Wanted by man or Chosen by God? - blog

Recently I was watching a podcast and when I heard the name Saul, I sensed that God was asking me to write a blog. I do realize that that sounds funny that If I hear a name, I feel I am to write, but it's the truth. I don't need to hear an entire teaching, a preacher or even a prophetic word. God just shares one name with Me and an entire story floods my spirit and I can't get away from it unless I sit down and write, go through the scriptures and share what I sense the Lord wants to say. It can at times take days depending on what else I am doing, but I do it every time. I don't mean I'll get around to it someday. No, that is not what it feels like. I mean I have to sit down for as long as it takes until it is finished, edited, posted, sent etc... 

Let me clarify. I am not speaking of the Apostle Paul whose name was previously Saul before that fateful day when Jesus knocked him off his horse on the road to Damascus. No, I am taking us back into the Old Testament where we find the story of a king who was chosen and although anointed by God was not necessarily what God wanted for His people but actually God's way of giving men what they wanted. We must understand that God has always wanted to be the King of His people. God loves His people. He wants to provide for them and take care of them, but man has continued throughout our history to choose to be under men who more often than not lead them astray or even worshipping idols created by man rather than worshipping the God who created everything. 

In the time before Saul was anointed king, Israel got their direction, wisdom, knowledge etc... from God through the Prophet Samuel. God was their King. Samuel was the one that they looked to to hear from the God of Heaven. Samuel had 2 sons who were Judges and sadly he did not raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Both became like our politicians of today taking advantage of God's people and full of greed and corruption. The people saw this happening and as the Prophet Samuel aged, they felt that once he passed on, they definitely did not want his sons to be promoted and over them so in 1 Samuel 8:4-9 we read...
1 Samuel 8:4-9

Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah, and said to him, “Look, you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations.”

But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to judge us.” So Samuel prayed to the Lord. And the Lord said to Samuel, “Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them. According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt, even to this day—with which they have forsaken Me and served other gods—so they are doing to you also. Now therefore, heed their voice. However, you shall solemnly forewarn them, and show them the behavior of the king who will reign over them.”

God specifically tells Samuel that He knows they are rejecting Him by asking for a man to be placed over them as king and then he gives Samuel a warning to give to them. There really isn't a lot of information about Saul but scripture does tell us that Saul was a very good-looking guy who stood head and shoulders over others. Becoming king wasn't something he was looking for or ever even thought of. There hadn't been a king before him. In all honesty, this was pretty much thrust on him and surely was a lot to handle. God chooses him over all others out of the Tribe of Benjamin. Benjamin you will remember was Joseph's youngest brother. Not a stepbrother like the other 10 of Jacob's sons but his full brother through their beloved mother Rachel who died giving birth to him.

I mean any one of us can understand why the Elders were worried about the Prophet Samuel aging and would he be leaving his corrupt sons who were not even considered prophets of the Lord over them? With a lack of understanding who God was to them, they were impatient and decided to go from having a prophet over them who would speak the word of the Lord to having a king rule over them. They decided they wanted a man to rule over them. They truly didn't understand what Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; Who can know it? 

God loves, heals, delivers, restores, gives, blesses, and gives us peace and rest. These are not the kind of things that a man can give. God knows the heart of man and because He is willing to give His people what they want by giving them a king He also knows that He wants His children taken care of so in 1 Samuel 10:9 we read... So it was, when he had turned his back to go from Samuel, that God gave him another heart. This is speaking of Saul here. God gave Saul another heart. WOW! Why? His people had just rejected Him, but God loves His people so much that He is always involved somehow just as He is today working to change the heart of men and women in our government and teaching us that hatred is not the way, but that love is the only way forward.

Samuel now has the task of telling the people what is taking place and I don't think he minced words... lol in 1 Samuel 10:17-19 we read...

1 Samuel 10:17-19

17 Then Samuel called the people together to the Lord at Mizpah, 18 and said to the children of Israel, “Thus says the Lord God of Israel: ‘I brought up Israel out of Egypt, and delivered you from the hand of the Egyptians and from the hand of all kingdoms and from those who oppressed you.’ 19 But you have today rejected your God, who Himself saved you from all your adversities and your tribulations; and you have said to Him, ‘No, set a king over us!’ Now therefore, present yourselves before the Lord by your tribes and by your clans.”

