Come Up Higher

Come up higher My child. Come up higher and spend time with Me. Stop allowing condemnation to keep you from Me. For I have said in My word that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ yet at times something as simple as feeling you haven't spent enough time with Me keeps you from Me. Lift your arms to worship Me My child for I will pick you up just as a father would pick up his child who puts up their arms wanting to be picked up and held. I will hold you and comfort you. I will cover you with My wings and keep you safe from all harm. I will fill your heart with joy as I have said that in My presence there is fulness of joy. For remember My child that I Am your Father and I have put your tears in a jar to repay those who have hurt you. There is no one like Me. Use My sons name to break free of this condemnation that your adversary puts upon you My child for you know that it does not come from Me. Come to Me when you are burdened and heavy ladened and I will always give you the rest that you need. For it is I who knows your needs before you even ask Me, but I say ask and you shall receive.

Learn to walk with Me more closely My child. Walk with Me in the cool of the day as Adam once did. That is the relationship that I truly desire. Not one of distance or fear. For you know Me My child. You have always known that I Am not the God of Religion. I Am not a God of rules and regulations nor am I a God who closes My eyes and ears and doesn't hear the cries of His children. This is yet one more thing that the enemy tries to use to separate you from Me. I ask you to come to Me and He makes you think and feel that I don't care about your individual problems or needs. He pours the cares of the world upon your shoulders whether it be things going on around your world today or even in your home or local area. He tells you that I Am far too busy working on world events and that I have no time for you. Do not listen to him My child. For it is I who know you so intimately that I have even counted the numbers of hairs upon your head and have I not said in My word that if I care for the birds of the air and the fish of the sea are you not more important than these? Yes, you are My child. For I Am Omnipresent (everywhere all at once). There is no space that separates us, there is no time that separates us. There is only an enemy that tries to separate us, but I am your ever-present help in time of need, and I will give you a peace that passes all understanding. Even in the storms that are all around you I will uphold you with My mighty right hand and if you can learn to truly trust Me, you will be as My Son able to sleep in the bow of the boat knowing that I will not allow the wind nor the waves to hurt you.

Distractions abound but I Am always around. You are surrounded by My love and My light is always within you. I have never left you or forsaken you and I Am ever watchful that you are hedged in by My angels sent to watch over you and your family night and day. They stand guard and watch over you so that you would not even dash your foot against a stone. Do not even fear the night My child for I own the night. I created the dark and separated it from the light (daytime). Removing darkness is as simple as turning the light on as light dispels darkness and you My child are the light. For when you walk into a room darkness flees because of the light that radiates from within you for others to see. Ask Me to remove the scales from your eyes so that you can truly see the light within yourself My child for your enemy sees it and runs in stark terror. Do not worry about whether he knows your name. I assure you My child he does know your name and he fears you, your prayers, praise, worship, speaking your decrees by using My words and even that you prophecy. So, My child sit at My right hand, till I make your enemies your footstool. For I have called you to trample on serpents and scorpions. You are an overcomer and I say to you this day that I Am ever in your midst. I Am the Mighty One and I Am here to save. My child I rejoice over you with gladness, and I will continuously quiet you with My love. I Am even now rejoicing over you with singing says your Father.



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