Mayday, Mayday


This morning, I literally woke up hearing the words Mayday, Mayday, and right away I knew that God wanted me to write a blog post about things to come. Over the last month or so I have heard these words several times and it caught me right away each time. It was literally like a light bulb went on in my spirit. I just knew God was saying more. I have come to learn and understand that God is always speaking yet we often miss it. He warns us because His heart is always to keep His children from harm. If you've been listening to or reading any of the Julie Green words you can see that God is ever warning us of things to come and I believe that this word MAYDAY means more than just what we have come to know it as. 

Have you ever heard the miraculous stories of people who woke up feeling that they shouldn't go into work and yet they weren't sick and didn't understand it, but they stayed home from work and then found out later there was a huge pile up on their highway or that something like a shooting or a 9/11 style attack happened at their place of employment and they were spared and not injured in any way? This is what I believe the word Mayday is speaking to us as a body today.

Although I already knew deep inside what Mayday meant even when I heard it, I still felt to look it up for you.

Mayday - used as a distress call in international radio-telephone communications

First, it is a distress call, but even more mind-blowing is that it is about communications which God is using prophets to speak to us because our communications are seriously broken down right now with our enemy controlling media, de-platforming people on social media and even owning cell towers and having the ability to shut down the internet. We also see that it is literally known as international not just for a nation but for all nations and we are even now walking through our entire world being at war. Far too many still don't see it. Far too many of the people are still asleep. I believe this Mayday distress call is coming in when? MAY of course. 

If you know anything that is happening at all in our world, you'd have to be pretty blind not to see that the Deep State is trying to force us into a Nuclear War with several Countries to get us into World War lll. We went from having 4 wonderful years under President Trump who made sure we didn't go into any wars and in fact, worked deals with other countries for peace, and then the day JB fraudulently moved in we've been at war within our own country, and in many places around the world while countless people and some in our military are dying. Even more horrific is that none of it matters to this administration. They literally blow everything off as if they've done nothing wrong and the media covers for them, so we have no accountability.

Let's look at the first word where Mayday jumped out at me...


MARCH 19, 2023: Hank Kunneman

We have been in a season where many of us have cried “Mayday” seeking for the Lord to bring divine intervention. God has heard our prayers, and He is answering! The Spirit of God is reminding us that just like in times of old when He raised up leaders to help bring deliverance to a nation, those same leaders appointed by God were falsely accused by those who stood in opposition to the Kingdom of Heaven. Nevertheless, God still used His chosen leaders mightily to break the powers of darkness and restore a generation of people!

Watch and be encouraged as God is raising up His leader, President Trump, as part of His plan to bring a reset and a reversal for the nation of America! 

And then Hank Kunneman said the word Mayday again on March 29, 2023...


MARCH 29, 2023: Hank Kunneman

We’ve all become accustomed to the 24-hour news cycle of fear, doom and gloom, and worst-case scenarios. It’s everywhere all the time. But have you ever asked yourself why media outlets gravitate towards reporting despair? Why does it seem that hope is not allowed? 

In Hebrews 11, the scripture states that “Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen.” This verse is a reminder that even though there are seasons where trials are seemingly constant and never-ending, we must tap into our faith to activate our spiritual eyes. When we prioritize a kingdom perspective and set our sights on the Lord, our natural eyes cannot blind us from His goodness. When we activate our faith and come into agreement with the prophetic word of God, change is enacted, which produces a new thing according to His redemptive plan! 

We are at a very critical inflection point in this hour, where the powers of darkness seek to destroy any possibility of hope so that we lose sight of God’s promise of a divine reset in this season. We must remember that we have been given a voice to decree words that are contrary to fear and despair, and we have been given a voice to intercede for our nation through prayer. 

Let’s continue to press in as we are called as believers to be forerunners, paving the way for the full manifestation of the glory of God! The Lord of Hosts has made it clear that He is intervening as He’s done before throughout our history and He will have His way, in HIs day, because of the cry of our mayday

God is speaking to us. At least to those of us who are listening to the Prophets today. Remember Amos 3:7 says, the Lord does NOTHING unless He first reveals it to His servants the prophets, but He also says in Proverbs 25:2 that it is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of King's is to search it out. This one scripture is why I get into the word like I do. It is never-ending. You cannot exhaust the Word or the Spirit. There is always something to learn, something to share, something to teach and preach. In Matthew, Mark, and Luke the word says Heaven and earth will pass away but My words by no means will pass away. We all need God's words daily. Not only does He tell us His sheep hear His voice, but we'd be pretty ignorant to not be listening to the prophets right now as well.

I heard the Lord say this morning, Prepare the way, and prepare for May. If you've been following my many e-mails for over a year now surely you have seen for yourself the things that God has said which are coming to pass daily. Surely you have experienced the uptick in prophecy being fulfilled. April has been a blockbuster for JB, Fauci, Corporations, and even our military. We've seen the names the Lord speaks through Julie Green come down, fall ill, pass away, moved out of their position, resigning, not rerunning for offices, etc... Twitter has exposed the FBI and many even in Congress who not only censored but colluded to keep negative news about Biden out of the mainstream before the 2020 election. That in itself is election interference. Tucker Carlson before his termination was able to prove that the January 6th Insurrection was not that at all. It was Pelosi and the CIA who created the issues to keep Senators and House Members from challenging the Electoral. Whistleblowers are everywhere telling the truth without the gag orders that were on them before. Lies are falling and truth is being exposed just as God said, but what of the Mayday you might ask? 

I believe that God started speaking about Mayday not only to let us, His children, know that He heard our distress call as a nation but that He has heard the distress calls internationally as well. He has and is behind the scenes even now tearing all of this down. Imagine Jesus with the money changers in Matthew 21:12-13.

