What Is To Come

The Book of Acts gives us many clues as to what is to come. What has been stolen from the world? What were God's people supposed to really be like, to live like, and what will we be doing? Were we supposed to be broke, busted, and disgusted like the world and many churches have taught us or were we supposed to rule and reign like kings? Because my email list is such a diverse group of people, I am sure that we've all had different teachings, but the Word is the Word. You can't simply believe one thing and throw out another. You can't decide that you will stand on a scripture to bless your finances yet willingly walk in unforgiveness. We are taught both in the word and it is our responsibility to learn and grow into both standing and believing yet also walking in love and forgiveness otherwise we ourselves are not forgiven. 

It is imperative that as children of God, we learn to pray with expectancy. There is a little-known story in Acts 12 where King Herod puts Peter in prison and the Bible says the church is earnestly praying because the very next day Herod is taking him to trial. Peter was literally bound in chains and asleep between two guards when an Angel appeared, and he was so deep in sleep that the Angel had to strike him on his side to wake him. {Now, that is what I call a man who is at total peace even when Herod is probably planning to kill him the next day just as he'd just had James killed.} He then dresses quickly and follows the Angel past several other guards and realizes that this is not just a dream or vision of the night but that the Lord has sent an Angel to rescue him. The Angel disappears when he is safely along his way and goes to the very house where the Believers are earnestly praying for him and knocks on the door. A woman named Rhoda hears Peter's voice on the opposite side of the door and without even opening the door she runs to tell those praying.

Acts 12:14-17  When she recognized Peter’s voice, she was so overjoyed she ran back without opening it and exclaimed, “Peter is at the door!”  “You’re out of your mind,” they told her. When she kept insisting that it was so, they said, “It must be his angel.” But Peter kept on knocking, and when they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished. 

I can't tell you how many times I've heard what Rhoda heard because of my faith in God. “You’re out of your mind,” I've been told by many, but they will soon find out that I have been at least one who has been in my right mind all along... lol We must go beyond this in this season dear ones. If we are praying, we'd better be believing. We'd better be expecting the Cabal to come down. We'd better be expecting to get our Country back. We'd better be expecting God to bring Donald Trump back to his rightful seat. We'd better be expecting arrests of those who have deceived the masses and are destroying our Country. We'd better be expecting healing, deliverance and the wealth transfer that God has told us about over and over through countless prophets for long over 3 years now. Let's go back just a few chapters and see some real prayer warriors in Acts 4.

Acts 4:31  And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.

Notice the word shaken. Does this mean that they literally experienced an earthquake? I believe there was an outward appearance of what happened when they prayed in agreement. Note that they were filled with boldness. What happens to us when we become too complacent? I mentioned this in a letter recently asking that those of you receiving my mailings be careful not to become complacent. I see far too many out there who have been waiting so long that they no longer believe, or they no longer want to wait. They have a McDonald's drive-thru mentality yet God says, 'I Am the Lord, I change not.' Everything worth having those in the Bible waited for. I could go into Abraham, Moses, Noah, Joseph, etc... but that is not what this blog is about so I will leave it to you to get into the Word of God and see who He is and what He's done for those who came before us when God was transforming a people or a nation.

Our culture has distorted the views of many and turned the masses from caring for others. In fact, in recent days, I shared with you all an article in my Prophecy Fulfilled email about a Pastor from Ohio who was arrested for taking in the homeless because of the freezing temperatures. His heart was to do what He believes God had called him to do. He believes we should live the Book of Acts, but our government wants us totally reliant on them. They create problems, wars, and viruses, and then they come in like a Knight in Shining Armour acting as if they can save us. Thankfully the Lord and Trump have been waking us up.  It's hard to believe any local government would arrest a Pastor for helping the homeless but I hear about these things all the time in Christian circles, and I share them when I see them in Prophecy Fulfilled. In fact, Kent & Candy Christmas have been stopped countless times in Nashville from feeding the homeless. The depopulation agenda is so strong that the government would rather have homeless people dying in the streets than let the Lord's work continue. 

There is an interesting statement from Peter and John in verse 19...

Acts 4:19-20  But Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”

We must understand that Acts 4:19-20 is how we are to live. As Believers, we CANNOT bow down to culture, threats, or even leaders who tell us that we cannot serve our God. In fact, in the Exodus story, there is something that many miss. We often hear that Moses said, "Let My People Go", which is true, but that wasn't the end of the statement. God wasn't just trying to have Pharaoh let His people go. He had a purpose for their deliverance. Through His servant Moses God several times spoke to Pharaoh saying, " Let My people gothat they may serve Me."

