'If a Tree Falls and No One is Around Can it be Heard?' - The Robinhood Prophecy

Something quite amazing happened today as I was looking through some things I needed to do online for ministry and noticed an article about a sycamore tree that was cut down at Hadrian's Wall. Had the tree fallen on its own I might have simply passed the article by, but a few things stood out to me as I read it, and I sensed the Lord speaking to me immediately to look further and not to move on so quickly. 

The first thing that stuck out to me was that I heard Apostle Dutch Sheets speak several times about the sycamore tree. In fact, he had the 'Appeal to Heaven' flag created with a tree on the front of it I believe symbolizing the tree that Abraham planted in Beersheba as he found that the sycamore tree of today was actually called the Tamarisk tree in Abraham's day. 

The article itself was published on September 28, 2023, and called 'Sycamore Gap tree at Hadrian's Wall cut down by 'vandals'

There were a few things in the article to notice right away...
  1. One of the most iconic trees in Britain, and probably the world, was found felled. The landmark at Sycamore Gap, beside Hadrian's Wall in Northumberland, was apparently cut down overnight.
  1. The General manager said the sycamore had been "an important and iconic feature in the landscape for nearly 200 years".
  1. The tree was featured in the 1991 film Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.
  2. The tree was awarded Tree of the Year in 2016.

I knew the Lord was setting me on a journey and boy did He. Through articles, search engines, BibleGateway and the Word itself I was blown away by what I was seeing and as the Lord helped me put this together for friends, I sensed He was saying, 'Daughter, this is for many more than your e-mail list. This is a message/word that I'd like to go near and far.' 

To most people articles are just headlines especially in the day and age we live in where so much of what we see is propaganda.  We read them and we move on, but anyone who knows me will tell you that I always teach and share with them that God speaks in many different ways. The Lord Himself gave me the title of this message/word and told me to call it 'If a Tree Falls and No One is Around Can it be Heard?' I realize that isn't the exact phrase most people use, but God asked me to use that title for a reason. He is asking are we seeing the signs? He is asking us to take the time to look deeper. As a prophetic people will we really seek Him for what He is saying to us today and can we hear Him when He is speaking? Our wonderful Father speaks through dreams, visions, NUMBERS (emphasis added), prophecy, weather at times (all bad weather is not from God), His word and of course His Spirit within and that still small voice. I feel the need to remind people that God is over all of time. God created time. In fact, He doesn't live in time as we do. It was created for us not for Him. Therefore, He has been everywhere and knows all things throughout all of time. The Bible actually tells us that He is the beginning and the end. 

The Tamarisk Tree...
Hadrian's Wall has been around since AD 122. The tree near the wall was probably about 200 years old but quickly became a Landmark that people idolized as people would come by the thousands every year to visit Hadrian's Wall and see this tree that grew in a gap and stood near what was considered a former defensive fortification of the Roman Province of Britannia AKA a Roman Defensive Wall. Why do I see idolatry? I am not trying to offend those who have visited the tree in any way but from what I read people have had their ashes scattered there. People have proposed there. People have even left decorated memorial stones to the deceased there. Objects, and yes, even trees can obviously have meaning as did the Tamarisk Tree that Abraham planted.

Genesis 21:33
Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and there he called on the name of the Lord, the Eternal God.

Although it's quite possible people were also praying there or knew that this sycamore was called a Tamarisk in Abraham's day and many might have sought the Lord at the foot of this tree we are living in a day like no other where the Lord is on purpose bringing down idols, monuments and anything and everything that is corrupt. Is it the trees' fault? No, but I'm sure the fig tree that Jesus cursed didn't feel the lack of figs was its fault either. However, I did find an interesting reference to yet another Tamarisk tree in 1 Samuel 31.

Then they took their bones and buried them under a tamarisk tree at Jabesh, and they fasted seven days.

Several of the prophets have prophesied that idols will come down, and monuments will fall. The last monument that we heard of that fell was the Georgia Guidestones back in July. I'm just throwing this out but was this tree supposed to come down or was it just by chance? I'm not one who believes anything happens just by chance. Within the article I found, I believe what the Lord wanted me to look into did in turn lead me to what I am about to share. 

I found this statement...
The world-famous tree, voted English tree of the year in a Woodland Trust competition in 2016 and featured in the 1991 film Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, is thought to have been deliberately felled.

