I'd have Gotten Drunk Too - Blog

I do realize that the title of this blog has you questioning me right now. ha ha ha. I knew it would and was hoping to get your attention so that you would actually read it. Catchy titles seem to pull people in and by now you are wondering what am I going to be sharing in this blog?

I'd like to share a few minutes about a story you've heard over and over and probably seen movies and even spent time learning about in Sunday School. We've been teaching our children these fabulous stories for years. I myself have been a Sunday School teacher so I have taught a lot of these stories myself and yet I am one who is a bit concerned that children learn them, and they don't always know the truth because we are too afraid to tell them. So, they grow up thinking David really killed Goliath with one simple stone or that Lions just weren't hungry when Daniel was put in the Lion's Den. And what about the 3 Hebrew men being thrown in the fiery furnace. No one wants to share the reality of God's judgment. 

What is the truth? 
  • David cut Goliath's head off. Yuk!
  • The people and their families that threw Daniel into the Lion's den were eaten alive once God protected Daniel because the King had them thrown in. Yikes!
  • The men who carried the 3 Hebrew men to the fiery furnace were burned alive outside the furnace. Yeesh!

These are wonderful true stories of God's deliverance just as the Exodus was for the Israelites, but the truth is there is ALWAYS one thing we don't teach and therefore I think we have kind of given the world and even the church (including little ones who grow up) a false reality about who God really is to His people and to those against Him or who hurt His children. In the Exodus millions of God's people are delivered from a life of slavery but those who are evil come after them and God literally swallows them up in the Red Sea. 

Getting to the title of this blog. 'I'd of gotten drunk too'... lol Have you ever taken the time to meditate at all on the life of Noah? Not many of us have. Most just take the story of Noah as if God asked him to build a big boat to save the animals and he was blessed to take his family members as well. The story is so much more than that.

Let's tell his story.

Noah's great, great, great, great (and so on and so on) Grandfather was Adam. 
Noah is also related to well-known names like Seth, Mahalalel, Enoch. 
Enoch was the father of Methuselah.
Methuselah was Noah's Grandfather.
Noah's father was Lamech who didn't even have Noah until he was 182 years old. If you think that is wild Lamech actually lived to be 777 years old.

I know, I know, family members and ages are crazy, but even though I don't see how anyone could get bored with it I will move on. There is some really interesting stuff in genealogies so don't just pass them by. Have you ever known someone and really liked them and then saw them in a grocery store or doctor's office and found out who they were related to? lol... Yep, genealogies can be important. They can make you warm up to someone or run. ROFL...

Also, we must realize that it wasn't until God decided the world had become far too wicked and evil and so he says in Genesis 6:3 Then the Lord said, My Spirit shall not forever dwell and strive with man, for he also is flesh; but his days shall yet be 120 years. In Noah's genealogy it appears Methuselah, his grandfather lived the longest at 969 years even beating Adam who only lived 930 years (without a belly button by the way. Adam was born of the dust of the earth, not of a woman).

Genesis 6 is about the wickedness of the world. I've shared on it before. About how even back then they were distorting God's creation and changing the DNA of man and God had to bring a stop to it, so I won't get into all that again, but Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. In Genesis 6:13 we find God said to Noah, I intend to make an end of all flesh, for through men the land is filled with violence; and behold, I will destroy them and the land. In verses 17-18, God makes a covenant with Noah and his family.

I want to say something here that might upset a few reading this. In today's wicked and evil world, we are literally (and I am including myself) having to be told over and over and over and over that God loves us. God wants to use us. God wants us to believe Him for deliverance and so on. There is no account in the word of God that Noah was spoken to more than to tell him of His plans and make the covenant. God telling Noah how to make the boat and what animals to bring into it and then when to go in. They were literally in the boat for 1 year and 10 days before they could come back out. The Lord it seemed was silent.

How do I know this? Because Noah kept sending out birds to see if there was land anywhere for him to even consider coming out. God did speak again one more time. He did finally open the doors of the Ark and tell them to go forth and be fruitful and multiply and He gave him new laws for he and his family, but He literally spoke to Noah maybe 4 times in over 100 years. 

Why? Why do we need to be told over and over and over to believe or to trust God? You're probably not going to like this answer either.