Have you ever noticed there is what I call a honeymoon period with just about anything in life? It isn't just a husband and wife but sometimes a job, a church, a new friend and yes dear ones, even a king being placed over you. I remember countless jobs that I couldn't wait to get into and then once in couldn't wait to get the heck out... lol I remember churches and people that I really loved and thought we connected with until all of a sudden, they weren't preaching the same Bible I was reading, and I knew they would lead my children astray, so we had to move on. We've had people come into our lives and literally felt like they'd always be there. They were the greatest of friends and then one day without notice they were just gone with no explanation. 

Often times we think we want something and then once we have it, we find it wasn't really what we wanted. People change. Lives change. Circumstances change and the honeymoon period is over. This I believe is what happened with those asking Samuel to place a king over them. They'd already forgotten their time under Pharaoh. They forgot that like Samuel's sons who didn't live to the standards of God, this king that they wanted could change, become corrupted, treat them badly and lord it over them. Worst of all although anointed by God he could very well disobey God and they might no longer have the protection, mercy, grace, and love of the God who'd delivered them. And sadly, Saul didn't disappoint. He did become more and more arrogant. He started to see himself more highly than he ought to and stopped listening to the Lord through Samuel. He also became very oppressed by demons and then at first David helped by playing musical instruments for him to calm the spiritual attacks but of course, eventually, Saul was overtaken with jealousy of David and evil moved on in as he allowed those demons to not only oppress but to encamp and take over his life.

Saul's ending is not pretty. There is a very difficult story in 1 Samuel 15 where Saul is going to war and has been instructed by the Lord through Samuel that he is being sent to punish Amalek for what he did to the Israelites. Saul is to leave no one alive and take nothing. He is literally told to bring nothing back. No spoils, no animals, no jewels, nothing. He was given explicit instructions. To us this doesn't make sense in our modern day, but God knows all, see's all, hears all and He has reasons for everything that He does or asks us to do. He sees the end from the beginning. Let me insert here that although God is our creator, we as a people are not all seen the same. Those who go their own way and reject Him are seen differently than those of us who love Him and are called according to His purpose. 

Saul acts as though he hears Samuel but obviously isn't really listening anymore. He and his men go to war against the Amalekites and come back home rejoicing in victory, but Samuel comes into the camp and hears the bleating of sheep. He confronts Saul and says, God specifically told you to kill them all, to destroy everything, and NOT to take anything for yourself or leave anyone alive. So, Saul finally confesses that he has a fear of man, and rather than obey the Lord he has listened to his men and allowed them to bring back livestock, spoils and they even thought it was a good idea to keep King Agag alive and bring him back. I guess I'm just too obedient because I can't even imagine going completely against what the Lord told me to do and thinking I'd done such a great thing.

People still to this day do not comprehend what their disobedience does not only to themselves but to the lives of many countless others down the road. Why is Saul's disobedience that day such a huge deal to me? We often read the Bible and don't really put the stories together. Our minds try to separate everything, but God wants us to study His word to see who He really is and why He really did the things He did. In this particular case, I see a problem right away because I love the story of Esther. You might wonder why on earth I am going from Saul and his disobedience to Esther. Well because many years later because of Saul's disobedience, we have Haman who we are told several times is an Agagite. Everything was done by names, tribes etc... back in those days. For example, the Amalekites were descendants of Amalek, therefore an Agagite would be a descendent of Agag. Although it's hard to see it scripturally, I have gone through the Strong's Concordance and have also heard scholars say that they are one and the same. That the Amalekites that God wanted Saul to kill that day were under King Agag and Haman was somehow from that line of people. 

Esther 3:1
After these things King Ahasuerus promoted Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, and advanced him and set his seat above all the princes who were with him. 

That means someone made it out alive, doesn't it? We know it wasn't King Agag himself because the Prophet Samuel picked up a sword and slayed him to fulfill the word of the Lord, but we see that the hatred in Haman's heart for the Jews is hidden for a time in Esther's day up until he is lifted up to 2nd in Command under King Ahasuerus (Esther's husband) and that is when he is able to get his evil plot to have all the Jews exterminated approved by Esther's own husband. By deceiving the King, Haman was literally building gallows to have not only Esther's uncle Mordecai hung but the plan was to kill them all. Sound familiar? God had sent King Saul to take out those under King Agag and to kill them all because they were not His people. They hated Him and hurt His people. God knew that if Saul didn't follow through, He would have to revisit this situation again one day to save His people.

