I recently posted a blog called 'God is in the Details - Eclipse 2024 located at (sheryllyork.blogspot.com). When I heard about the eclipse, I knew immediately that this Eclipse was more important than mankind was thinking, and boy was I correct. Since I posted my own blog, I have now seen countless prophetic voices come out speaking about the April 8th eclipse that is coming to our nation. Most people are thinking, hey cool, I'll buy the eclipse glasses and check it out. But dear ones it has much greater significance than whether you buy glasses or not. Most people have either heard of or seen an eclipse throughout the years but the one that happened just 7 years ago in 2017 was actually the first of its kind since 1776 because it only made a path through America. Did you read what I just said? Eclipses happen but usually are experienced by many nations. This particular eclipse in 2017 made a path only through America. Along its pathway were 7 cities named Salem and in my previous blog I surmised that Salem could have been speaking of witchcraft as we know that witches were burned in Salem. My sensing was that God might be saying, 'The witchcraft is over'. However, I humbly share with you today that the prophetic voices that I have been listening to are all saying that the name Salem can also be translated as Shalom which actually means peace

Another interesting thing is what happened in History if you research 1776. On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted to declare independence from Great Britain. This beloved is when we became America and then 2 days later on July 4th of 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed giving us our reason for yearly commemorating the 4th of July which we still celebrate to this day. Are you seeing something significant here yet? Maybe not so let's go on.

I guess because I am constantly looking for signs, numbers, weather events, etc... this is why I was immediately interested in this upcoming eclipse. I admit I actually thought everyone else would be just as interested and pretty much thought those on my email list would be watching pods and looking into it but found after talking to a few people that the only thing they knew about it was what I had written. Yikes! THAT'S A LOT OF WEIGHT FOR ONE PERSON TO CARRY...lol but it opened my eyes to the fact that I needed to share more because people may not be taking this sign in the heavens as seriously as it is. Writing the blog might have been helpful or have gotten people's attention but the significance of the one that is coming is being missed. This is not your average day. These are not average times. One thing people simply don't understand is that God speaks through signs, and we must remember that He created the Heavens and the Earth. This will be an addendum to the first blog I wrote. The original was actually titled, 'You Can't Make This Stuff Up' when I sent it out in email form but once I posted it to my blog, I felt the Lord tell me to change that to, 'God is in the Details - Eclipse 2024'. The addendum is that I am saying I agree that Salem is probably speaking peace rather than witches and I am not too prideful to say I could have missed it on that part.


My interest in this eclipse has only grown since I wrote my blog and I have now watched countless podcasts from prophetic voices that I highly respect and have come to trust about this very same subject finding more and more information. If you are interested, I encourage you to do the same. I have watched podcasts with Amanda Grace, Joseph Z, Troy Brewer and of course last week I shared Flyover Conservatives Prophetic Report which was about the eclipse as well. I have come to find that the April 8th, 2024, eclipse is much more serious for ALL mankind in America than people seem to be taking it. In my blog, I did warn people but now that I have even more information, I must give you all a🚨WARNING, WARNING, WARNING🚨. The things that I have heard and researched about this coming eclipse should put the fear of God back into men and women all over the US. Men who mock, laugh, hurl offenses, don't believe, slander, use God & Jesus's name in vain and so much more are going to find themselves on the WRONG side of History. But this warning isn't only for the unbeliever because what I am hearing should bring the fear of God even into His own people. 

1 Peter 4:17
For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?

I know some are even now saying, 'Oh no, she is becoming a doomsday prophet.' I'd rather be known as a doomsday prophet and try to warn and help you than to sit back silently knowing what the Lord has revealed to me for this time and season and then be judged later by God myself for my silence or laziness. The prophets are not supposed to be tickling your ears beloved. They are sent to edify and comfort, yes, but they are also sent to warn as Jonah did to Nineveh of what is to come.

The new Eclipse coming on April 8, 2024, is not a coincidence. It comes 7 years after the one in 2017. There was also a total eclipse in Jonah's day after he went to warn Nineveh. Back in those days, they were smart enough to look to the Heavens and see the signs. When they saw darkness take over as it did in their day, they knew the prophet had told them the truth and it put the fear of God into them. They repented all the way up to the King who went around in sackcloth and ashes calling his city back to God. God's anger was turned, and Nineveh was saved at that time. I won't go into details, but it is also worth remembering that the sun darkened when Jesus died on the Cross as well this too was a sign for those days. 