I'm a bit concerned that some are following the Prophets right now because they just want things to change, or they just want Trump back in office. Things are definitely getting crazy out there which the prophecies have told us would happen, but some are about to be shaken to their core because the Great Rescue or Great Deliverance that those of us close to the heart of God are waiting for will in fact, transform the world but the point of it is not just to give us money, or heal us, or even deliver us all from the evil that we have allowed (emphasis added) into our world. God's heart is to take us back to Eden. Yes, you read that right. God's plan for you was Eden, Paradise and those of us who believe for it will not only see it but finally live it.

One thing to grasp here is that you can't fake out God. He knows the end from the beginning. He knows the hearts of men & women. He knows whether people are truly seeking His face or simply seeking His hand. I have said several times that He is even now separating the sheep from the goats. Make darn sure you're not a goat because there will come a time when not only God will know it, but so will those around you. All that we are going through just like in the days of Noah or Moses will lead to the deliverance God's people need but it is ultimately so that we will be given back our freedom. That freedom isn't just to do what you want or to live any old lifestyle. Freedom isn't free. Many have died in wars to give us freedom. Freedom was never free. Jesus had to suffer and die on that Cross to give us freedom from sin so that we could be in right standing with God. But ultimately the big turn around and deliverance from God is happening so that we will be able to serve Him because our governments are currently trying to take away all the rights that God Himself and our Military have given to us. 


Acts 4:32-35  And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them all. Nor was there 
anyone among them who lacked; for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, and laid them at 
the apostles’ feet; and they distributed to each as anyone had need.

Not only will we be able to freely serve the Lord, but the heart of God HAS ALWAYS BEEN that we would serve one another. I am in awe of what the Lord is doing as He takes us back to the book of Acts. Over 20 years ago I created an online newsletter with interviews, articles, pictures, etc... that was called 'The Apostles Feet'. It did well and became very respected but through trials and difficulty, I ended up giving it up. Today the Lord is speaking to me about doing it again. He has brought me back to writing. He asked me to create Prophecy Fulfilled. He told me to follow Julie Green and other prophetic voices. I also have a history in Newspapers as I worked for several in my younger years. Be on the lookout. I don't know when, but I do know God is speaking to me about interviews and an online newsletter-type thing yet again.


A few things to know about where we are going as a people once the wicked have been dealt with (You'd have to be blind not to see that God is doing this even now). How long all of it will take I do not know but I have heard several prophets say that countless prophecies will be fulfilled all at once. Do I think it will all be over in 2024? No, I think we can all see how much faster things are happening, but we must realize that this evil is entrenched. The roots go very deep and what we all thought when Trump lost the 2020 Election was about him was not really about him as much as God using him to bring about a Global Awakening that we were ALL blinded by the Deep State, the Elites, our Media, our 3 letter agencies and even those that we thought we were voting into office. While they divided us, they were working in unity behind the scenes to deceive a world, not just one Country. 

There are countless things that have been hidden from us. There are inventions that have been out there yet held back so that the Deep State could continue making money. There are medications, machines, etc... that could have cured diabetes, cancer, and the like but they've been held back from the world so that the Depopulation agenda could continue, and Big Pharma could continue making billions on medications. Did anyone think we'd be in some sort of flying vehicles by now? Yes, we could have been. In fact, Nikola Tesla (link to the article is at the bottom) was a genius, and he is probably responsible for way more inventions than you realize. In fact, I believe he is one of the people who is credited with inventing the cell phone. Since I'm talking about God taking us back to Eden, I want to share one paragraph from the article.

Many believe that if Tesla wasn’t censored, today, we would be living in a Utopian society, powered by free unlimited energy, and our technological advancement would allow us to traverse the stars and explore other planets. 

Imagine that. Tesla died in 1943 at the age of 86 penniless because our government either kept him under their thumb or stole his inventions and took things that he invented for good and turned many to evil. If you think you're being censored now Tesla couldn't trust anyone and literally used Homing Pigeons to send correspondence to those he loved because he couldn't even speak around anyone. Most will be in utter shock and disbelief when all of this turns around as every single one of us has ALWAYS lived under the Cabal. No one receiving this email knows what life is like without approximately 3,000 people who have exalted themselves as Pharaoh's in our World stealing from us all and ruling and reigning over the 8 billion of us on this planet. Yes, that is how ridiculous all of this is. We were so deceived that we've allowed approximately 3,000 humans run our lives. What God has planned for us beloved will be glorious I have no doubt. He will do this while taking down the Cabal and our fraudulent governments. The wicked rulers have met their match and although it doesn't appear so. They are shaking in their boots at what they are seeing and God has said just that in countless words through Julie Green.