My point is there will always be Hamans out there because we as God's people disobey Him. We exalt our own minds and thoughts and reason out that God couldn't possibly have meant to kill them all, but dear ones that is exactly what He meant. Again, He sees the end from the beginning. He knew what His children would have to suffer under Amalekites, Agagites, and the like but Saul sided with his men and completely disobeyed the word of the Lord, and in pride and arrogance it appears someone got away. 

As difficult as it is for people to understand because of free will God will give us what we want. We are not puppets on a string that He pulls from the clouds and forces to do His will or go His way. He allows us to see what life is like without Him and boy have we seen it in the last 50 or so years since we sat back and allowed the Liberals to use the Supreme Court to mandate killing God's creation (babies) practically at will. Our new Supreme Court ruling last year was miraculous, but it hasn't stopped the Hamans of this world or removed the hatred that makes them want to exterminate God's people. They simply look for new ways and use new people. Today Haman is Bill Gates, Yuval Noah Harari, George Soros, Barack Obama, Klaus Schwab, and especially Dr. Anthony Fauci and each of these people will have a very difficult end brought on by what they wanted for us.

It's always been about taking over and taking out God's people. We now realize the extent to which our own government will go to hide what they've been doing to our children. Our borders are wide open for many reasons, but one is to get those kids from Mexico over that border to force them into sex trafficking never giving them a future and a hope at all. Gay marriage seemed so innocent right? As long as it wasn't affecting us why not just live and let people live? Ahhh, but that too I knew would lead to allowing sex with children. It's always about pushing an envelope and getting what they (the Liberal Loonies) want. Gay marriage wasn't enough and now we have Transgender and non-binary people grabbing our kids' hands and literally boldface saying publicly, ' We are coming after your children.'  Forcing our kids to watch drag queens read books, dance, and even walk naked down our streets in front of our children and grandchildren as young as kindergarten and, oh my gosh, if you live in California, you aren't even allowed to question your child or the school if they want to have sex change operations because it's actually THE LAW. 

Beloved, we fell down on the job. We drank the Kool-Aid the Mockingbird media and Hollywood were selling. We fell asleep and simply closed our eyes NEVER realizing that one day we would arrive in 2023 to what we are seeing all around us today. We want God to simply wiggle His nose and clean up our mess, but He needs us to be involved and to stand up and fight. I don't mean with our fists. I mean through prayer with our words. I mean by going to school board meetings or even city council meetings. I mean get up and do something even if it's simply sharing what you believe online, in social media, through e-mail, or at a meeting. There is a scripture that none like to hear but it's God's word and now more than ever it is time for us to comprehend it.

Matthew 10:33
But whoever denies and disowns Me before men, I also will deny and disown him before My Father Who is in heaven.

So, what do we do now? We stand up for God and stop acting like the world who hates Him. Only God can save you, your family, your friends, and even your coworkers. God looks upon the heart. He knows if we are embarrassed to call ourselves His children. He knows if we are unwilling to share Him or His light with others. Believe Me, dear ones I've spent years being rejected simply because I wouldn't deny My Father in Heaven. I've spent years of people not wanting to read my articles or hear what I had to say online because I would share not only political stuff but Jesus and truth. I've spent years with even my own children not wanting to hear what I had to say because it wasn't their way, the way the world is today or what they wanted to believe. I'm just old and don't get it. Ummm, no, you are just young and don't get what social media, movies, games, music and the death culture of this day has done to you. The funny thing is in the end I may have the last laugh as once God turns things around those very same people may finally see that they didn't know as much as they thought and while they spent time in the world, I spent time with the Lord and in the Word of God. Who knows... Maybe I'll finally be the popular one... lol

So, what do we do now? We listen to the prophets. We spend time in the Word of God. We pray, praise, worship, and make decrees. We do anything and everything that we can to take back our lives, our freedoms, our cities, our states, our nation, and the world. My list of readers I do believe are not only taking my e-mails seriously but are also actually participating, but we must remember the lesson learned here. God wants to be our King. He will delegate to man (like Trump and others) to do certain things, but He won't have us worshipping a man or idols. Without God Trump and our Military could not do what is necessary and to be honest they haven't. We all thought Trump and our military had this in the bag 3 years ago and then it seemed even our military was going woke. We must make this change. We must pray for man but stop looking to man. We must come to a place where we want God to be our King and stop believing that man would ever treat us like our Heavenly King wants to. 

