I had a bit of time when I took a short sabbatical from my computer to spend time with the Lord for the 10 days of Awe and came across a Play/Musical put on by Jacobs Tent Fellowship out of Tennessee. I found them quite some time ago performing with a song called 'Strike the Ground'. They do not sing the song. Strike the Ground is sung by Seth Yates, but this Fellowships youth group put together a wonderfully choreographed dance/show using the song. When I saw that Jacob's Tent had recently put out the story of Esther called 'Not Alone' I knew I had to watch it as Esther is truly one of my all-time favorites in the Bible. I have read, heard about or seen movies on the story of Esther countless times but how many of you know that God's word is inexhaustible. You can read something for years and not see it the same way or you can read something for years and then finally see something you hadn't before. In watching 'Not Alone' I saw something that I believe is prophetic in that it is something that we will see and very soon and so I want to take what I have written down and share it with you in blog/article form today hoping to encourage you even further that God is COMPLETELY in control.

In Esther Chapter 2 Mordecai (her uncle) uncovers a plot to kill the King. Mordecai reports this plot and the two men planning it are killed but the King is saved, and Mordecai's kindness is written in the King's book of remembrance.

In Esther Chapter 3 Haman plots to kill Mordecai not only because Mordecai won't bow down. Wait! Hold on a minute! Do I mean that there were others who were not supposed to bow down to the evils or their day? Was there a time when God expected man to stand against tyrannical rulers? If you don't know or understand the story of Esther, it is time to read it. There is so much wisdom and revelation about who the Lord is to His people. Why would Mordecai not bow? There was a decree from the King that every person was to bow down to Mordecai but time after time people saw Mordecai ignore this decree. What was his answer? It can get too deep for those who don't really know the Old Testament, but it is quite interesting that Haman literally comes to town pridefully saying he is an Agagite. What is an Agagite you might ask? It is a person who was a descendant of King Agag who hated God and His people. Therefore, Mordecai as a faithful Jew stood with the Lord and would not allow this man Haman to be set over him because he knew God would not have an Agagite over His people. Haman basically weasels his way in with King XerXes (spelled several different ways depending on your version of the Bible) and deceives him into believing there are a people who are troublesome, difficult and not worthy to live so the King makes the mistake of signing on the dotted line to have these people annihilated. Of course, King XerXes at this point has no idea that the very people that would be annihilated are his own wife (Esther's) descendants and herself of course.

Another full stop here as we move forward into the rest of 2023 and beyond. You will ALWAYS have people that will force scripture down your throat or telling you that God does not lie, and I would say I agree but even Jesus was disguised at one point after death and I still to this day remember a prophetic word back around 2007 when Kim Clement started telling us about God's David that He was going to bring forth as President. He literally said while prophesying 'I will fool the people, yes, I will fool the people'. (I found the prophecy and have posted it below this blog.) I always wondered why on earth God felt He had to fool the people, but isn't it obvious to us today that the United States had come to a place where they would have never allowed a man who prays in the White House and the Church was so religious they couldn't see that God could use someone like Donald Trump yet these are the very same people who attend church weekly reading the teachings of the Apostle Paul in the New Testament but was known to be a murderer. God did not lie but being wise as a serpent yet harmless as a dove must have given Mordecai and Hadassah that decision on that fateful day when she was taken by the King's men not to call herself Hadassah giving away her heritage but to change her name to Esther. In so doing she had a fighting chance to be the next Queen and was not rejected simply because she was a Jew. God's plan was in the works long before Mordecai and Hadassah decided to do the name change. God's ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts.

In Esther Chapter 4 & 5 things look pretty dire for the Jews including Esther. Haman with help from his wife and friends decide to build gallows out in front of his house so that he can watch Mordecai hang from his front porch. But there is light. Was it a sign from God that He heard their cries and would not only honor them but would also embarrass the one who came up with the evil plan in the first place?