Because our family lines have not taught us the ways of the Lord as Noah's family line had. If you or yours did, I am not trying to get into your cornflakes but some need to hear this so that we don't walk into the new world doing the same again. Feel free to forward this blog. Your friends and family need to hear this. Granted in Noah's day they did have hundreds of years of teachings and walking with God but there were other gods and idols in their times as well. In fact, they did not have the word of God (the Bible) which many take for granted and don't even bother to open. They didn't have the better covenant that we have today because Jesus died on that cross over 2000 years ago. They didn't have a church on every corner or television preachers preaching 24/7 on Christian Stations and even Secular stations alike. Through many years of ignorance, people chose to ignore God. Imagine how that has broken His heart yet even when His children are faithless, He remains faithful.

Dear ones if there is ANYTHING that we can learn from what we are experiencing today it is that we cannot just allow our children and our grandchildren to be raised in a world that so easily becomes Godless. We cannot sit back while evil takes over every mountain of influence, but we must know what to look for and who to look at.

The Seven Mountains of Influence again are...
  • Media
  • Government
  • Education
  • Family
  • Religion
  • Arts and Entertainment
  • Business

We can never again be so busy that we allow one person to go to court and get prayer taken out of our schools or a few judges in a high court decide on whether we should kill our babies with laws like abortion for 50 years. The high courts are not God. They are people like you and me and were put in their positions to keep God in our laws and to protect the people not judge against them. We lost on many levels years ago when we closed our eyes and evil started putting in all liberal paid-off judges. Why should a court decide that marriage has to be redefined, who can use which bathroom or whether a human is male or female? The Bible must always be the standard and in the heart of every Judge or they shouldn't be on the bench.

Another pet peeve that I have ALWAYS HAD. Why didn't Christians fight to keep Nativity Scenes up at courthouses? While the Left started a war against even saying Merry Christmas most of us just sat back while people went to our local courthouses and had the Nativity removed even from our smallest conservative cities all it took was one person to go to court and say they didn't want to be reminded of Jesus and it had to be taken down. Can any one of us (at least on my e-mail list) remember the days when certain things like language, sex, and even violence were not allowed on television until after a certain time at night to protect the children? No, we cannot. Because good people sat back and allowed every single envelope to be pushed so far it fell off the table into the garbage and no one said a word while all of tv, movies, and even children's books, including Disney, became tools the enemy used to indoctrinate and harm our children. Today people are finally standing up, but they literally allowed that envelope to be pushed so far, our kids were watching Drag Queens read them books all the way down to kindergarten. How far we fell as a society horrifies me and if you are receiving my e-mails I'm guessing you as well.

I could stay on my soap box and go on and on about this, but I think you've heard enough. I'm obviously angry at where we are today yet admittedly a part of it all and we need to apologize to our children and grandchildren for the world that we created by our silence because this was not the world God created with His words. I myself have repented to God and it is my hope that we have all become a part of using our words to take this world back for God, His people, and our families.

2 Chronicles 7:14 AMPC - If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.

This blog is not my favorite. Who am I to be challenging any of you to comprehend the reality of where we are today and coming across as if I am somehow disciplining you for this mess but if we are honest with ourselves until we take some responsibility the truth is we are still blinded by this Godless society and we are just listening or reading the words through the prophets or the prophecy fulfilled or even blogs to hear about God's great rescue hoping we will go back to before Covid or desiring a time when Trump was still noticeably in office but neither of those things change anything without God in your life, in the lives of your children and grandchildren. God is not rescuing us to put us back into a Godless world again, so it is time for each of us to prepare for His new world and His new ways. 

Getting back to Noah. God chose Noah and his family to go forth and multiply, but we need to understand what happened.
In Genesis 6:7 we find So the Lord said, I will destroy, blot out, and wipe away mankind, whom I have created from the face of the ground—not only man, [but] the beasts and the creeping things and the birds of the air—for it grieves Me and makes Me regretful that I have made them. What a horrible feeling to think that there was ever a time when God grieved over creating His own children but Genesis 6:11 says The earth was depraved and putrid in God’s sight, and the land was filled with violence (desecration, infringement, outrage, assault, and lust for power)Is this what He sees even now? Dear ones I believe the answer is noThis time is different. This time there are many more who do love Him and who do believe, praise, worship, and hear His voice. This time God is not only coming to judge the wicked but also to deliver His people. Heal them, bless them, and prosper them like has never happened in the world before at least to this degree.