The eclipse in 2017 took a path that went through 7 cities named Salem. I don't want to rewrite my entire first blog when you can easily find it with the link above but the number 7 means completion. The path this 2024 Eclipse is taking is speaking to us not of peace as in the previous one that went through the cities called Salem (meaning shalom or peace). The path this one is taking is literally a 'Turn or Burn' sign from the Lord. Why do I say that? Because there are 7 Nineveh's in the pathway and an 8th in Canada. The number 8 means 'New Beginnings'. God is telling us that He will give us another chance. We can have a new beginning but that is up to us. How many Nineveh's are there in Canada you might wonder? The answer is only one. So, this new warning is for America and Canada saying that if the people do not repent and turn back to God the destruction that was to take place in Nineveh will be experienced in both countries. 


He has been trying to wake us up for several years now and He has been giving us signs in the heavens for over 7 years now starting with 2017 and the Total Eclipse that made its path through America (only America). Why only America? Because that is who He was speaking to. The Creator of Heaven and Earth is speaking to those of us who live in America because America is His Country. It has been said that Israel is God's country. He chose Israel and that is where His Son Jesus walked out His life's ministry and gave Himself for all of mankind, but America chose God. America was founded by people who came here to freely worship God. America was dedicated to God and even our Constitution was written with Godly principles. 

For those who might still be questioning why I am so adamant that the sun and moon could be God's way of speaking to us let me share another scripture. Going back to the beginning the Bible distinctly tells us in Genesis 1:3 that God already said, 'Let there be light' and there was light, but then by the time we get to Genesis 1:14 we see why the sun and moon were placed in the skies.

Genesis 1:14 
14 Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasonsand for days and years; 15 and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth”; and it was so.

So then as we can clearly see the sun and moon were not just created to give light to earth as many think they were. God's first plan all along was to put the sun and moon in our sky for signs and seasons and for days and years. Bringing light to the earth was not the first thing that came to the mind of God. In the very beginning of the 1st chapter, we find that God wanted the day divided from the night, but He always intended to give the sun and moon to us for signs. Think of the birth of Jesus. We are told that Wise Men followed a star in the sky probably for months and found him under that star. Yet another sign in the Heavenlies meant to speak volumes but not everyone followed that star, did they? The only ones we are told followed the Star of Bethlehem were WISE men. What does this speak to us today beloved? Do we consider ourselves wise? Well, if we aren't in a close enough relationship with the Lord where we can hear Him speaking and telling us things like 'Shut yourselves in your houses and anoint your door posts so that the angel of death will Passover', I dare say we are ignoring the voice of the Lord and the signs He is giving to us that something is coming that we've never seen or experienced before. Let's look at the book of Luke.

Luke 21:25
“There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.

Wow, look at the rest of that scripture. Nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea? Have you been paying attention to what is happening around the world? I would say Haiti is in anguish right now. Our own country is in perplexity. People are calling out this fake administration because they can clearly see that JB is not the one in charge. The seas are roaring as Tsunami's, hurricanes, and earthquakes even underwater rage. We are living in this time.


I mentioned the 7 years between the 2017 eclipse and the 2024 eclipse. Many would remember that the number 7 comes into play in the life of Joseph. He's been in prison for years and then God starts giving Pharaoh dreams. The first dream is of 7 cows fine and fat and 7 cows ugly and gaunt, but what happens is the ugly and gaunt cows eat the fine & fat cows. Then in the second dream, he was shown 7 heads of grain plump and good and 7 thin heads blighted by the east wind that came up and devoured the 7 plump and good heads. Joseph interpreted both of these dreams saying they were one in the same. God was showing Pharaoh that he would have 7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine and drought. Pharaoh in turn realizes that Joseph is the only one that can take Egypt from 7 good years through 7 years of famine and survive. The 2017 Eclipse was our sign that God was giving us 7 years of Salem (Shalom/Peace) and what we do now and what choices we make before April 8th will determine whether our experience is plump and good or famine and drought. I have many times written to you beloved and told you that God is going to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh (Joel 2:28). I have shared often that some will go through trials more difficult than they can imagine, and those who know the Lord and are standing with Him will live as if they are in Goshen (Exodus 8:22).

