It's Time for Them to Come Home - Prophecy *


I was in prayer by 5 am on Saturday and felt that I had to be quiet and silently listen. Prayer is not simply reading off a list of needs or wants expecting God to jump on your demands. Prayer is a conversation in a personal relationship with your Heavenly Father which means you must learn to sit in silence and listen to what He has to say. Listen to your heart. Listen to the words of God that have been put inside of you through reading and meditating on His word or through hearing preaching or prophecy. You can hear the voice of the Lord. It doesn't come from your mind; it comes from your spirit. 

This morning, I wasn't waiting long at all when the Lord answered my recent prayers and cry for my children. In some ways, this is about Prodigals, but in others, I don't necessarily see my kids as such. They are truly terrific kids, but my heart is that they would know Jesus intimately and that this world and the culture they've grown up in will melt away with the sounds of REVIVAL reverberating through their souls as is beginning even now in our country. This word was given to me, but prophecy is of no private interpretation, and I couldn't help but feel that other parents needed to hear this today as well.

Snap Out of It...

I heard the Lord say, it's time for them to come home. Who Lord I asked? The prodigals are even now being touched, hearts are being changed and they are coming back to the safety of My heart and the fortress of My strong tower. For many Christian parents in these days including, you My daughter have been led to believe that you have failed Me in some way. You've been told by the enemy constantly whispering in your ear that you did not do a good enough job somehow or that you did not raise your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. He has told you that you are an utter failure and because of this you have shed many tears of guilt and condemnation. You have at times been brokenhearted because he got you to agree with is lies, but My child I have said that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Snap out of it. The devil is a liar from the beginning. If he was able to deceive a third of the angels into leaving their Heavenly home what makes you think he is now not working in your life, your family, and your thought life to try to deceive, distract and destroy you and lie to you as well?

Arise, My Child...

Arise, My child. Simply repent for your parenting mistakes and put them behind you. Yes, put them behind you this day My child for I your Father Jehovah Nissi am your banner of victory, but you must know Me as such. You must know that I am your victory and that there is nothing that your enemy can do to stop My word from coming to pass in the lives of you and your family members. For it is a new day My child and I Am doing a NEW THING. Have I not promised you that I will pour My Spirit upon ALL flesh and your sons and daughters will prophesy? All means ALL My child. Yes, all means ALL and you have not even begun to see the complete fulfillment of this yet where your children are concerned, but I your Father Jehovah Shammah am the Lord who is there. For I have never left you or your children and I will keep My promise My child to a thousand generations.

You have not failed Me in any way for I knew the end from the beginning and entrusted you with the fruit of your womb. I have already seen long past this day or this time and have kept your story in the book of life. You did as you were taught. You did as you were asked to do in My word and because of your heart of love for your children and your commitment to train them up in the way that they should go so that when they are old, they will not depart you will experience Me your Father as Jehovah Jireh. Yes, I Am the Lord your provider, but not just of finances. No, My child for I Am the Lord who sees and I Am the Lord who sees to it. Seeing to it is also My provision. Yes, I see where your children's hearts are, and I Am the Lord who will see to it that the hearts of your children are turned back to their father and the hearts of the father are turned back to their children.

The Palm of My Hands...

For My child, the days that you are living in are days of gross darkness that in time will turn to light and life for you and your children. The darkness has hardened the hearts of multitudes against Me, but this is not so with your children. This demonic culture has made its great attempt at pulling your children out of the palms of My hands, but I assure you that nothing and no one can pluck you or your children out of My hands. For I your Father in Heaven am also Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals and I will heal not only your heart but the hearts of your children as I continue to pour out My Spirit your children will be touched with REVIVAL fire just as you saw happening in Asbury which has spread like a wildfire, My child. 

Yes, the fires of REVIVAL have been prophesied for the youth, college campuses, and even schools for countless years through many of My servants the Prophets who have been faithful in all My house. Did I not say I was coming back to save the children? Abortion will be completely overturned even in the states that are fighting it now and in other countries too. Sex trafficking will be put to a halt as arrests are being made and exposures will tear down walls that have kept so many things hidden from you and the world which has allowed the wicked and evil to destroy My little ones. Did I not use a young man of only 17 to take down a Giant that terrified an entire Army? David, a youth was My chosen vessel in that day and the youth of today are My chosen vessels in this day to take down ALL the Giants and the altars erected to Baal. For they are becoming living stones and when I throw them, they will hit their mark just as the stone did in Goliath's Day to take down a demonic stronghold of fear that plagued My people. 

They Will Remember...

​Remember My child that what the enemy meant for evil I will turn around for good and I will touch your young in the same way. This is not a time to doubt, because when I make a promise in My word it shall come to pass, and you will see it with your own eyes. Because I Am Jehovah Sabaoth, the Lord of Hosts who is mighty in battle and mighty to save I tell you today that this is a fight that I have already won. So do not look at your children after the flesh or what you see before you today because I Am also Jehovah Tsidkenu, the Lord your righteousness. It is by the blood sacrifice of My son that your children are made righteous. They will remember Me and know Me as Jehovah Raah, the Lord their Shepherd who restores their soul just as you do My child.

For even in times of old and in the midst of great sacrifice I was known as Jehovah M'Kaddesh, the Lord who sanctifies and makes you holy. Yes, My child, I have looked upon your children who have all asked Me into their hearts and I see them as sanctified and holy. You My child have every reason to look upon your children and say, 'this is my beloved son/daughter in whom I am well pleased.' For I see you through the blood sacrifice of My son and so I see your children in the same way, and I need you to remember that I have said that you and your household shall be saved. I Am a covenant-keeping God, and I will not break My covenant with you, My child. Never no never.

The Beginning and the End...

Know Me by My names My child for I Am a personal God. I Am not just the creator of Heaven and Earth, but I Am also a Father who wants to be involved in your life daily and in all the little things as well as all the big things. Yes, I Am the same God yesterday, today, and forever who has indelibly imprinted you and your children in the palms of My hands. I Am the same Father (Abba) who formed you in My image out of the dust of the earth and the same God who breathed life into you to give you life and that more abundantly. It is I who want you to have the abundant life and yet it has been stolen from you, your children, and even your ancestors, but I will restore the years that the cankerworm and palmerworm have stolen from you if you can only put your trust and faith in Me.

And I will leave you today with peace. For I am always Jehovah Shalom, the Lord your peace and I Am even now placing within you a peace that passes all understanding. Don't question it, My child. Don't even ponder it or give a thought to how you can have such peace in your heart as the storms are raging all around you for I your Father Am your Jehovah, who is a personal and loving God. Not just the God above you, but rather God who is with you. Yes, I want you to know Me as Elohim who is all powerful and Adonai, the Lord of everything, but more than that I want your relationship with Me to be established on love because perfect love casts out all fear My child. Know Me through My names because I Am the Way the Truth and the Life, and I have even put My Spirit within you. You my child are covered on every side and filled to overflowing with My Spirit on the inside. For I love you with an everlasting love and as of this very day you My child know Me in a greater way because I have given you the revelation of who I really am. Yes, I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.

Sheryl York

Posted to Biblical 8.12.24


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