Once God has chosen another as He did between Saul and David, although it is true that Saul was not removed immediately it's only a matter of time as God allows what they really wanted in rejecting Him to come full force in their lives and the very demons that they once worked for and with come after them. Satan is not the giver of life. He has no life to give. He has torment and destruction and if you side with him you may not see it for a while because he is a liar and a deceiver but eventually it catches up with you. That is the whole point of reaping and sowing. God set sowing and reaping up at the beginning of time and so that is how He always knows what is coming back on those who sow to the flesh rather than to the spirit. 

What was Sauls end? In 1 Samuel 31:4a, he literally asked one of his men to thrust a sword through him. He knew it was over but even sadder his family suffered. All 3 of his sons also died with him that day. What started out as the people simply wanting a king to be placed over them took years in the making but evil took over Saul and it destroyed him and his family. In the end, 1 Samuel 31:4b tells us that Saul fell on his own sword.

1 Samuel 31:4b  

Therefore Saul took a sword and fell on it. 

God was however already prepared for this. Nothing gets past Him. While you may be worrying about every ridiculous thing that is happening right now around you, God has already made a plan and has been implementing it. He will ALWAYS come when we cry out. He is faithful and He is not a man that He should lie. That means His words are TRUE. They aren't maybe or we'll see. His word (the Bible) is true and the words that He is speaking to us through the Prophets now are true and will come to pass. Another very important scripture is... 

1 Samuel 16:1 

Now the Lord said to Samuel, “How long will you mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and go; I am sending you to Jesse the Bethlehemite. For I have provided Myself a king among his sons.”

God had already chosen David knowing full well what was coming. God has even now rejected those in leadership over us today. He knows what they've done. He knows the evil, the lying, the stealing. He knows and He is moving even now to remove them all. Each position has a replacement already because God knew. We are just now learning what God already knew. We are just now seeing what God has had to do to free us. Men have been deceived for over 100 years believing we are actually electing someone as our United States President. The Deep State has been SELECTING someone to put in our White House for a very long time. A few mishaps along the way with Ronald Regan being voted in and of course Trump, but make no mistake Obama, Clinton, Bush, and many many more were Selected so that they would allow or do specific things for the Deep State. God is DONE with man's selections. He has already prepared a man for the United States. A man who loves our country, loves our flag, serves freely even without pay, and has been willing to take on the Deep State which has done everything it can to try to destroy Trump, his family, his businesses, his finances, his homes and even his friends or anyone who works around him. Trump is God's David. A man after His own heart for people and for this country

Get ready for truth.
Get ready for justice.
Get ready for the shaking.
Get ready for God's glory.
Get ready for the return of Trump.

But most of all Get ready to see those who God is putting down fall upon their own swords. Not only will we witness them turn on each other but many will see the writing on the wall and not want to face Tribunals for Treason. Some beloved will choose on their own to fall upon their swords. I cannot prepare you any more than sharing my thoughts in articles or through the e-mails that I send. We are coming into a very difficult time where we will see death like never before in history. Don't turn away from the Lord because man has decided against Him and will fall. Turn toward Him and be hidden in the cleft of the rock. Stay under the shadow of His wings and be protected from all that is to come. He has warned us over and over that a storm is coming, and I still don't think people are really ready for it. The storm coming is not only spiritual. It is physical as well. It will be felt. It will come in waves and Andrew Whalen said of a dream he had recently that the waves will hit and hit and hit until the evil and wicked are crushed never to get back up again.

I know that this is lengthy, but this is how God speaks through Me. I pray that you got something out of this. Stand on God's side and continue to believe that He is still using Trump. Those who are still standing and have believed Him all this time have a great reward coming.

I love you all dearly and pray to see you all rejoicing on the other side,

Sheryl York


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