You Must SEE! - Blog


Have you ever met someone who says things like 'God doesn't speak today or God stopped talking once the Bible was written and now all we have is His Word? Many of you on my list about a year ago didn't believe Prophets still spoke today but have now changed your mind and can clearly see that there is absolutely no way the prophetic words that I have shared with you could have been given without the Lord speaking to His people because the very things that they share are coming to pass literally daily now. Of course, there was a point where we were hearing and hearing and hearing and felt we were seeing very little happening, but WOW! now the prophecies we've been hearing for years are coming to pass right before our eyes.

In a portion of the prophetic word, I am sharing this week from Andrew Towe he says, with God we wait and wait and wait and then suddenly. Yes, that is so true. We tend to forget that God is longsuffering. His patience is way beyond ours and so we want things like a drive-through restaurant 'our way, right away', but God is the same yesterday, today, and forever so He is not moved at all as we are. He is spirit. We are flesh and because of that flesh, we can find ourselves throwing tantrums when God doesn't do what we want when we want it. This beloved is how we know that we are growing in Christ. We put our flesh under submission and trust Him and His timing rather than exalting our own minds above His thinking we somehow know better. Can the dust of the earth tell the Creator when or what to do? I think not.

I want to draw your attention to something specific, but it will take me a few minutes to get there. You've all learned throughout this last year that God speaks through His word, His prophets or prophetic voices, dreams, visions, signs, and wonders. Signs and wonders you have seen through prophecy fulfilled e-mails with weather events, amazing things in our skies, and raining fish as was prophesied both by Julie Green and Timothy Dixon, the rare all-white eagle that Dr. Patricia Green prophesied and has already come to pass. Watch now for 2 rare all-white eagles as Timothy Dixon just prophesied this only days ago.

In this blog however, I want to help you to SEE that you must look in God's direction. Although there are people who have experienced Heavenly visits, Angelic visitations and the like the truth is they are as rare as seeing two white eagles. I don't believe it is intended to be that way, but because God's people don't SEE or LOOK, they don't set themselves up to experience anything other than the norm.

Getting back to Moses I want to share a very important scripture that people overlook. They know the story. They've read it, heard it, and watched a movie about it, but are they really being impacted by it? Let's look at Exodus 3...

Moses at the Burning Bush

Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. And he led the flock to the back of the desert, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. So, he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, but the bush was not consumed. Then Moses said, “I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn.”

So when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, “Moses, Moses!”

And he said, “Here I am.”

In this small portion of scripture, we could simply see a burning bush, but there is more to SEE here. Go back in time with me and understand something. A desert is a desert, right? This scripture clearly says he was in the desert. Have you ever seen a desert? Can you imagine in your own mind what a desert might look like? Have you seen movies about deserts? I have seen them, driven by them and heard much about them. Bushes do grow, but the desert is so dry and hot that very little grows and has a long life, and bushes don't last very long. Most become tumbleweeds because they have no deep roots and no water to bind them to the soil. I believe that Moses had seen countless bushes burning in his 40 years in the desert. Actually, the bush burning itself was not what he noticed at all. What he noticed was that the bush wasn't burning up. 

Do you have a part to play in your calling? Yes, beloved, you do. In 2nd Peter we find...

2 Peter 1:10
Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things, you will never stumble.

​It does not matter whether you have a gifting or a calling on your life if you do not SEE it. If you choose to not look, not hear, not pay attention and not follow the Lord's leading it will not come to pass. God does not force people; we are not puppets. He needs us to partner with Him and sometimes He has to move on to another person because we refuse to hear Him. Moses knew something was special about him. Moses knew the story about his mother putting him in the basket to save him from a law that all the boys under 2 would have to be killed. Moses knew that he'd been raised in the man's palace who put that law into existence. Moses found out that the woman who called herself his mother had not been his mother at all, but that the woman who nursed him, took care of him, taught and trained him up in the way he should go was actually not just a simple servant, but was his real mother. Moses had heard the truth that he was called to be the Deliverer for God's people and getting ahead of himself (or moving in the flesh) when he saw how his people were being treated and killed a man trying to help one of his own people and then because of what he'd done, he ran. Forty years living with Pharaoh and forty years in the desert hiding. For 80 years Moses had a calling on his life. It didn't start at 80, did it? No, that is just when God finally decided IT WAS TIME. God's timing is always perfect. He sees the end from the beginning, and we must learn to trust Him and His timing in everything, especially in where we are today.