As I have already mentioned this is not my favorite blog/article. This is a hard one to read, I am sure. It is a hard one to write but dear ones YOU MUST BE AWAKE. You must be fully awake, or you will end up right back in this position again. Take a few minutes to close your eyes and imagine that you are Noah and his family. You have watched the evil and the wickedness take over your world. Like Noah, you see violent people against each other. Actually, in Noah's time the Giants were real they weren't just Media or Big Tech. Imagine keeping your own children from all the perversion that was going on in your land. Imagine the people who probably daily mocked him for building this ridiculous huge boat. What was it for? Oh, yeah, that's right. Some new thing called rain that they'd never ever seen before was supposedly coming from Noah's God who they no longer believed in. Not believing that Noah had a God did not keep them safe from that God did it?

The story of Noah's Ark although beautiful because of Noah, his family, the Ark, the animals, the rainbow which promises that God will never destroy the earth with a flood again is also a story of deep darkness that had to be removed in order for the world that God wanted to continue. The darkness was so vast that He could literally only find 8 people on earth at that time that would carry on His original plan and DNA. He trusted only Noah and his family to repopulate the earth. The flood would have not only taken out the evil that Noah could see but isn't it true that even Noah's distant family members, aunts, cousins etc... would have also been wiped out? Noah built this Ark for over 100 years, surely, he and his children talked to people, told them of God's plan of rescue and even his daughters-in-law had family members, moms, dads, sisters and so on that would be wiped out if they didn't accept the Lord's rescue operation and make sure they were on that Ark. I don't think we ever think of these things. We just see it as a cute little animal story, don't we?

Keep your eyes closed and now imagine your entire life for 1 year and 10 days is in a huge smelly boat and having to feed not only your family for that long but also all those animals. That is 375 days, isn't it? It's finally time to come out YAY! But everything you ever knew, all the people that you knew and saw daily are dead. Did Noah see bodies? We don't know and I think we all want to believe that God wiped them all away and he never saw anything but in the prophecies that we are receiving even now in this season God has warned us over and over that we are going to see things quite disturbing. Death, destruction, murder, suicides, exposures of all crimes and corruption to show us the truth of how far our world had fallen. The prophecies are to prepare us because we will be witnesses of great things that God will do for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

I have always wondered why people made such a big deal about the story of Noah getting drunk. I guess because God chose him as He did, we were given the impression that Noah was some kind of perfect man, but the truth is like you and me he was human. He wasn't Jesus. He wasn't a superhuman. He had good days, bad days, children to raise, and a huge calling on his life to build the Ark, save mankind and an enormous amount of animals. Why was the story of Noah getting drunk in Genesis 9 even shared with us? Why was it necessary? Let's look at it.

Genesis 9:20-21

20 And Noah began to cultivate the ground, and he planted a vineyard.

21 And he drank of the wine and became drunk, and he was uncovered and lay naked in his tent.

I have always believed this story was shared with us because God wanted us to see his humanity. The church (especially religion) tends to exalt people like Mary and the Apostles. I hope you know how I mean so I don't have to go into all of that. They tend to speak about them as if they were superhuman. They weren't and I think God showed Noah's humanness in his drunkenness. The thing that sticks out to me is that God did not judge or discipline Noah for planting a vineyard or even getting drunk. The person who ended up judged was the son who spoke of his father in a way that uncovered him or mocking him. Ham and his family line were judged, but let's look at Genesis 9:23.

Genesis 9:23
23 So Shem and Japheth took a garment, laid it upon the shoulders of both, and went backward and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they did not see their father’s nakedness.

We as believers in Christ must understand that even in the middle of wickedness and evil God sees His children differently. Especially today as we have the blood of Jesus that covers us. He modeled this even back in Noah's day that even in his drunken nakedness God and two of Noah's sons would cover him and choose not to look at Noah who God said was Righteous in his day and now make him the evil they'd just been saved from. Have you seen the podcasters who relish in going after their own brothers and sisters in Christ trying to tear them down, destroy their ministries and call out who they believe to be false prophets yet refuse to recognize the evil in our leaders, governments or anything that is going on in our world today? Have you heard the Christian Leaders who even after almost 3 years of Biden stand against and talk about how much they hate Trump yet completely close their eyes to the things we clearly see the Left, the Cabal and even the RINO's doing to God's people and our Country? 

