The Heavens Are Open - Prophecy

 Sharing the song, I listened to over and over this morning...

Touch of Heaven - David Funk | Worship Night -

This morning as I was worshipping the Lord, I heard Him say, My children, I have opened the Heavens over you, your homes, and your families but many have not even noticed. For Heaven is even now touching Earth, but you won't experience it unless you open your hearts to receive it. You must look beyond the natural and into the spirit realm to see it. For just as Jacob ran and had no idea that he was running right into Me. So, you have been running in distress of situations and circumstances that have risen around you and in your world, but I say to you this day that you have been running toward Me all along. Come to Me and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). In that place of rest, you too will realize that you have come to a ladder between Heaven and Earth where I will show you My glory and you too will have your eyes opened to see the Angels ascending and descending (Genesis 28:12).

My children many of you are not ready for what is to come. I have encouraged you through My prophetic voices and even warned you through some, trying to prepare you for the darkness, yes but also for the harvest of souls that will be coming but many have not taken Me seriously. Some have chosen to live like the ten virgins of which only five were wise but five were foolish and did not live prepared with oil for their lamps in those dark days while waiting for the bridegroom's return (Matthew 25). This My dear ones is not a time to be out of oil. For even as Elisha told the widow woman to borrow vessels and not a few, I Am telling you, My children, today, that I Am pouring out My anointing oil on all who will receive it. Make your vessel ready and ask of Me, for I am willing to take even those who have been foolish in My body and multiply the oil that they do have.

I have slowly tried to prepare you because of the levels of understanding amongst all of My children and those who are still learning how to hear from Me through prophecy but in many ways, there has been a 'wait and see' attitude. Many are still not listening. Many are still on the fence. Many refuse to believe I speak through prophets or speak at all today but there is a small remnant throughout the earth that are ready. They stand, they pray, they intercede, and decree My word daily. Yet there are still those in this time who say they believe Me, and they even tell others that I Am coming. Prepare ye the way (Luke 3:4) they proclaim. 

So, it is to those today who speak of getting prepared but ignore the signs of the times for themselves that I am speaking. For although it is true that in My word, I say that you will not know the day or the hour, you very much have the ability to know the season (Mark 13:32). Look to Me and hearken to My voice, and even though I the Lord, change the times and the seasons; I show signs and one is that I remove kings and set up kings which you are seeing even now. I give wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding! (Daniel 2:21) For you are even now in the time of the great harvest and the restoration of all things. I am calling forth My sons of Issachar who will be given the understanding of the times that they are living in to help My people in these dark times to flourish and overcome.

Look to the changing of your seasons My children. For is it not true that on the 21st of June, you experienced the longest day of light that you experience all year long? Yes, and My light has come. It is now a time that you will see Me changing everything from darkness to light and I need My children to be prepared for what I Am about to do. I will pour out My Spirit and your sons and daughters will prophecy, your old men will dream dreams and your young men will see visions (Joel 2:28) but it is long past time for My children to put away from them an evil heart of unbelief (Hebrews 3:12). 

For I have said that I could do no mighty work in My own hometown or even amongst those who believe they already know Me because of their unbelief (Mark 6:4). And so, it is today. I Am moving upon the earth and throughout the world, but unbelief hinders the manifestation of what you see and experience in the natural. Do not be like those amongst the children of Israel who I miraculously delivered by My mighty right arm from Pharaoh and sent on an 11-day journey to the promised land only to wander in the desert for 40 years in rebellion, idol worship, grumbling, complaining, and unbelief. Remember My children it was not those originally delivered who saw the promised land. It was their children and their children's children who finally believed and entered in (Joshua 1).

For even now I Am removing the scales from the eyes of those who have been blinded by lies, deception, propaganda, and religion so that My children will have their sight restored (Acts 9:18). Yes, I Am putting a new heart within My people and taking out that stony heart to give them a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 11:19). I will not only open the eyes of My people, but I will also unstop their ears so that they can hear Me (Isaiah 35:5). For I have said that My sheep hear My voice and the voice of another they WILL NOT follow (John 10:27). Those who are Mine are inclining their ears to hear what My Spirit is saying to the ecclesia (called out ones) today.

For I have said in My word, Behold, I will do a new thingnow it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert (Isaiah 43:19). Those who have eyes to see will walk in Giant slaying faith in these days and find themselves rejoicing even in times of trouble. I will make them laugh (Genesis 21:6) at adversity just as I sit in the Heavens and laugh (Psalm 2:4) because I hold those who have done evil against My children in derision. Yes, My children know that I will console those who mourn in Zion, and give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the Lord, that I may be glorified.” (Isaiah 61:3)

Worship Me, My children, for I have opened Heavenly portals over you, over your homes, and over your families. Call Heaven to earth just as I have instructed in My word saying when you pray, say: Our Father Who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come. Your will be done [held holy and revered] on earth as it is in heaven (Luke 11:12). I do hear your prayers My children. They come before Me like Golden bowls full of incense. (Revelations 5:8). Open your hearts My children. Open your homes. Worship day and night for when you do you are truly bringing the glory which is My presence into the natural realm. You are bringing My glory into your situation and circumstances. You are bringing My presence into your life, into your home, and even into the lives of those around you. 

My glory will destroy all sickness, disease, lack, poverty, bondage, and even burdens that have been put upon you by the enemy. Darkness cannot overtake Me or live in My presence. Yes, I sent My Son to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed (Luke 4:18). And, I Am come once again, so that you can live in freedom like you've never known before, and times and seasons of refreshing and great rejoicing will be experienced that My Children have never known before. Where My Spirit is there is liberty, saith the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:17).

Chosen by the King,

Sheryl L. York


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