The Potter's Wheel blog & Tim Sheets 40 Decrees


While listening to Apostle Tim Sheets this morning share his message which I loved and was so blessed by I began hearing the Lord speak to me. Although in the end, I can say yes, what Tim was teaching was and is exactly what the ecclesia needs to hear right now, the Lord dropped something different on me that I had never in my wildest dreams thought of. While Tim was preaching, and he never even uttered these words I heard 'The Potter's Wheel'. The Lord continued and said, the Potter's House story is not just a story about Me My children. The Potter's House story in Jeremiah is also about you.  So, I read it, and this is what I saw. Let's look at a portion now.

Jeremiah 18:1-4

The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying: “Arise and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will cause you to hear My words.” Then I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was, making something at the wheel. And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so, he made it again into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make.

This teaching in Jeremiah has ALWAYS been mind-blowing to me. Verse 4 actually says the vessel that He made of clay was marred in the hand of the Potter; so, even when we are safe and secure in the grand hands of our Father there are times that we, as vessels can become marred. Life happens. Choices are made. Trials come and we are daily at war with a very real enemy who hates us because God loves us so much. The text doesn't say that we come out of His hands or walk away from His covering or protection. It simply says that we can be marred in His hands while on the Potter's wheel where He is working a masterpiece out of our lives. Maybe at times we do not listen to Him and get hurt (marred). Either way, this specific scripture tells us that it is possible.  


As I continued to listen, I was moved beyond myself and looking beyond what this scripture in Jeremiah is showing us. People read it and they simply see themselves as a broken vessel that God has to make or create again, but it isn't what we think. It can be so much bigger.

Jeremiah 18:4

And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so, he made it again into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make.

Just like any other story shared with us throughout the Bible we are not to only look at it as a me, me, me type story but to have the heart of God and although He loves us each individually and is doing what He is doing right now in taking back our country we must also remember that it IS about OUR COUNTRY. God made a covenant with our Country and men who came before us. As Dutch Sheets often says, America Will Be Saved. The reality is people are being saved daily, but the phrase America will be saved means more than a few people. America is the # 1 country that 'goes into all the world to preach the good news' (Mark 16:15). Without America God would not have the harvest that He desires but by restoring us individually He is also restoring America. 

This allegory is full of symbolism as it clearly reveals God's sovereignty which is often used in scripture to deepen a message. As His children who, if born again, have the Holy Spirit within us and since we've been given all authority (Luke 10:19) we too can take something that was broken (marred) while in His hands or if we see it correctly and much bigger than we first imagined why not in our hands? By using that authority because He gave the earth to the children of men, we too can make or create it again as we know is right to the Potter (God).

Psalm 115:16

The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s; But the earth He has given to the children of men.


Look at this wonderful scripture that I found while writing this...

Psalm 14:2

The Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of men, To see if there are any who understand, who seek God.

Do we understand that as those that are made in His image, His hearts cry is that we would be like Him and walk in His ways, using His authority and His words to change and transform things not only in our lives but even around us and in our world? We are to see our world today as broken in the hand of the potter. We are to see our own Country as broken in the hand of the Potter. We, as His chosen ones who are full of His Spirit can see that our Country is marred almost beyond belief but while most see nothing at all or no way to restore, we are supposed to see with the eyes of the Spirit and use our mouths to make it again or create it again as seems right to the Potter.

Jeremiah 18:5-11

Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying: “O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter?” says the Lord. “Look, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel! The instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, to pull down, and to destroy it, if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it. And the instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it, 10 if it does evil in My sight so that it does not obey My voice, then I will relent concerning the good with which I said I would benefit it.