The Seven Mountains of Influence: will be given to the children of God. No longer will people who hate God or worship Satan be at the top of these mountains which are... 


God will put His children in positions of authority all over the 7 Mountains and all over the world. Today they have been completely taken over by Satan and those he uses. I am reminded of an important scripture in Proverbs that says it all. What we have experienced is God showing us what it is like to have the wicked rule us.

Proverbs 29:2When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.

Travel & Vehicles: will change dramatically. We do have the ability to go faster than we are now. There are inventions that have already been made for faster Planes, Trains, and cars. I have also heard that powering transportation will change. God will be giving His children inventions that the world has never thought of before. Although we won't be like the Jetsons for a while... lol Vehicles will drive above the ground on light tracks. I actually mean LIGHT. I know it sounds completely crazy, but we have been kept in the dark about many things that in some cases have already been invented/created, patented, and so on. I've heard that we will be using light for healing. However, before you say, 'Sheryl, we already have that in solar light.' No, that is not what I am saying. There is a way of bending light that will create power that we do not already know. We will be able to get places faster than we can imagine. Imagine how wonderful travel will become! I am sharing two different versions the Lord shared.

Proverbs 8:12 AMPC I, Wisdom [from God], make prudence my dwelling, and I find out knowledge and discretion.


Proverbs 8:12 KJV  I wisdom dwell with prudence and find out knowledge of witty inventions.

Homeless: Will there be homeless? I don't believe so at least nowhere like it is today. Not unless someone insists and wants to remain that way. People will not be forced to accept God or His help that will come through His people and the churches. Our world has enough resources. It always has. God created it that way. A few men & women taken over by evil stole and killed all that God left for His children. It will be given back to us in many different ways. The reason we have homeless is because of corrupt politicians who send money to other countries and store it up for themselves not caring for the very people they were supposed to serve. Corruption is what makes homeless. Even Elon Musk has created a very inexpensive home that can be easily set up for anyone including the homeless. Before you thumb your nose at one of the wealthiest men in the world for making homes for the little guy you should know that in 2020 Elon Musk sold everything (he had 7 mansions/homes at the time) and he also lives in one of these with his family. These homes are beautiful and start at about $10,000. With as much money as we send oversees or that goes into our politicians' pockets couldn't we give homes to our homeless who really want the help? (Link below to see an Elon Musk Boxabl home.)

Acts 4:34-35  Nor was there anyone among them who lacked; for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and they distributed to each as anyone had need.

Hospitals: In countless Cities, there will be no need for Hospitals. God's Spirit will be poured out upon all flesh and an enormous amount of people will be healed of things that were put upon them. Those who aren't healed right away will have the opportunity through God's people to have hands laid on them and prayer that will bring the healing that they need. In fact, Doctors will either move toward a more holistic way of bringing healing and even help people spiritually as well or they will eventually be forced to close up. There will be a draw to those who follow the Lord and those who choose not to, simply won't be able to stay open. Will this happen in every city in every state or country? No, there will still be stubborn people who refuse to follow or trust God. They will continue to live in sickness and disease by their own choices. They will live poor by their own choosing. God always gives us a choice but once we make that choice to follow darkness there are consequences. The wicked will be removed but those who are just confused will still be given time to repent and turn. They will still need healing, Doctors, etc... 

3 John 1:2  Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

Businesses: They will arise all over as the corporations that we have been used to and have through time been forced upon us begin to close up because of exposed corruption that goes way deeper than we could imagine. It's not just that a corporation did something illegal, corrupt or what have you. Many of the Corporations that we know today are a front for something evil like drugs, child trafficking, etc... It will no longer be the big guy or the guy with the most money gets it all. God will give His children witty inventions, books, songs, movies & tv show ideas, etc... In the words He's given to Julie He has even said that Amazon will be given to someone else. Disney will fall as we know it, but others of good Godly character and morals will be able to do similar things with His heart for children. There will be countless Americans who work from home and start their own businesses. Gardening and growing your own food will become huge so that no one can ever poison our foods with water and tainted soil again. We will help each other, work together, become huge givers, and serve each other, not serve the Globalists and allow them to live off our backs. 
1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

The Financial System: this will completely change. There is even a merit system involved. The lawlessness that we live under today will be wiped away. Families will get extras for serving others, their communities and staying crime-free. Criminals will not get social services and consequences for murder, robbery etc... will be so severe that people will finally have the fear of God back and having that fear back will make those who could have gone in the lawlessness direction stay on the straight and narrow. Gods' new churches will be much more involved in the lives of the people and will be working with the homeless, orphans etc... Our entire tax system will change as God has said the IRS was never supposed to be. The Federal Reserve was never meant to be. They were both brought in to enslave us. Our money will be backed by gold and silver and the fiat system that we have with the Federal Reserve now will crash entirely and become a vague memory. The money belongs to the Lord not to the Globalists.