In Esther Chapter 6 and this is HUGE King XerXes reads through his book of remembrance and notices that Mordecai the Jew had saved his life. He realizes he's never thanked him or honored him in any way for saving him from that evil plot. Haman is out in the courtyard heading up to meet with King XerXes because he wants to finally talk to him about not waiting until it's time to kill all the Jews but to tell him that there is one. Just one man that absolutely must hang right now on the gallows he's had built in his front yard.
However, as God would have it the King is the one who does the talking. He asks Haman what he would do to show a man honor and of course Haman is so prideful and arrogant that he thinks surely, he is speaking of him, so he really builds it up. I would put one of your robes upon him and let him ride on one of the horses that you have ridden with the royal crest upon his head. I would then have one of your most noble princes be put in charge of leading this procession and parade him through the city streets proclaiming, 'THIS IS WHAT IS DONE FOR THE MAN THE KING DESIRES TO HONOR." King XerXes loves the idea and says 'Haman, go at once and do all that you have said for Mordecai the Jew. Don't neglect ANYTHING you have recommended.

This is where I say, You can't make this stuff up... lol God will lift you up and honor you in the midst of evil and wickedness. He will set a table before you in the presence of your enemies. YOU ARE HIS CHILD. Get that worldly attitude of 'well, I'm not better than anyone else.' HOGWASH. You are a child of the most-high God. You are a child of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You are redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ and if those against you aren't they do not have rights above you. You simply cannot read the word of God and see that God somehow loves everyone exactly the same way and that He doesn't play favorites. Yes, He does. Mary the mother of Jesus was a favorite. Jesus could have chosen ANYONE, but He chose the 12. For some reason God chose Jacob to father the Tribes and not Esau. For some reason God chose Joseph out of 11 brothers to go from the pit to the palace to save many lives. For some reason Samuel tried to anoint David's brothers and even his own father ignored him, but God had a different plan. For some reason out of all the women the King took that day to replace Queen Vashti as his wife God had him choose Esther. Far too many Believers exalt their own minds above God and sadly many don't realize that they have taken on a worldly mindset and attitude. Yes, Daddy does play favorites so stop tying yourself to the world or worldly thoughts. You are the apple of His eye. He puts your tears in a jar to repay those who hurt you. He has counted the numbers of hair upon your head. Does that sound like a Daddy that doesn't separate you or see you differently?

Let's get back to the story. This didn't stop the Jews from fasting or praying. In fact, some would not have even seen the procession or known that it happened. I don't even believe Esther knew it happened or would she have still felt that she had to invite her husband the King and Haman to her banquet? Wouldn't it have appeared that all was well and there was nothing to worry about if Haman is all of a sudden walking through a procession down the city streets proclaiming, 'This is what is done for the man the King delights to honor!' It's not like they had cell phones. Mordecai couldn't text Esther and say, 'hey, you won't believe what Haman just did for me.' Apparently, the only people in the Palace that knew about this were the King and Haman. In fact, Esther had no idea that Haman was planning to kill the man who raised her before he even got to the rest of the Jews. Her information at this point was that somehow Haman got her husband the King to sign this edict to kill all the Jews.

Imagine the horror and embarrassment Haman felt while walking down the city streets proclaiming of the man he wanted dead, 'This is what is done for the man the King delights to honor.' While walking near (not riding himself) a horse that has the royal crest upon its head and with Mordecai sitting atop this horse with a royal robe that the people had seen the King wear. The humiliation he must have felt as one minute he stood in the court getting ready to meet the King to tell him of his plans to kill Mordecai and now the King is telling him he wants to honor him. 

In Esther Chapters 7 thru 9 Haman and his sons have been killed on the gallows he had built, and Esther is given Haman's Estate which she puts Mordecai over. King XerXes puts the signet ring that he took off of Haman on Mordecai.

By Esther Chapter 10 Mordecai the Jew is made 2nd in command to the King and was preeminent among the Jews but now let's go back to Esther 6 which happened before 7,8,9 & even 10 right? In the midst of all that darkness, fear, intimidation, prayer, fasting, worry, nervousness, anxiety and all that was overwhelming to the Jews when the edict came down there was light in the midst of great darkness. There was hope in the hopelessness many of them felt. They went through hours and hours of grueling waiting and wondering while they cried and prayed in fear hoping that God would somehow save them possibly through Esther, but she had to agree to go before the King which in those days was difficult at best because even though she was his wife he hadn't been calling on her so she had no way to speak to him unless she broke through those doors and just walked right into his court without an invite where she could have been killed. You can clearly see that just for the sheer fact that they were Jews without Jesus quite a number of them would have had religious mindsets rather than God loves me relational thoughts about what He could or would do for them.

