My Second Eagle Dream - March 19, 2024

 I had another Eagle dream on March 19th. I've been sitting on it and waiting on the Lord for interpretation. I also posted this in the Dream Lab on Facebook and got one really cool response. This is her comment.

I believe having a dream within a dream often means having a realization, that you are "waking up to" something.

Please realize that this is now my second Eagle dream. I had one on November 14, 2022, that really impacted me. I believe it was a dream from God to encourage me and others that no harm would come to His own. God wants us to have peace and trust Him in what is to come. You can find the 1st Eagle Dream by clicking this link... The Eagle Dream - November 14, 2022 ( just in case you'd like to read it even before you read this one.

Here is the 2nd Eagle dream that I had on March 19, 2024...
This afternoon I laid down for a nap after going out shopping and I had another Eagle Dream. It was extremely short, and I even forgot it when I woke up but surprisingly, I knew that I had a dream and that I felt it was important enough to remember it, so I laid there until I did. Then it came back to me.
I was outside on what appeared to be a residential street that I did not recognize. I could see houses and fences around properties, and it appeared I was out on a walk by myself. No one was with me at this point in the dream. While walking I looked up to the sky to see what signs there might be in the Heavenlies', maybe in the clouds or possibly eagles above me (this I do in the natural all the time). Then in the distance I did see two eagles flying together and they got closer and closer as I was walking, and they were flying in my direction. Finally, they were above me and still soaring. All of a sudden, the eagle on the right changed course in an extraordinary way could only be compared to when they dive into a body of water to get a fish or something. Instead of flying horizontally up in the air as it had been with the other eagle it all of a sudden flew directly at me where I was on the ground. The eagle dove at me vertically (and I mean like straight down). It was unprecedented and I've never seen anything like that before. At a very high speed this eagle was divebombing me. 

Immediately after I woke up, I looked up divebomb about eagles to see if this was something they do naturally, and this is what it said.
Once a bald eagle is locked in on its target, they can divebomb down with incredible speed.

Back to the Dream...

There I was again in a dream where an eagle was coming straight at me. I knew while having this dream that I'd already had a powerful eagle dream previously, I felt the fear try to come on me of what was going to happen once this large, majestic bird made impact this time as well. This time it was not only going to hurt me if it hit me at that rate of speed but also it could be harmed itself as in the first dream it might have just knocked me over because I was on the top of a building but if it continued at this rate of speed on this trajectory directly at me it could also hit the ground at a very fast speed and not just hit me. I watched it divebombing until I just couldn't anymore because I knew impact was imminent and then I woke up. But this is the other odd part. I woke up realizing I was having a dream within a dream. I didn't wake up in my house or my bed. I woke up and my youngest daughter was there. I was very excited about having this 2nd eagle dream so immediately I was telling her about the dream and asking if she could think of anything the Lord might be saying and then I really woke up.

Interpreting this dream...

I interpreted the previous eagle dream in 2 different ways because an Eagle is symbolic of America but also for a Prophet. So, 1) America being the eagle and 2) the prophetic gifting being the eagle and being sent to me (as a remnant believer). Again, the interpretations can be found at the above link but so far, the Lord has revealed to me through this 2nd dream that America is going to change course in a very unusual way, and dramatic way and it will appear that it is divebombing or even falling at such a high rate of speed that it is actually putting itself and the remnant (myself as the target) in very serious danger. The trajectory is going to change in the blink of an eye, and we (the remnant church) will see it happen because our eyes are open and looking for it. Although we may experience some fear at first, I noticed something interesting. I didn't run or even move, and I certainly could have. In this dream, I woke up before impact. Wooo Hooo!

In the first Eagle dream in November 2022, I thought the eagle had simply missed me and flown by but on the path this one was taking it wouldn't be able to miss me or the ground. Also, in the first dream before I opened my eyes, I could feel something. The eagle was somehow on me. Chest to chest, heart to heart with me. I knew if I opened my eyes I would be looking into the eyes of this eagle. I did not even feel the impact. In this new dream I woke up before the impact. Could this be symbolic of America (the eagle) coming at the remnant fast and furious and on a trajectory none of us can even imagine because it will really shake our soul to see what America (the eagle) comes directly at us? Was God saying 'something very impactful is imminent and My remnant will WAKE UP or be Awakened before they are harmed in any way?

On a side note, for me personally many would not know this, but my 19-year-old daughter got offended and walked away from me and out family on November 22nd of 2023. She moved in with her older brother which is fine. I knew she'd be moving out one day just didn't expect it to happen the way that it did. At this point she doesn't come by and doesn't return texts or anything at all. We pray daily for her to come home. Not to our house. She is old enough to live on her own but to come back to God and to love and honor us again as she always did before. She is our youngest and last-born child and had always been the most loving, respectful and caring toward me of all our children. We (my husband and I) are older parents. I did not even have her until I was 41 years old. It came to me that in this eagle dream I woke up and was still in a dream within the dream. I will share the lady in the Dream Labs quote here again...

I believe having a dream within a dream often means having a realization, that you are "waking up to" something.

I was excited to tell my daughter about the dream I'd just had. All of this dream is about waking up. Is it possible that this is giving me encouragement that my daughter will be back with me again so close that I can share my excitement of what the Lord is doing even telling her my dreams again? Could it be on a personal level that God is saying she too will wake up before the impact of what is coming?

I highlighted on the right above because it sticks out to me. If you have any thoughts on either of the dreams or why on the right stood out to me, I'd love to hear back from you. 

Sheryl York


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