Ask Sheryl - Q & A from Susan S.


 A subscriber and contributor (Susan S.) to America Reimagined emailed me recently with some questions and the Lord had me take the time to respond to her. Once I did, she quickly emailed me back thanking me and I had the thought that this might be great information for others as well, so I asked her if she would mind me using her questions and what I shared with all of you, kind of like a Q & A type blog. So below are the questions she asked and the answers I gave to her. I hope this helps others who read it to have more understanding. Please always feel free to ask questions. I can't promise that I can answer them all, but I will surely seek the Lord for wisdom and try.



Dear One,

Like you, I have had to weed out certain prophetic voices through the last 4 years not because what they say doesn't come to pass as God speaks things that are not until they are (do come to pass) so I can't judge prophets on that at all, but more because my spirit simply doesn't agree and can't believe what they are saying. I hope you don't mind my sharing an example. Chris Reed has definitely had some things come to pass. I have never been one who follows him though because of something I sensed years ago. This has nothing to do with what just recently came out about his leaving Morning Star or accusations made since. To be honest, even though I am not a follower of Chris Reed I don't necessarily believe what has transpired recently with Chris Reed was a 'God exposure' as much as a very real devil trying to take out an up-and-coming prophet who was being used and basically reading the mail of the deep state and exposing them because of a gifting God gave to him. However, even though I wasn't a follower of Chris's I knew someone else who really lifted him up, so I thought I'd give a word he speaks another try. So, I listened again (remember I am speaking of months ago) and he said an angel appeared to him in his bedroom and they had a conversation. In the conversation, the angel told him that Kamala Harris would become President. Again, this was way back before Joe Biden even stepped down or the DNC put her at the top of the ticket. I mean a year or so ago. After years and years of listening to prophecies I just couldn't see that God was going to allow this. I've always believed that somehow even without an election God was going to turn it all around and put Trump back in office because he actually won in 2020, and the world would know this. However, I've also learned through the years that God wants us (His children) to partner with Him in prayer, making decrees and standing up to the Lizard Overlords (as Joseph Z calls them). I just don't want to accept that God is going to allow her to be President, but even Chris Reed said it would be for a short time. Well, fast forward to now (September 2024) and we see that the Democrats and Cabal actually forced Joe Biden out by forging his name to a letter saying he wasn't going to run which of course the Media runs with. Honestly, I think Biden was just as surprised as we were that he was no longer running Lol... This is an area I still struggle with. I DON'T WANT KAMALA HARRIS TO BE PRESIDENT FOR EVEN A MINUTE... Lol, and yes, I am screaming that 😱 but is Chris wrong or do I just not like what the prophet has said? We will certainly see very soon, won't we? I don't necessarily believe God would allow them to steal yet another election because He has promised to put Trump back in the White House, but if something happens to the fake Joe Biden before January 20 of 2025 Kamala could possibly be installed for a very short time and then I believe Trump will win and kick her right back out. The trouble is we see through a mirror dimly or some translations even say through a glass darkly. 1 Corinthians 13:12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. That is why I follow several of the prophets. Because not one of them has the entire story or the entire truth. God uses His children to partner with Him and tell the world what He is doing. He ALWAYS speaks first... and things come to pass later. Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord God does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. Now onto the rapture. No, I do not believe we are waiting at least right now for the rapture. I tend to tune off of those people saying that because I don't believe they are comprehending where God is taking us and it concerns me that they might be getting what He is saying wrong. So why would I continue to listen to someone whose filter for God's words are not filtering properly? I know it seems far-fetched but yes, back to Eden. However, Eden will be for us, not for those who choose against the Lord. I believe there will still be unbelievers amongst us and God wishes that none would perish so we will be called upon to bring them into the Kingdom just as the great commission tells us. Will it take several more years? Well, another one I hated listening to for quite some time was Joseph Z, yet now I am a partner of his ministry. He keeps saying 4 years. Ugh! I didn't want to hear that, but I kept listening and I have come to understand that all that God is trying to root out has been rooted in our earth and especially our government for well over 100 years. Many want him to simply wiggle His nose and make it all go away or even do what He did in Noah's day and destroy them (evil people) all but He made a promise over 4,000 years ago that He would never destroy the earth with a flood again and of course because He does have children here that He loves, He isn't going to use fire or something awful to consume the earth to take them all down because He would also be killing His own people. I think what God is doing right now is delicate surgery, to be honest. It can't be hurried and only the Great Physician can perform this one. It reminds me of the story of the wheat and the tares and that is I