Genesis 41:25
Then Joseph said to Pharaoh, “The dreams of Pharaoh are one; God has shown Pharaoh what He is about to do:


Troy Brewer is one of the best who teaches on numbers, and he takes April 8 and turns it into 4:8, then does as I would and looks it up in the Bible. Believe it or not out of any scripture it could have led to it leads to Exodus 4:8 which reads.

Exodus 4:8
“Then it will be, if they do not believe you, nor heed the message of the first sign, that they may believe the message of the latter sign.

You can't make this stuff up. So, if we didn't get the memo, so to speak, when the first message (2017 eclipse) came we are being given a second chance to understand what our Father in heaven is saying. There is so much more information out there if you just look for it. This is also connected to the Civil War because of where the first eclipse ended and where this new eclipse will start. Look at how the paths cross. Where are all the X's that the pathways cross? Yes, there is one in Illinois but if you look at the paths of all 3 (including the partial eclipse we had in October of 2023) you find that there are several crossings or X's. And finally looking at the pathways of all 3 they become a symbol which is the Hebrew letter for Alef which means Alpha.

Revelation 1:8
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”


Remember that when I did my first blog on the eclipse coming in April, I also told you that not only were there 7 Nineveh's in the Great American Eclipse pathway and that there was 1 in Canada but there were additional biblical city names like The Ark and yes, even a city named Jonah in case we missed the message with 7 Nineveh's again. The Ark was God starting over again because the world had become so evil He couldn't allow it to continue in that way. Are we not here right now beloved? There is ABSOLUTELY no path back for us. Evil is taking over no matter what man does. Trump cannot do what we wish he could. He is only one man, and he needs God just as much as you or I do. What might be the symbolism of using a city named Jonah? He was a prophet sent to one city probably about the size of Los Angeles and prophesying to them that they only had 40 days to repent or that God was going to destroy their entire city. Should we count 40 days from April 8th to see where it goes? Well God says that no one knows the day or the time, but that is I believe for the Rapture of the church of which He is coming back one day to take to Heaven a church without spot or wrinkle. We are nowhere near that, but He is pretty good about giving us signs, isn't He? It actually takes us to May 18th. Am I saying this is the Rapture? No, beloved. Not at all. I have shared countless times that this is not THE END, it is THEIR (DEEP STATES) END. Too many scriptures still lead us to the fact that God has one final harvest before He takes His children home. I would however pay attention to April 8th and May 18th. Something is coming and we have been warned.


We are waiting for the Great Awakening. We are waiting for people to rise up and take back this nation in the authority that He gave to us. We are waiting on a supernatural God event that will touch every single life as we have not seen the prophet Joel's prophecy come to pass (Joel 2:28) where we are told that God will pour out His Spirit on ALL flesh and our sons and daughters will prophecy. We are waiting for every single person who remains standing through the storms to come who will have the opportunity to choose the true Creator of Heaven and Earth to be their God who is not dead but still very much ALIVE. The waiting will be worth it for those of us standing and believing what the Lord has been saying not only in His word but also through those He uses as prophetic voices in our time. The Bible does tell us not to ask for signs but that does not mean God does not give them. Like the sons of Issachar (1 Chronicles 12:32) we should be able to know the times and seasons we are living in and help lead and guide others because of that gifting. 

And I will leave you with two scriptures out of Matthew just to show that what is coming on April 8th is not a coincidence or happenstance. God is speaking beloved. The real question is are we listening?

Matthew 12:39
But He answered and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.

Matthew 16:4
A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.” And He left them and departed.

If Jesus thought it was important enough to tell us this in Matthew and God thought it was important enough to give us the sign of the Prophet Jonah, then I believe we really should take it as a fair warning.

Sheryl York

Johnny Enlow did such an amazing job on Elijah Streams when he shared that the Eclipse is Heaven shouting to us. I am adding the link to Elijah List where Johnny is telling us some amazing news and information about Jonah the Prophet. I hope you will take the time to read it.


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