What is it that I see in this story, or the scriptures shared above? What is it that many in the body of Christ might be missing especially if they refuse to see that God still speaks to His people to this day through dreams, visions, prophecy, and even the world around us? I believe that it is opening yourself up to hearing God through what we see and what is around us. Do we blindly go through our day not realizing that eagles are symbolic of not only prophets but also of the United States? I cannot go out of my house without seeing eagles flying and realizing that God is lifting up the eagles as a sign. Are we so blind that we can't see that the earth is travailing with a major uptick in volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, rain, blizzards, etc... But the truth is many simply, sit back and think this is all very normal and if it doesn't affect them, they don't care.

We clearly see that in Exodus 3:2b-3 he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, but the bush was not consumed. Then Moses said, “I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn.”

Isn't it possible then that Moses could have simply walked by that burning bush and ignored it entirely? Is it possible that Moses could have run in the opposite direction because this was such an odd site unlike anything he'd ever seen before, he could have been afraid of it? Isn't it possible that Moses could have thought it was something demonic because it was a fire in the first place? So many think of the devil when they think of fire because

 of the fires of hell, but in Exodus 24:17 God is a consuming fire. In

 fact, in Revelation 1:14Revelation 2:18, and Revelation 19:12 we find that

 Jesus was seen to have eyes like a flame of fire. My point is this particular fire could have terrified a man out alone in the desert, but Moses not only looked, but he also literally understood that he was seeing something quite unusual, and he had to turn toward it (toward the Lord) to see what it really was, what was happening, why was this unusual thing happening? How could a bush burn, but not be consumed?

Obviously beloved it was supernatural. It was a God thing. It wasn't demonic, it wasn't normal or usual. It was something so unusual that Moses noticed it while walking by and tending his sheep. He then had to look and not ignore it and then he went even further, and he said to himself 'I will now turn aside and SEE. He had to make a decision to move his head on that 80-year-old neck and look to see before he even heard. God did not speak to Moses until he looked. In Exodus 3:4 we find So when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, “Moses, Moses!” One can only wonder then. If Moses would not have looked or turned toward the bush to see what was going on would God have just allowed him to walk on by? Would God have tried again and again to get his attention because Moses was a part of His plan to deliver the children of Israel? Most likely because God looks upon the heart and even though Moses made that mistake of killing that man back when he was 40 years old, the reason he did it was because he did have a heart for God's people and just went about it the wrong way.

Another story I am reminded of is the Disciples in the boat seeing Jesus' walking on water. In Mark 6:47-50 we find something very interesting.

 47 Now when evening came, the boat was in the middle of the sea; and He was alone on the land. 48 Then He saw them straining at rowing, for the wind was against them. Now about the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea, and would have passed them by. 49 And when they saw Him walking on the sea, they supposed it was a ghost, and cried out; 50 for they all saw Him and were troubled. But immediately He talked with them and said to them, “Be[j] of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.”

Jesus stayed behind on shore and sent the disciples off in a boat. He can literally see them from the shore struggling which I have highlighted above. He decides to go help them so here is where He walks on water but look further. In Mark's account of what happened he says, 'and would have passed them by.' What, they saw him, actually thought it had to be a ghost obviously because they'd never seen Him walk on water before, but Mark says, 'and would have passed them by'. Now, wait a minute here. Jesus saw them struggling from the land and decided they needed Him so He walked out to help them, but did not know where they were and would have passed them by? 

