Holy Spirit Rain Down - Prophecy

This morning the Lord gave me a prophetic word that I felt to share. Please remember with prophecy there is no private interpretation (2 Peter 1:20) which means when you hear a word or read a word if you want to grab hold of it you can. You can believe for it in your life or share it with others.

I woke up this morning at 4:48 am singing this song... 

Holy Spirit Rain Down (worship video w/ lyrics) 


Holy Spirit rain down, Holy Spirit rain down. Let Your power fall. Let Your voice be heard. Come and change our hearts as we stand on Your word. Holy Spirit rain down.

Can you hear the rain, My children? Do you feel the raindrops starting? Yes, My children I Am even now pouring out My Spirit upon all flesh (Joel 2:28). You are feeling it and soon and very soon even your neighbors will feel it so keep a watch My children because you will not only hear about but will also see the manifestation of My glory ( presence) which will fill your homes to overflowing and your houses will become lighthouses. 

For I will make of you a lighthouse that will be visibly seen even by the natural eyes of your neighbors who have not yet met Me. They will see the light and have no doubt that they can find Me there. Prepare for this My children. You have been preparing the way for Me (Isaiah 40:3) and now it is time for Me to not only visit you but cohabitate with you, says the Lord.

Yes, My children you heard that right. You are living in a time like no other. Many of you have heard of or even experienced revival before but in those seasons, I was visiting and in this new time and season, I Am coming to stay. I will live with you, love you, protect you, bless you, and give you freedom and joy that you have never experienced before this time.

I must warn you My children that not everyone will see the light. Not everyone will want to come out of deception, darkness, and slavery for just as in the days of Noah mockers will mock and find themselves perishing. Just as in the days of Moses, there will be many who even though I break their chains of bondage, heal their bodies, and give every opportunity for great wealth will choose against My hand and My help. They are a people who lack knowledge of who I really am and therefore a people without vision. Have I not said that My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) and without a vision, My people perish (Proverbs 29:18)?

You My chosen ones have been given a heart for the lonely, the lost, and the backslidden and I will use you mightily in the days and even years to come as I set up My Kingdom on this earth but DO NOT allow yourselves to get into bondage to anointing stealers. Although I Am removing much evil, Satan will not give up. He will roam around like a lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8) and those who walk in joy, love, forgiveness and peace will be able to resist but those who choose to walk in anger, bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness will easily be snared and they will try to infiltrate your lives, your homes and your churches to pull you away from My anointing because they too can see the light and the calling and gifting you walk in.

Beware the anointing stealers. For you, My children have been called for such a time as this. Be laser focused. Stay under the shelter of My wings (Psalm 91:4). Spend time with Me and seek Me daily for I will lead you, guide you and direct you. As you acknowledge Me, I will make your path straight (Proverbs 3:6).

It is time My children. Go into all the world and preach the good news (Gospel) (Mark 16:15) of the Kingdom. Cast out demons, heal the leper (sick), and raise the dead. For this has always been your calling. The thief has stolen much and set My people back by generations through much deception but now it is time for Me to remove the scales from ALL eyes, open the ears of the deaf so that they can hear My voice again (John 10:7) and keep My promise to restore the YEARS that have been stolen, says the Lord (Joel 2:25).

Sheryl L. York

To subscribe to my daily encouragement where I share prophecies through Julie Green, Diana Larkin & others go to  subscribepage.io/tmpzdc


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