Haggai 2:8 ‘The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine,’ says the Lord of hosts.

Clothing & the Clothing Industry: Modesty will return. The Clothing industry is just as corrupt as everything else. It's all about who you know. Whose been paid off. What the Liberals want that will destroy women, men, and the sexes. Transgender, non-binary, etc... turning women and children into sexual objects. The big fashion agencies will come down entirely. The clothing industry will begin again, and countless people will go back to making their own clothing. Many will have their own businesses and sell from their homes or from small shops but if people veer from creating clothing so that women are not turned into sexual objects, they will find that they lose and not gain business. God will not bless those businesses at all, and they will lose everything.

1 Timothy 2:9 in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation.

Entertainment will change: The Entertainment industry will change as people get set free of addictions to drugs, alcohol, and pornography. Sex Clubs will close. Bars will close. The entire internet will change and there will be no more Dark Web. Social media that is able to remain will have checks and balances so that perverts are NOT going after our children. Countries will have new laws and people in positions so that we will no longer have the sex trafficking that we have today. The Entertainment Industry is behind much of the sex trafficking, porn, drugs and alcohol that we see today. This was done on purpose over the last 50 or more years. Movies, TV, Music & even Sports will all change. They will no longer be propaganda machines like our Media. Drugs, alcohol and pornography were used against us so that we wouldn't fight back. God's people will hold the line this time. The scripture the Lord shared with me on Entertainment is one most don't like but it is when he alone is up against over 400 of the Prophets of Baal. Notice what they do to try to cry out to Baal.

1 Kings 18:27-29  And so it was, at noon, that Elijah mocked them and said, “Cry aloud, for he is a god; either he is meditating, or he is busy, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is sleeping and must be awakened.” So, they cried aloud, and cut themselves, as was their custom, with knives and lances, until the blood gushed out on them.  And when midday was past, they prophesied until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice. But there was no voice; no one answered, no one paid attention.

Churches: will be completely transformed. Many will fall because of morality issues and corruption even within the next year. God is exposing the wolves in sheep's clothing. The problem is man built the churches that we have in our world today and pushed God out with their own choices. The enemy infiltrated and led God's people astray. He is even now pouring out His Glory and taking His children back. He will build His church I have no doubt. With the God event that is coming, All people will know who the true living God is. People who follow Islam, Buddha, Hinduism, etc... will do so not in deception because they will know the truth but in rebellion to the one true living God. All people will know what Jesus did for them. The knowledge of God will cover the earth just as the waters did in Noah's day and people will literally have to choose against love, against life, against healing, against wealth, against joy and happiness, and against God. 

The divisions that we see today will no longer be there because it has been a very real enemy that has divided us on purpose to weaken us as a body. In the new world, we will be united in Jesus and the scales will tip. Those who want righteousness and God back in their lives will be far more than those who don't. We will be the supermajority rather than the minority that we've become. Churches that will not allow the Holy Spirit in will close up. Churches that refuse to accept the fivefold (Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Evangelists, and Teachers) will close up. No longer will a superstar man or woman run the show and exalt themselves on a platform only to leave the God they are supposed to teach about, love, and follow outside the doors. Holy Spirit will move freely in churches, in home groups, in businesses, and around the world. 

Matthew 16:18  I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

This final scripture says it all. For those believing we are in a time of the rapture I say no. It is not time for that yet. By all appearances hell has prevailed against the Church. You'd have to believe that Satan can defeat the God who created everything and all time to believe Satan wins. Satan has NEVER defeated God. We are experiencing a Moses event far bigger than has ever been seen before. We are living through a time like Noah's when God had to wipe out all of the evil and start again. God is going to build that church that the gates of hell cannot prevail against. My hope and prayer is that you are on that Ark and are not one mocking God's mouthpieces who are trying to lead, guide, and save you from what is to come for those who ignore the prophets who are clearly telling you what God is planning. Don't be like those who drowned in water that they never saw coming. Get on the Ark now because there is no fence with God. Either you are for Him, or you are against Him.

Sheryl L. York


Extras added to this blog...

Nikola Tesla Secret Inventions That Were Lost or Censored

Delivering Elon Musk’s Boxabl Casita



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