11 “Now therefore, speak 


I am emphasizing the words 'Now Therefore Speak' because I wonder how many of us are actually doing this. How many of us are recreating our world rather than sitting around watching television? How many of us are using the word of God to combat the wickedness that has stolen our children and decimated a generation? How many of us comprehend the importance of where we are today and how we got here in the first place? We were put to sleep beloved. DON'T LET THEM PUT YOU BACK TO SLEEP just because this is taking longer than your flesh had hoped it would. Don't fall back into their music, movies, books, social media, and all the garbage that put you in a position of compromise in the first place. Let's use the word of God in the authority given to us to place this marred Country that actually got marred under our watch back onto that potter's wheel partnering with God to create it again as He originally saw it and/or sees fit. Don't let them silence you anymore or ever again. Jeremiah 18:11 "Now therefore, speak. 

Mark 11:23
For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.
We can have whatever we say so if you are saying it's over then beloved that is what you will receive. If you are speaking life, health, wealth, favor, blessing, etc... then that is what you will have. I am adding Tim Sheets 40 Decrees here below. Use them. Get your family together and make these decrees. Open your mouth and do what God did to create this world. Nothing and I mean NOTHING was here before your Father in Heaven decided it would be and then began speaking. It's time to resemble our Father in Heaven and not to look anything like the world. We are only days away from God's New Year of 5785. Decree what you want to see happen in your life, in your Country and in your world so that you will see it in the New Year.

40 Decrees... 

1. We decree the “liar liar” show at the White House now ends. 
2. We decree the avalanche of King Jesus has now begun! Shake everything that needs shaking. 
3. We decree Godhead suddenlies, surprise moves, and surprise attacks planned and promised this fall — activate! 
4. We decree swamp rats, vultures, and giants will now fall as the King’s gambit is revealed. 
5. We decree its breakthrough season! Breakthrough! Breakthrough! And exceeding great breakthroughs…Be! 
6. We decree sudden shifts in battles…turn to amazing victories in all 50 states…now manifest! Be! 
7. We decree overwhelming victories to longstanding battles — happen now! 
8. We decree angels in overwhelming numbers be loosed today, in Jesus’ Name! 
9. We decree angel armies will fill the nations and assist our decrees of faith to come to pass. 
10. We decree angel armies promised to us are now coming alongside the Ecclesia at the battle lines to break the back of enemy encampments. 
11. We decree U-turns now come to wrong roads taken in our land. 
12. We decree boomerangs to Satan’s plans. 
13. We decree our God is now doing exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond all we ask or think. 
14. We decree deep state agendas will completely and utterly fail. 
15. We decree truth will shine in the land. It will prevail. Hell cannot stop it! 
16. We decree backfire to hell’s strategy. Backfire in Jesus’ Name! 
17. We decree backfire to government oppression. 
18. We decree backfire to liars and schemers. 
19. We decree backfire to idolaters.  
20. We decree backfire to Baal worshippers. You will no longer dance to his music. 
21. We decree backfire to Hollywood. 
22. We decree backfire to unjust judges. 
23. We decree backfire Hamons — you will hang on gallows you built for the innocent. 
24. We decree supernatural turnarounds now begin. 
25. We decree signs, wonders, and miracles be loosed! 
26. We decree healings of all manner of sickness and disease, be loosed. 
27. We decree notable miracles, astounding miracles, be loosed. 
28. We decree yes and amen to every promise You have made us. In Jesus’ Name, BE, to all of them. 
29. We decree revival will roll through this world, in Jesus’ Name, as promised. 
30. We decree a billion-soul harvest, come to us. Come now. 
31. We decree come here, prodigals. Come here, lost ones. Come to us now as promised! 
32. We decree let the harvest of the King now be. 
33. We decree hell will not stop it! 
34. We decree let the Holy Spirit outpourings promised come now. 
35. We decree open the heavens. Send the rains of heaven as You promised — now Lord! 
36. We decree prophetic words, dreams, and visions are now in their moment. Activate now with great power, in the Name of Jesus. 
37. We decree God birthed America — He will not lose it. 
38. We decree God made covenant with this nation and He will honor His Word. 
39. We decree God is hastening His Word to perform it. 
40. We decree Lucifer will now hear King Jesus declare checkmate, you lose!

Go to About — The Oasis Church ( and at the top of the page you can download this list to copy it.

Sheryl York


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