Hear Me Says the Lord! - Prophecy

   On March 15th the Lord began sharing something with me about how BIG the event is that has been prophesied by countless prophets and I believe is just around the corner for America. He gave me some Do's and Don'ts, so I prayed and asked the Lord if He wanted me to share them. He encouraged me so I will start with the Don'ts.

Hear Me says the Lord. I have been working within you, My people and I have been calling you forth for such a time as this. Yes, this is the time for My body to come into alignment with Me. It is time for My remnant to rise like no other time in history before this. For I am your Father, but I am also the Lord Sabaoth, Mighty in Battle and the Lord of the Army of Light. In the days of deep darkness ahead I need My children to get into My Presence. Take the time to pray and praise so that you can hear from Me and get My perspective. Trust Me above anything you hear or see and trust that I will provide for you, and I will protect you.  The Darkness will not last, but I am giving you now 7 Don'ts so that you will Guard your heart in the days ahead. I am also giving you 8 Do's so that you will understand more fully the heart I want you to have coming out of all of this.

The number 7 representing Completion.


  • Do not let yourself be distracted. Focus on Me no matter what you see happening around you. Remember My word. Psalm 91 is for you, My children. Read the story of Nehemiah and it will show you what he had to go through to stay focused and stand firm not allowing ANYONE to distract him.
  • Do not listen to the lies of the enemy. He has learned through the years how to use the Media and Hollywood to control your mind. Read the story of Joseph and you will see how nothing kept him from My calling upon his life. Not even the lies of Potiphar's wife could keep him from his destiny.
  • Do not let yourself be pulled into the sin and wickedness of Nineveh, Sodom and Gomorrah. I wish that none would perish but that all would come to know My son but as loving as I am, I am also a just God and just like in the days of Noah there comes a time when I must close the door to the Ark.
  • Do not allow yourself to become hard hearted in the days ahead. For many things will be thrown at you by the evil rulers of your day and they may even use some of your loved ones to try to get to you. Remember that you are not the judge. I am and just as Pharaoh would not let My people go from Egypt there came a day when he lost his first-born son because of his hard heart, pride and arrogance toward Me.
  • Do not become like the wicked plotting against others. For this is what Haman did. He believed he had the right to decide to exterminate an entire race of people. In the end Haman was hung on the very same gallows that he'd built for My people.
  • Do not be like those who mock Me or their brothers and sisters in Christ. Noah was mocked relentlessly for over 100 years not only because he believed in Me but because He was doing My will in building the Ark which made him look a fool. The people were no longer laughing when I brough the first rain they'd ever seen before and closed the doors to the Ark. Do not suppose that I will not do similar things again in order to free My people.
  • Do not allow yourself to become jealous of others as Saul did of David. Each of My children has been given different callings and giftings and to be jealous of another is a danger to you. Read the story of what happened to Saul, a man who once was a respected King, but became demonically oppressed and was ruled by jealousy that made him chase after David for many years wanting him dead. In the end Saul lost everything including the Kingdom and his sons.

The number 8 representing New Beginnings.


  • Do have the faith of Abraham. In Hebrews 11 beginning at about verse 8 we see Abraham how God saw him. When we read the story of Abraham we tend to see his mistakes, Ishmael and even disobedience at times, but God saw Abraham as a man of faith. I encourage you to read Hebrews 11 and to understand that your Father in Heaven sees you very differently than you probably see yourself.
  • Do have the tenacity of Moses. Imagine God asking you to go before Pharaoh and then the very first thing that you do (throwing down your rod that turns into a snake to prove God sent you.) is copied by Pharaoh's Sorcerers and Wizards. Many people miss that Moses rod swallowed up the snakes the sorcerers created but Moses had to go back over and over and over, and his own people were angry at him and yet with great tenacity he did it until Pharaoh finally let God's people go. Scholars believe this was over a year long process to get through the 10 plagues of Egypt.
  • Do have the strength of Samson. Samson made mistakes and was obviously led too much by his fleshly desires, but in Judges 16 we find that he redeems himself and takes his calling seriously as he was able in his death to take out more Philistines than he ever had in his life.
  • Do have the knowledge of Joseph. In Genesis 41:39 we find this statement by a man who does not even know the Lord. And Pharaoh said to Joseph, forasmuch as your God has shown you all this, there is nobody as intelligent and discreet and understanding and wise as you are.
  • Do have the courage of Esther. In the story of Esther, we find that a very evil man is able to talk King XerXes into putting the Jewish people on the chopping block, not knowing that the wife that he loves is a Jew herself. When Esther's Uncle Mordecai refuses to bow to Haman the Agagite, Haman cooks up a plot to kill not only Mordecai but also all the Jews. Mordecai sends Esther a now famous message, 'for how do you know that you have not come to the Kingdom for such a time as this?' Making sure she understood that this might very well be why God allowed her to go to the palace and why she was chosen out of many other women to become the new Queen. Knowing that her husband the King could have her killed for coming into his court unannounced which was the custom of that day Esther gathers the courage through prayer and fasting to throw those doors wide open and trust the Lord. I encourage you to read the entire book of Esther. It will build your faith like nothing else can.
  • Do have the heart of a worshipper like David did. David too made his mistakes. Like you or I he was human, but as I said above God sees us differently and even though He knew the end from the beginning in Acts 13:22 we find God Himself saying, 'David is a man after My own heart'. Why did God say that about David? I believe it is because he was a worshipper of God. David was totally dedicated to the Lord and wrote a very large portion of the book of Psalms (songs and/or poems). David the Bible says even danced before the Lord which was unheard of in that day. His own wife was offended by him doing this, but he knew what God felt about it was more important. He was not afraid of what men or even his wife thought of him or his relationship with his Heavenly Father. God was #1 in David's heart.
  • Do have the wisdom of Solomon. Solomon (David's son) was an amazing man in that God asked him what he wanted Him to give him, and Solomon asked for wisdom. In 2 Chronicles 1 Solomon is given everything including riches because he had the right heart towards God's people. He simply wanted wisdom to know how to rule as King and treat God's people. God gave him the opportunity to ask for ANYTHING. Solomon chose wisdom and he was famously known to countless Kingdoms as the wisest man ever known.
  • Do have the faith and complete trust in your God as Daniel and the three Hebrew men who in the wicked King Nebuchadnezzar's Day were thrown into a den of lions and a fiery furnace for simply worshipping the God of Heaven and Earth and not bowing down to Nebuchadnezzar. These men faced many challenges but if we look at the fate of Nebuchadnezzar, we see that God did not let him get away with hurting His own. In Daniel 4 because of his pride and arrogance towards God we find that God has given Nebuchadnezzar dreams of what is to come for him. You shall be driven from among men and your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field; you shall be made to eat grass as do the oxen and you shall be wet with the dew of the heavens; and seven times [or years] shall pass over you until you learn and know and recognize that the Most High [God] rules the kingdom of mankind and gives it to whomever He will. King Nebuchadnezzar did experience exactly what God showed him in his dream.

The things we are about to witness will be absolutely mind blowing. We are truly living in Biblical times. Will it be times when new books might be added by God Himself to show what He did for us? I can't say but I do wonder. In 20 or 30 years from now there must be a way that people will remember what the Lord did to set us free from the Deep State, Elites, and our government who has sold us out for the love of money which is the root of all evil. Notice the 'love of money'. It is not money that is evil. It is loving money that turns people's hearts to do the things the wicked and evil have done against us. God is on the throne. As Stacy Whited always says, He isn't nervous or biting His nails. He is fully in control and is working all things together for our good even now.

Sheryl York


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