Jesus Cleanses the Temple

Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a ‘den of thieves.’

People don't want to see Jesus this way but read what He said. He didn't just walk by as many of us have done for YEARS and ignore the sin and the wickedness. No, a righteous anger rose up inside Him and he literally walked in and started throwing tables that people were obviously sitting at and the seats it says as well. This I'm sure made a huge impact on the people. It wasn't a band-aid type fix to a problem. No, He said 'Get out, you are using the house of God for wickedness. In fact, after He did this people started coming to Him for ministry in that same place.

The church wants us to believe Jesus wouldn't rock the boat. BULL! The church teaches Jesus is the Lamb and of course that is true, but they've left out a few extremely important teachings that are in the Bible. Jesus the Lamb was slain over 2000 years ago and they've not only left out the return of Christ to the earth where judgment will be poured out, but they always leave out the part where Jesus isn't the little lamb anymore. He has now become the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. He is a Lion walking this earth and turning over every table and chair that is not serving His Father in Heaven and chose to turn the earth that He created for us into a den of thieves. 

Another thought on Mayday. In my searching and meditating on all of this I also found that May Day is now not only a distress call. It has become a day of celebration. How many times have all the prophets told us we were going to be celebrating?

May Day - May 1 celebrated as a springtime festival and in some countries as Labor Day

Am I saying something is going to happen on May 1st? No, I am not. I am literally copying the definition here for you to see and I am simply saying that I believe many great things will happen in May if we keep our perspective right as we continue to cry out with our Mayday distress calls to the Lord. We must constantly remind ourselves that the Lord has told us over and over that He is here, that He is our provider, that He is taking them down, that in His eyes it is already finished, and that we can rejoice and celebrate even now. Why? Because He knows the end from the beginning beloved. He has already seen the end so we must see through His eyes to stay out of fear and stay encouraged.

So dear ones, continue to pray your Mayday to the Lord as a distress call because the Deep State is literally trying to start a nuclear war right now and we must trust that God won't let them. Stop looking at everything around you. The wind and the waves that made Peter fall in the water happened because He stopped looking at Jesus and I don't want to see you fall underwater. Begin now celebrating the month of May because great things are ahead, and spring has sprung. Take a vacation, go to a Festival, or just eat cake. God has been very clear that He wants to see faith in His children. There is no greater way to show faith than to simply trust and believe and live your life abundantly no matter what the rest of the world is doing or looks like.

I realize that I've gotten lengthy here, but I know I must send this out before May breaks so I will end with this. You are a child of the Most High King so act like it. Do you love your family members, your kids, your spouse's enough to tell them the truth of what God is doing and what you know to be happening in our world? Do you have friends that might walk away if they knew you believed all of this? Stop exalting the mind of man over the mind of Christ. God has woken you up for a reason. He wants you to rise up and wake up others. Don't be so intimated by what people will think of you that you sit silently by watching them fall into darkness because of your unwillingness to open your mouth. This is not the end, and you have that knowledge. Shouldn't you tell them? You have light. You have hope. What is the worst that could happen? A few people think you're nuts. Been there done that. When all of this started, I know a number of people who thought I was nuts, but a few have come around and I believe God is on the verge of sending a few more who are finally seeing it.

  • Be a John the Baptist in our world today who others see as one crying out saying, 'make way for the coming of the Lord'.
  • Be an Apostle Paul who could weather any storm. He never stopped preaching and loving God's people even through great trials and hardship.
  • Be a leader like Joshua who is willing to take God's people into the promised land even as you must watch the old passing away.
  • Be like Elisha who followed Elijah so closely to learn of him that he ended up receiving a double portion of his anointing.
  • Become like the sons of Issachar who the Bible says knew the times and seasons. For how can you lead others in the things of the Lord if you don't even know the time or season you are living in?
  • Be like an Esther who in fear of your own life will risk it all to save your friends and family members because if you remain silent, they may very well perish. They won't be expecting the goodness of God. They won't be a part of the wealth transfer. Unbelieving Believers is what they are. Lukewarm and God says He will spit them out of His mouth. If they are not warned, they will have a difficult time in the new world God is creating for us even now. In fact, in many ways, they may be just as lost as Unbelievers. Will they be angry at you for telling them the truth? Most likely but on the other side when everything is said and done by God, they will finally see that you knew the truth and you tried to help them. You will eventually be receiving thanksgiving and apologies, but you will have laid your own life down for others. Jesus laid down His life for you.
  • Be like the Prophet Isaiah who literally prophesied the coming of the Lord because that is exactly what is happening. We prophesy because God asks us to open our mouths and help His people to find their way. What we see happening today is God getting the church ready to be the Bride of Christ. There is nowhere in the Bible that says that we will be raptured out of the world as a weak and wimpy bride who cowers in fear behind a bush every time something negative happens. If you can find it in the word of God share the scriptures. Clearly, God says in His word that He is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle. He clearly told us that His glory would be poured out as the waters covered the earth in Noah's day. Have you seen these things? Jesus clearly told us before He ascended that we would do greater works than He did. Have we done that yet? That beloved is the time we are stepping into now. This isn't some afterthought by God. The Bible has sadly been taught incorrectly for 100's of years and this is where countless Christians live today, but it wasn't God's plan, and the reason for all the prophecy, warnings, dreams, etc... is because HE IS HAVING TO WAKE UP HIS CHURCH who was put to sleep by the world and the church which was infiltrated but that's another blog altogether.
  • Be a man or woman of God that is ready to do those greater works because whether you choose to partake or not you will see them with your own eyes this year. Yes, I did say in 2023. If you believe you WILL DO GREATER THINGS.

I have added the links to the prophecy pages for Hank's words here below in case you want to go read them there.

In His Love & Mine,
Sheryl L. York


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