Before Esther actually even told the King the issue and before she even knew whether she would be killed coming into the court. Before she knew that her husband who had actually signed the edict would agree and take her side and before Haman had ever been removed as 2nd in Command there was already a glimmer of light that God was with Mordecai.

  • It was God who had King XerXes read that book of remembrance about what Mordecai had done saving his life at that specific time.
  • It was God who had the King use Haman's idea of how to honor the man in whom He delighted which was Mordecai.
  • It was God who had Haman parading Mordecai through the streets proclaiming, 'This Is What Is Done For The Man The King Delights To Honor.'

I'm not saying everything else didn't need to happen because the King had signed the edict, but God was already working on making it harder for Haman and his evil plot by showing the people of the city that Haman himself who they knew as 2nd in Command just paraded Mordecai through town so why would he now hang the man the King honored?

I wholeheartedly believe we are at the end of all that we've experienced, and the prophets are saying so as well but I want to bring this to your attention dear ones. There are MANY Haman's in our world and their plots and plans get darker and darker especially toward Trump and toward Christians but let's put Trump in place of Mordecai who would not bow and let's put Christians in the place of Jews. We have all been born for such a time as this. You weren't born 1000 years ago or even 200 years ago. The earth as we know it has been here for over 6000 years. God put us here today for such a time as this. 

There is an edict out there signed by Presidents, King's, Prime Ministers and Politicians who want Trump DEAD no matter what they have to do. On top of that they also want you and I dead and continuously plot and scheme to kill us. In Mordecai's day their announcements went through cities or by courier on horseback. In ours it goes out through the internet, email, text messaging and the like.

We are in a time and day like no other dear ones. If we look at this story about Esther and Mordecai, we can clearly see that God's people CANNOT BOW. They were fearful but they pressed through. The evil ones will continue doing what they do unless we stop bowing to what they want. Just say NO! No more masks. No more vaccines. No more bowing to evil agendas or propaganda and lies. NO MORE! Mordecai wouldn't bow to an Agagite who hated his God and his people. Daniel wouldn't bow when the den of lions was before him. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did not bow even though the threat of the fiery furnace was before them. 

In closing, I must say that I believe that we should be watching for a HUGE proclamation from the evil ones. They have gone out of their way with vile hatred for DJT. They have tried to destroy him financially. They have plotted and planned and even tried to kill him with countless assassination attempts. They have indicted him over and over for crimes they themselves have committed trying to turn us against him, but I know that what we will shortly be seeing is that they are going to have to shout it from the housetops. They are going to have to embarrass and humiliate themselves live on TV, in magazines and in Newspapers. They are going to have to parade Donald J. Trump through the cities, states and countries live on the internet saying, 'THIS IS WHAT IS DONE FOR THE MAN THE KING (GOD) DELIGHTS TO HONOR!'

God will turn all of this around. I believe that God is giving us sign after sign through the words and prophecies being fulfilled but there is something more here in this story. A little light before the darkness completely breaks. This happened to Mordecai before Esther even talked to her husband or had the first banquet. You may not see it unless you look for it and believe me if I see it, I will tell you, but ALL the Haman's are going to be crushed with humiliation and God says they are coming down speedily. Speedily is not a word that I ever use so I know that I heard this word while watching the video from Jacobs Tent Fellowship called 'Not Alone'. I already sent it out to all of you this morning so I hope you will find the time to watch it. Let it speak to you. It isn't just a made-up story. It is God showing you who He really is to His people. Do people who love the Lord go through things? Yes, but we know that we have God on our side and no matter what things look like God will make a way for every single one of us even when there seems to be no way.


I am sharing a prophetic word through Kim Clement here below from 2007 when God said, 'I will fool the people'.

Kim Clement Trump Prophecies in 2007 | Prophetic Rewind | House Of Destiny Network


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