
Showing posts from November, 2023

Come Up Higher

Come up higher My child. Come up higher and spend time with Me. Stop allowing condemnation to keep you from Me. For I have said in My word that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ yet at times something as simple as feeling you haven't spent enough time with Me keeps you from Me.  Lift your arms to worship Me My child for I will pick you up just as a father would pick up his child who puts up their arms wanting to be picked up and held. I will hold you and comfort you. I will cover you with My wings and keep you safe from all harm. I will fill your heart with joy as I have said that in My presence there is fulness of joy. For remember My child that I Am your Father and I have put your tears in a jar to repay those who have hurt you. There is no one like Me. Use My sons name to break free of this condemnation that your adversary puts upon you My child for you know that it does not come from Me. Come to Me when you are burdened and heavy ladened and I will always giv

The Helicopter Dream - November 1, 2023

I just woke up from a dream where it appeared I was no longer in the frame of mind that things were going to turn around at any minute and I found myself unprepared as I was going about my daily life and really needed to get to the store or even order online but I'd put it off and as I was walking through the house, I all of a sudden felt something. SOMETHING HAPPENED. Something supernatural happened . Something inside me changed and it was not only an amazing feeling but also  noticeable  and filled me with a joy that I didn't have before.  I knew immediately that the healing that I'd been waiting for from the Lord had finally happened and excitement rose up in me. I was healed supernaturally of many issues. I was overjoyed, laughing and no one was home to tell so I ran outside to tell others. When I got outside, I heard something, and I l ooked up and saw Helicopters in the sky literally flying low and yards from the house. This was overwhelming as this too was something

Moses My Servant Is Dead - Prophecy

I heard the Lord say, tell My people to ask Me to send an angel to place a coal upon their lips. For you are coming into a day and a time you have never lived in, experienced or seen in your lifetime. A time that many even written about in My word didn't see. You are coming into a time and even an hour when you, My children will go far beyond the things that My Son Jesus did and said. Far beyond cursing a fig tree or even calling forth the dead. What is coming you might ask? You, My children will be walking in 'greater things' and what you speak will come to pass in the negative (cursing) or the positive (calling forth) as soon as you speak it forth. Isaiah 6:6-7   Then flew one of the seraphim [heavenly beings] to me, having a live coal in his hand which he had taken with tongs from off the altar;   And with it he touched my mouth and said, Behold, this has touched your lips. John 14:12   I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, if anyone steadfastly believes in Me, he will