for Him.


  • Not one person expected God to send a young man of only 17 years that would have such faith in the Lord that He would literally run at Goliath the giant and not only take him down but also take his head. The army then ran because their voice of fear was gone. This too will happen with our Media.
  • Not one person expected that Esther was actually of Jewish decent, and her AKA was Hadassah, related to the very Mordecai that Haman was after. Who would have thought that God would give Esther the boldness to go into that court that day before her husband the King knowing full well that she could be killed for doing so? But God knew and He'd raised her up for such a time to do exactly what she did which saved the Jews that day.
  • Not one person expected or believed that Moses would ever be able to get Pharaoh to let God's people go. What took place with the plagues many believe must have taken at least a years' time. Sadly, what it finally took was the final plague or death of Pharaoh's son. He let the people go but still, God knew it wasn't over and drew him, his horses, chariots, and army right into a trap that they had no idea was before them. The people of God got across the Red Sea safely and then they SAW with their own eyes how God dealt with the people that were against them.
  • Not one person expected or believed that they would get their wives, children and families back let alone all of their belongings. In fact, these men loved and followed David but that day they wanted him dead. The Bible says the men were ready to stone him, but amazingly David encourages himself in the Lord (how many of us do that in hard times or situations?) and asked the Lord if they should pursue. God said, pursue and I will give you everything back.


  • In the case of David and Goliath, it was a setup. God was already with David and had anointed him to be the next King. He'd already been tending sheep and had to take down a lion and a bear and he knew full well that it was God who helped him and gave him the strength. David was a man after His own heart, and He knew He had no fear.
  • In the case of Esther, it was a setup. God foreknew what was coming for His people so King XerXes had to divorce Queen Vashti so that XerXes would need a new Queen. Out of all the beautiful girls of the same age that the King took from households near and far and after a whole year of grooming he chose Esther. Do you believe this was just a coincidence? I don't think so.
  • In the case of Moses, it was a setup. Why did it take so long? Why plague after plague? Because God wasn't just playing games beloved. He was trying to show His people that the gods that Egypt worshipped were not the God of this world or of them. I won't go into it now for space reasons, but each plague was given to show them all that the gods they worshipped were worthless and had no power at all. God showed them who He really was. The one true God and took out the last god that they worshipped called Baal-zephon when the army went into the water after them believing their god would save them and our God closed it over them killing them all. What an impression this must have made that day on the Israelites but also the people of Egypt whose husbands and Pharaoh didn't come home that day.
  • In the final case of David and Ziklag, I believe it was a setup. God had allowed something heart-wrenching to take place. Imagine coming home from war and finding that another army has come in and taken everything and everyone that you love but He knew David and David knew his God. He didn't go crawl into a corner and die. He encouraged himself probably singing and dancing unto the Lord in his pain and God gave back everything they lost. 

And finally, dear ones I will end this by asking a question. Isn't that kind of what we are living through right now? Our government won't let us go, we keep having to force doors open to share our cause and with signs, weather, wonders, and plagues they keep ignoring God and the cry of His people let them go. Aren't they trying to take everything away from us like the army did to David? I hope that I am in no way ending this blog on a sour note, but the truth is I believe that my commission and calling is to WAKE PEOPLE UP

They (the Deep State, Elites, Establishment, and other Countries who hate America) want it all. They want us to give up every freedom that God has given to us. They want us to own nothing and to eat bugs literally. They want our children so that they can use them for perversion and sex trafficking and adrenochrome and who knows what else. THEY WANT EVERYTHING. They want your money, your home, your vehicles, your job, your joy, your peace and especially your faith. THEY WANT EVERYTHING BELOVED, and it is up to you and me now not to bow down but to run towards the danger like David, throw the doors open and face death like Esther, and face the Pharaohs all around us daily who control everything we say, do, eat etc... How long do we have to do this you might ask? UNTIL WE (us partnering with God) WIN. UNTIL THE ANGELS PULL US OUT OF WHAT HAS BECOME SODOM AND GAMORRAH AND FINALLY BELOVED, UNTIL THE DARKNESS IS FINALLY WASHED AWAY JUST AS HAPPENED IN THE DAYS OF NOAH. The truth is I really don't know but as for me and my house we will continue to serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15).

Sheryl L. York
America Reimagined


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