Does that make sense? No, not unless He needed them to realize themselves that they needed Him or His help. He made Himself available, but they needed to cry out and once they did, He went immediately to them. God will not just drop Himself, His will, or His help and leading upon us beloved. He won't just drop healing or finances on us either. He wants us to want Him in our life. He needs us to call out or cry out to Him, let Him know you want and need Him and have faith that He will come when you call. In this telling, we find that the disciples looked and even though at first, they were afraid they kept looking and cried out. They made sure they got His attention, and this is what we should be doing today for what is coming. I do hope that those of you on my list who weren't always in the word of God or in church hearing about God have realized you will find yourself on the wrong side of history. You must stop procrastinating your salvation. Get to know Him and begin to call upon Him for your household, your healing, your finances, and even protection in the days we are living in.

Several other times that God used signs, wonders, and/or symbols just off the top of my head...
  • In Matthew 2 we find the Star of Bethlehem in the sky that led the wise men to Jesus.
  • In Exodus we find that the plagues of Egypt were signs and wonders used to change Pharaoh's heart and bring God glory in a country that served many other false gods.
  • In Jonah 1 we find the storm in Jonah's day where he actually told those on the ship to throw him over because he knew that the storm had been sent to get his attention.
  • In 1 King's 18 we find the story of the cloud the size of a man's hand that Elijah's servant saw showing that God was answering, and the rain was coming.
  • In Numbers 22 we find an interesting story about Balaam's donkey. He is absolutely heading in the wrong direction so God sends an Angel of the Lord and Balaam couldn't see the Angel, so God literally opened up the mouth of the Donkey to speak to him and to shake him awake to hear that he was going in the wrong direction.
  • In John 11 we find Jesus calling forth Lazarus which was a foreshadowing of his own death and resurrection that would come.
  • In Daniel 4 we find the story of a King whose pride and arrogance got the best of him and because of how he treated God's people he was driven from men and ate grass like oxen; his body was wet with the dew of heaven till his hair had grown like eagles’ feathers and his nails like birds’ claws. This was for 7 years so the people surely saw their former King on all fours eating grass. What could this have been symbolic of? Maybe God's way of saying 'this is what happens to Tyrants who treat My children badly.'

I won't go on and on as I am sure you get my point by now. If you have a heart for God and want to serve Him you must LOOK and you must move beyond simply reading the word to SEE what He is saying to you, your family, and so on. Reading the word teaches you who God is, but He wants to speak to you in so many ways. He will try again and again, but eventually, He needs someone who will partner with Him like Abraham, Noah, Joseph, Esther, Deborah, Paul the Apostle and so many more that were used to bring deliverance time and time again to His people.

What we are experiencing today is not the first Exodus beloved, but it could very well be the last Exodus before the taking away of the church. Our earth has already been here for almost 6,000 years. Forget what the scientists say about there being life on the planet for millions of years. Hogwash! I can't even listen to a program or documentary that says something like that. The earth was without form and void almost 6,000 years ago when the Holy Spirit hovered over it and God spoke everything that we see into existence and came down from Heaven and formed us out of the dust of the earth with His own hands. If this is the final Exodus, I want to be a part of it. I want to see who God is using. Who is the Moses or Noah that God is using to save our planet and His people today? How can I help, and how can I support those He is using? I want to be the one to think out of the box and partner with God against the evil of the day. When all is said and done, we are going to find out some mind-blowing things about what God did to deliver His people once again. Trump will be used again, but the Bible says in Isaiah 11

Isaiah 11:9
They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord As the waters cover the sea.

Has this happened in your day? If not we are still waiting to see it manifest. What about Joel 2:28 or Acts 2:17?

Joel 2:28

God’s Spirit Poured Out

And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesyyour old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.
​I believe we'd better be willing to get off the rapture rugs beloved because far too many things have yet to be fulfilled that were already prophesied even in the Bible itself. You can't just pick and choose what you believe which is exactly how we got so divided with Denominations to this day. I hope that if you get anything out of this particular blog it is that you must be aware that He is ever talking, ever showing you things, ever giving you dreams, always sending His prophets, ever revealing Himself and His glory and just as you are the apple of His eye, He is simply longing for your eyes to SEE and acknowledge Him and what He is doing in your life and the world around you.

Sheryl York
America Reimagined
Arkansas, USA
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