You Are in The Fiery Furnace


On Monday morning in my time of worship I heard the Lord say, 'My daughter, you are in the fiery furnace.' I of course asked Him what He meant. He proceeded to share with me about the story in Daniel with Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego. We have been told that we are living in the Days of Haman, and we have heard this through many of the prophets over and over again but Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego went through something very similar in King Nebuchadnezzar's Day. You can find this story in Daniel 3.

Daniel 3:12

There are certain Jews whom you have set over the affairs of the province of Babylon: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego; these men, O king, have not paid due regard to you. They do not serve your gods or worship the gold image which you have set up.”

King Nebuchadnezzar hired these men at the recommendation of Daniel who he already trusted, yet he gets so exalted and prideful in his own mind that he decides he has to force everyone to worship his gods (sound familiar?) He wants everyone to worship idles which God commands us not to do. He wants to be worshipped himself and so when King Nebuchadnezzar hears of this, he immediately calls for the three Hebrew men.

Daniel 3:14-15 

Then Nebuchadnezzar, in rage and fury, gave the command to bring Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego. So, they brought these men before the king. Nebuchadnezzar spoke, saying to them, “Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, that you do not serve my gods or worship the gold image which I have set up?

It quickly goes from bad to worse when they answer the King but remember dear ones that this is the kind of tenacity that we as disciples of Christ need to have today. 

Daniel 3:16

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego answered and said to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter.

Because of the fact that Christians have bowed down to Baal and run in fear hiding behind every bush they could find we have very few people who are standing up today. This is what they are counting on. Fear and Intimidation is what they have used for ions to enslave us and pull us away from God. If they can get you to fear them and not trust God, they have won. Now that the mockingbird media liars are no longer believed, their last-ditch effort will be full on fear and intimidation.

Its fearful enough to be thrown into a fiery furnace but then they have to add that additional fear factor that they are really going to make it hurt. They are going to heat it up seven times hotter and you are bound so you can't even try to get out or away. But then while I was still worshipping the Lord asked me, 'Do you feel the heat?' I thought about it for a minute, and I said No, Lord, honestly, I don't. There have definitely been a few challenges along the way, but you were always warning me that it was coming, and you were always there for me, so I just kept my eyes on You.

Then He spoke these words to me...

Stop waiting for them to bind you up and throw you into the fiery furnace my daughter. For the truth is they already have. You and your friends just like in Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego's day have been bound and have already been cast into the furnace. The reason that you are not being burnt isn't because it isn't happening but rather because My Son Jesus is in the fire with you, and He will not let it harm you. In fact, every single one of you will come out unbound and without even the smell of smoke and the Nebuchadnezzars of your day will have to deal with Me.

Then He continued...

You have wondered and even asked, Lord, why so much persecution? And I will answer you now My child. It is because just as in the days of Noah deep down within those who have turned from Me to live a wicked and evil lifestyle, they can actually see Me in you. They know that you are sharing the truth. You have been listening to My every word and building a habitation to save your family and those who can hear My voice and will come to the open doors knowing they will be rescued and taken to a brand-new world. 

You have wondered and even asked, Lord, why all the lies and deception? And I will tell you My child that although at times you don't recognize it in yourself the evil and wicked ones can see that bright light shining in you. You radiate destiny, a future and a hope and just like he saw that in Joseph so does he see it in you and therefore he throws anything he can against you to derail you from the destiny that I have preordained for you to walk in, but you have read the story and you know that Joseph saw his destiny and so this day I tell you the truth. You too will see yours.

You have wondered and even asked, Lord, why so many giants in the land? And I will speak to you now My child and reveal that I had to allow them to look really really big so that you could finally see the truth of what they were doing to your land and the people. By doing so you have not only been crying out but also standing up to the giants. For I have looked for a people like David who was a man after My own heart, and I have found the heart of David in each one of you. You have the heart of a true champion who fears nothing and knows that their God is with them.

You have wondered and even asked, Lord, why has all of this taken so long? And I must now ask you, My child. Can you now see your answer in all that I just shared with you above? For I needed you to wake up and see the bondage, deception, lies and giants in the land through the eyes of a Warrior Bride and not the wimpy church that you grew up in. I needed you to look beyond the darkness outside the doors of the Ark so that you could envision a new day and a new way of living in Me. Only a little over 3 years ago you were under Satan's foot, but My Holy Spirit has led you into a place and even a position where now you have done what I told you to do, and you have put him under your feet.

Look around you this day My child. See My remnant church, yes even the Ecclesia (governing body) that has arisen and is taking back the land. For the enemy that was almost completely controlling every aspect of your lives is now running in terror as My Ecclesia has put on combat boots and finally knows how to wield the weapons that I have given. Don't look to those steeped in religion or even give them a concern. For they are Mine and I will deal with My church, but I have separated you and will continue to separate the sheep from the goats in the days ahead. I am even now opening your eyes to the see the Remnant that I am whittling down as I did in Gideon's day because it is false that I need hundreds of thousands or even millions of people in this great army of Mine. I am and always have been raising up the true church and I am making it impossible for man to steal the glory. The world will be fully aware and see that everything that happens in that soon coming 24-hour period (all I need is a day) would have been impossible without the One True Living God's intervention. 

Have I not saidthat at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth (Philippians 2:10)? And so, it shall be.

All will know the truth and the truth will either set them free or they will be given the opportunity to walk away and reject what My Son has done for them without the interference of the giants, lies and deception. 

My Son will be with you in every storm, in every flood and every fiery furnace My child. You do not need to worry about a hair on your head for I love you with an everlasting love and I am with you even unto the end of the earth.

Sheryl York (with the help of Holy Spirit)

May 6, 2024


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