
Showing posts from April, 2023

I'd have Gotten Drunk Too - Blog

I do realize that the title of this blog has you questioning me right now. ha ha ha. I knew it would and was hoping to get your attention so that you would actually read it. Catchy titles seem to pull people in and by now you are wondering what am I going to be sharing in this blog? I'd like to share a few minutes about a story you've heard over and over and probably seen movies and even spent time learning about in Sunday School. We've been teaching our children these fabulous stories for years. I myself have been a Sunday School teacher so I have taught a lot of these stories myself and yet I am one who is a bit concerned that children learn them, and they don't always know the truth because we are too afraid to tell them. So, they grow up thinking David really killed Goliath with one simple stone or that Lions just weren't hungry when Daniel was put in the Lion's Den. And what about the 3 Hebrew men being thrown in the fiery furnace. No one wants to share the

Mayday, Mayday

  This morning, I literally woke up hearing the words Mayday, Mayday, and right away I knew that God wanted me to write a blog post about things to come. Over the last month or so I have heard these words several times and it caught me right away each time. It was literally like a light bulb went on in my spirit. I just knew God was saying more. I have come to learn and understand that God is always speaking yet we often miss it. He warns us because His heart is always to keep His children from harm. If you've been listening to or reading any of the Julie Green words you can see that God is ever warning us of things to come and I believe that this word MAYDAY means more than just what we have come to know it as.  Have you ever heard the miraculous stories of people who woke up feeling that they shouldn't go into work and yet they weren't sick and didn't understand it, but they stayed home from work and then found out later there was a huge pile up on their highway or th