I'd of gotten drunk too after all Noah had been a witness to and all the responsibility, he'd had on his shoulders. As believers we must become that church without spot or wrinkle. How does the enemy win over us? How does he put a ring in our noses and lead us around like circus elephants until we are not even recognizable as children of God? It's quite simple and yet so many are blinded to it. There truly is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). 

Three Little Words..

Satan uses God's children against each other which in itself is deception and not God's will, but it keeps us from seeing the truth. We magnify faults and failures in each other. We gossip, we slander, we hurt our own friends and family members by focusing on things that God wouldn't and doesn't. Satan distracts us by getting our focus on things that don't even matter. So, what if Noah planted a vineyard and got drunk one night. Jesus turned water into wine in one of His first miracles and although there is no evidence He, Himself drank the wine he did enjoy the party where there was wine. Get over it. We nitpick and embarrass ourselves by constantly focusing on the smallest little things even though the Bible clearly teaches us not to do so. We must learn to recognize true evil before it destroys us and focus on destroying it with our words (Prayer, prophecy and decrees) to the Lord and against the real enemy Satan and not against each other. I often share this scripture, but it bears repeating...

Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

We are not against each other. It is all principalities and powers working through people. This is how we love the sinner but not the sin. We learn to separate the two. Getting drunk one time does not make a person evil or even an alcoholic so, what is the point of this blog you are probably wondering? The things that drive us to drink too much, take drugs, get addicted to food, sex or anything are not what keep us separated from God. He already sent Jesus and as long as we turn to Him those things can be under the blood. The things that separate us from Him come down to our choice not to ask Him into our hearts. Not to ask Him to be Lord of our lives. Not to read the word, learn who He is and obey what His word says. 

People in darkness right now and many that will be judged are not being judged for hanging out in bars or buying drugs. Those are things that God forgives easily and will work on with the Holy Spirit in their lives. They aren't being judged as much for these choices they made as they are for making the worst decision of their life and not taking God seriously or not asking Him to forgive them for their choice against Him. The greatest failure of man is to not recognize that he is but dust without a loving God who formed him in his mother's belly even before she knew him. A God who had plans of peace not of evil for them. Those being judged in the coming months are not people to feel sorry for just like in Noah's day. God chose to wipe out all but 8 people. There will still be billions on the earth this time. 

I'd of gotten drunk too is simply my statement that I can see with all that Noah went through why he did. I can understand why many would take that route because what is happening or is about to happen is almost too much to bear. The whole point of what we are about to experience is the great harvest of souls. I would venture to say that those that you see fall to the angel of death are those who God has tried to warn. He loves them too, but they make a choice. Some outright choose Satan. Don't cry for them. 

Don't go to God as some do complaining that these wicked and evil people deserve mercy. They've had His mercy for far too long. Where was their mercy toward Donald Trump and his family, friends, and acquaintances for almost 7 years now? They've destroyed the lives of so many. Where was their mercy toward us in their depopulation agenda? We are like flies to them and as I've said many times, 'they want you dead'. Where was their mercy especially toward the abducted and trafficked children that they enslaved, raped, beat, and tortured for so many years that I can't even say? Please put life into perspective and stop dwelling on the little things. Stop beating up your brother or sister in Christ over the most ridiculous things like clothing, tattoospiercings, hair color and just downright being self-righteous. God does not look on the outward appearance but the heart. It is obvious God hates the wicked and we will see their judgment, but the things God hates about us should concern us for the new world we are stepping into.

Proverbs 6: 16 - 19

16 These six things the Lord hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
17 A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
18 A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
19 A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.

And finally, Let's wash out the spots and take the time to iron the wrinkles. You can clearly see the Left, Deep State and RINO's in the above reference but above all things beloved I pray that you cannot see yourself in any of them. This finally concludes this difficult blog.

In His Love & Mine,
Sheryl L. York

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