There are several interesting things here that I believe show that God is saying, 'Hey, look over here, I Am showing you something if you will take the time to look. Hear Me today, for I Am speaking to you if you will turn off all the noise and tune your ear to hear Me.'
  1. 2016 was the year this tree won 'Tree of the Year'. 2016 was also the year Donald Trump became President which we now understand was God's plan to restore the wealth/Gold to America.
  2. This tree was featured in the movie Robinhood and what was Robinhood about? Taking from the rich to give to the poor. In this I immediately heard the Lord say, 'Have I not said that I will be turning things around, and that the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the righteous?
  3. What else was Robinhood about? A lying, cheating snake acting as King who was destroying the country, stealing from and hurting the people while he took every dime in taxing them while the Good King was away. At the end of Robinhood the good King IS FINALLY BROUGHT BACK and his Kingdom rejoices. 
  4. I also found a 2nd article where it was reported that they first arrested a 16-year-old boy for cutting down the tree. 

I hope you remember that I said God speaks through numbers because numbers will be used in multiple ways here. We have the number 16 three times. In 2016 the Tree wins an award. In 2016 Trump becomes President of the USA and also the person first arrested for cutting the tree down just happened to be 16 years old. My husband and I began looking into the number 16. There isn't much in our dream books of which we have many about this number, so I go to BibleGateway, and my husband finds something online. As soon as I saw and heard what he was looking at I knew he'd found exactly what I needed to pull all of this together. Why? BECAUSE YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP... lol

When God is speaking everything will begin to line up and fall into place to give you a better picture. Like puzzle pieces one piece was being put in at a time to give me a bigger picture. That picture was going to speak.

I hope you will take the time to read Numbers 16 in your Bible. I will post what specifically I am speaking of here below. Yes, I previously said that God speaks through Numbers in multiple ways. It was quite astonishing when I found out that what I needed was in the book of Numbers. In Numbers chapter 16 (there's a 16 again) God tells Moses to go tell the people to get away from the tents of Korah, Dathan and Abiram. They were causing great turmoil and speaking against Moses and his leadership and trying to turn the people away from following the Lord through Moses. Moses is obedient and tells people to move away from their tents.

Numbers 16:28-35

28 Then Moses said, “This is how you will know that the Lord has sent me to do all these things and that it was not my idea: 29 If these men die a natural death and suffer the fate of all mankind, then the Lord has not sent me. 30 But if the Lord brings about something totally new, and the earth opens its mouth and swallows them, with everything that belongs to them, and they go down alive into the realm of the dead, then you will know that these men have treated the Lord with contempt.”

31 As soon as he finished saying all this, the ground under them split apart 32 and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them and their households, and all those associated with Korah, together with their possessions. 33 They went down alive into the realm of the dead, with everything they owned; the earth closed over them, and they perished and were gone from the community. 34 At their cries, all the Israelites around them fled, shouting, “The earth is going to swallow us too!”

35 And fire came out from the Lord and consumed the 250 men who were offering the incense.

After I read the above scripture out of Numbers 16 the Lord dropped this into my spirit and I knew I had to type this out and share it. It is titled 'The Robinhood Prophecy.'


My daughter tell My people that it is time (He did not give me a date). For I tell you this day that this tree did not just fall on its own. This Tamarisk tree which once was a symbol of Abraham calling on My name in Beersheba will soon for many become a burial ground for the bones of those who will turn upon their own swords as Saul did and will be taken and burnt along with his sons just as in the days ahead, you My children, will see My vengeance come upon the wicked and corrupt of your day. Yes, it is time for the evil and disobedient who have been warned over and over by Me and My prophetic voices for countless years, and most recently through countless prophets that it was time to choose what side they would serve. If you will serve Me, serve Me. 

If you choose to serve Baal then serve Baal but those who choose rebellion which is as the sin of witchcraft, I speak to you this day and say that you are laughing and mocking now but soon you will experience great shock and even fear because you will find yourselves on the wrong side of My Glory, My love, My light and My goodness.  For those who have not chosen wisely may in the days, weeks, months and years ahead be buried like those who were buried at the Tamarisk tree in Jabesh if they do not turn from their wicked ways says the Lord.

My daughter this tree was CUT down on purpose in My sight and I will use it as a sign that I Am now taking things that are not seen and I Am going to speed things up exponentially and things will now be seen by many. The Reaper is now going to overtake the sower in the positive and the negative. For those who have sown to the Spirit will reap the good that they have sown and have much to rejoice over but those who have sown to the flesh that is corrupted, now harvest time is upon you and you will in no way find yourself rejoicing. 

