The Helicopter Dream - November 1, 2023

I just woke up from a dream where it appeared I was no longer in the frame of mind that things were going to turn around at any minute and I found myself unprepared as I was going about my daily life and really needed to get to the store or even order online but I'd put it off and as I was walking through the house, I all of a sudden felt something. SOMETHING HAPPENED. Something supernatural happened. Something inside me changed and it was not only an amazing feeling but also noticeable and filled me with a joy that I didn't have before. 

I knew immediately that the healing that I'd been waiting for from the Lord had finally happened and excitement rose up in me. I was healed supernaturally of many issues. I was overjoyed, laughing and no one was home to tell so I ran outside to tell others. When I got outside, I heard something, and I looked up and saw Helicopters in the sky literally flying low and yards from the house. This was overwhelming as this too was something I'd been waiting to see. Both the change I felt inside and what I could see with my own eyes outside told me that God, Trump, and the military were finally doing the work necessary to take back our nation and give us back our lives. 

I know this sounds crazy, but I was literally thinking in the dream that I didn't have enough milk to get through a few days if stores closed during this operation and I couldn't get any. I felt however that God would take care of us and decided not to worry about it. I then woke up.

A Few Things...

  1. I felt changed, transformed, and renewed like my heart was cleansed of so much baggage, sadness, trauma, etc... It was an amazing feeling. It was truly supernatural.
  2. I live in a very small town of less than 1500 people in a State that doesn't see military action. Seeing Helicopters flying so low was very significant which is why I knew they were there for some kind of military action and coming to protect the people. 
  3. No one was home which was odd because I live in a home with a husband and 2 adult children in the natural.
  4. Was this also a warning dream like the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins in Matthew 25? Even though I am the one who has been sharing and trying to keep people awake through my weekly e-mails did I somehow not have enough oil? In the dream, I was not prepared, and this was eye-opening for sure.

Was this just a Sheryl dream or am I to do what I usually do and share it with all of you? Have some of us been waiting so long that we've stepped out of believing and now aren't really as prepared as we may have once been or is God just reminding me? It was amazing to see the Helicopters in the sky and to feel the supernatural change that happened within me. It was awesome to know that work was being done to take back our country and give us back our lives. 

Don't be caught without your oil dear ones. Stay on fire for the Lord. Check your belief level... lol and prepare your home for your family. You are in Goshen and will be provided for and protected but that doesn't mean stores won't be closed. God is keeping you in Goshen. He is not doing the same for the world. We are on the verge of something huge. Believe for that supernatural change and keep your eyes peeled for the Helicopters.

  In His love and mine,   
 Sheryl L. York   ðŸ•Š️

Written November 1, 2023


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