We have come to a time when I will now do things that you do not see with your natural eye and yet those looking will see the manifestation within minutes to hours and they will know that it was My hand right away. We are even now in a time when My children have learned of Me and will know EXACTLY what is of Me and what is of the enemy. For My children who see clearly in the Spirit, and who hear My voice, you will know at once what is happening and be ready. You will be instant in season and out of season to minister to your brothers and sisters and all who will come running into your tent to help them and to bring healing where it will be needed because of the things that they will see, hear and learn. For it is true that even now many of you, My sons and daughters are becoming like the sons Issachar. For what I Am birthing through the Spirit into this land and My church even now with the new wine that I Am pouring into new wineskins will need the Issachar anointing for the years ahead.

For in Moses day, I dealt with Pharoah long before I dealt with Korah and his friends because men get caught up in pride and arrogance at times, and I must flex My muscles once again to break My children free from the destruction that comes from the proud. There is nothing new under the sun and the wicked of today are no different than in days of old. They are men and women who the enemy fills with pride and arrogance who need to be put back in their place. However, the corruption of your day is greater than anything you ever knew of or experienced in your lifetime and so even though this war has already been won by Me it is time for My children to experience My glory and My goodness says the Lord. 

My daughter as you often tell others I can and do speak through many things including music, sports and yes, even movies. I do speak today, and I will use whatever I choose to use to speak even if it is a Donkey so, My children must stop limiting Me. The significance of sharing Robinhood was not to send people running to watch a movie but to speak of what the actual story was. You rightly reasoned that it was about a wicked King that didn't belong in the position he was in who tried to destroy the country, and the people through tyranny, greed and taxation. Is this not what you are experiencing even now? You also rightly reasoned that Robinhood, and his band of merry men stole from the rich to give to the poor and I say this day that I Am even now transferring the wealth of the sinner to My children. Will it all happen at one time? No, it will come in waves and almost all of you will be stunned when you finally see what I Am doing and how it will completely transform your lives in the days, weeks, months and years to come.

Some have turned away from Me because they gave up. They couldn't wait on Me any longer but that is not you, My child. I know the hearts of those who are with Me and those who will even after having done all, stand. For My children I Am coming, and I know that those of you reading these words right now will wait patiently and trust Me for My perfect timing. You may not see the ground open up as it did for Korah but My plan to save you from the troublemaking gainsayers is far greater than what I did in that day and will be seen far and wide. 

Will I send down fire to consume 250 men you ask? Stay close enough to My heart to hear Me and I will tell you when to get out of the way when I know that trouble is coming but remember My children, I do not rejoice in what must be done to the wicked. My son died upon that cross over 2000 years ago for them just as much as He did for you. The big difference is you accepted His sacrifice and have come to love Us and learned to serve those We send you to, and they chose to rebel and allow their hearts to become as hard as cement. My rejoicing will be over your freedom but not over their choices. These wicked and evil people have held Me in contempt for far too long and the blood cries out from the land of My Eagle and it is time to answer.

Will I restore your rightful President you ask? Yes, I will do so just as the Good King came back in the story of Robinhood. Restoring My David is a very real part of My plan to turn not only this nation but the entire world around. I have given you countless prophetic voices so that you could hear Me over the Giants of today which are your Media, social media and the like. I have given you countless signs to prove to you that it is Me speaking and yet many still turn a deaf ear and refuse to hear what My Spirit is saying to the church today. Sadly, many in My own body will experience shock and awe because they refuse to hear My voice, they reject the prophets, they touch My anointed and have not learned in the church to bridle their tongues. This they have done toward Me and this they have done to My anointed Donald J. Trump. My children you are on the verge of something monumental and even mind blowing. Biblical days you are living in and Biblical things you will be witnesses to.

My daughter, tell My children it is time to not only get ready, but to BE ready because what I have planned is far greater and will be seen further and wider than they can even comprehend as every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus, My Son is Lord and once the shock of what happens to those like Korah, Dathan and Abiram, and their families has been felt and they are no longer seen there will still be others who will face My wrath for now in this time you are finally stepping into the days where Isaiah said, 'To proclaim the acceptable year of the LordAnd the day of vengeance of our God; To comfort all who mourn.' Get ready! Get ready! Get ready My children because soon you will all be able to see that if a tree falls and no one is around it most assuredly can be heard. This one little story that you read about a tree is going to lead to Big Big things says the Lord.

Sheryl York

"The pain is for the Awakening. 
The Awakening is for your children."
                                                                         Johnny Enlow



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