believe what is happening now. We are being separated and He will distinguish His children from not only the wicked or unbelievers but even from those in the church who are not really of Him. Matthew 7:23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ Question #1 you said... Some prophets say we will be snug and safe while many devastating judgments occur? I do believe we will experience some sort of Goshen, but we will also see the reward of the wicked. So, what does this mean? It means that just like the children of Israel who saw all the plagues but didn't experience them we will see all the difficult things that continue to happen in our world and around us, but we don't have to experience them ourselves. However, it takes belief. We have to believe for Goshen. My family is in Goshen and I'm not coming out... lol Others can live in Goshen too, but they must choose to believe. Question #2 you said... Others proclaim that a rapture is about occur in weeks or even days? I disagree. I am one who believes we still have many more years on this earth as I said above. Like Noah watching the perversion and violence of his day yet knowing God had a plan because He is the Creator of the earth and of all of us and so He always has a plan. I believe Trump was chosen at birth like Moses was and is part of that plan. Question #3 you said... And still others speak about the hard times ahead and the rebuilding process lasting for a decade? I am not sure of the decade part but yes, I am one who believes that much will be destroyed and we will have to rebuild but I don't believe it will take long. People will be rejoicing, happy, and very motivated. People will have jobs again and God will help us restore America. We have a number of Prophets who are saying Trump will be back in the White House, but I don't believe the White House will even be there anymore. God has said that He will destroy Washington DC because it was never meant to be and isn't even on American soil. The only thing left standing will be the Lincoln monument because Lincoln was His son. I see Washington DC as a fenced off, but a desolate place left in ruins for us as a reminder. It will not be rebuilt but will become an attraction in some ways. It will be a place you can drive up to and look to see what happened there through fences, but you can no longer get in. Highways will take you around it but no longer through it. This has been prophesied by Julie Green & Tim Sheets, so I feel I have confirmation on what I see in my spirit. I believe the new House for the President will be in Florida. Congress will be in Pennsylvania and the Supreme Court will be in yet another state to keep them separated and doing the job they were meant to do. Question #4 you said... Some say the New Kingdom Era starts with the takedown of the evil empire and God will reset earth overnight to His Eden? Personally, I think the New Kingdom Era has already started but I do not have a word on that. However, I do believe that like Pharaoh and the Egyptian Army somehow God is going to wipe many or all of them out ALL AT ONCE. Imagine America without Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and more. What He is doing right now is drawing them in and letting them think they get away with all this ungodliness and craziness, but He has given them over to a spirit of delusion. They are no longer thinking for themselves at all. They can't see all the warnings and the truth that is coming because of the delusion. We don't want to believe that it is God who does this because all we want is to be saved and rescued but God sees the end from the beginning and so He knows EXACTLY how long to let this go on. I think most of us have been saying; 'I can't take anymore' for a few years now... lol but we are still here, and we are still standing, and we are still praying and believing. 2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie. Question #5 you said... I am wondering if you have a feeling in your spirit of a time frame for the rebirth of America and a happy peaceful world? This is where it gets interesting. After all I mentioned above about how I was never a Chris Reed follower and have nothing against the man personally in fact I believe what has happened to him recently is not exposure by God but the enemy who kills, steals, and destroys who took him down because He was making an impact and seeing things that he (Baal or whatever) doesn't want to get out there I do believe Chris Reed has had several dreams that are very impactful and so although like you or anyone else, I HATE THE WAIT I do sense in my spirit that the Lord was giving Chris somewhat of a time frame for all that we are experiencing. His dream about the birth of the baby named America is mind-blowing and it is not the only dream that I have heard like this. I have read the dreams of others who have seen Melania pregnant and she and Donald expecting. Chris says that God showed him that there would be several false starts like a woman going to the hospital because she believes it's time (Braxton hicks) but then finds it is not. I believe we are seeing this now with the fake Joe Biden being moved out of the way and Kamala being put in as the Democrat candidate (new puppet). We may yet see more things like this. He then says the baby is born but is in an incubator for a while. To me, this means that it's going to be a difficult birth, and the baby will not be healthy yet. No matter what happens in November the baby will be born but America will not be healthy yet. He then says that things don't calm down and get better until around June of 2025. Can we continue to contend, stand, pray, fast, make decrees, and WAIT ON THE LORD that much longer? I guess we will see. We as His partners have to set our faces like flint and not come off our commitment to walk this out with Him taking everything back that the devil stole.

When Chis Reed first shared that dream, I'll be honest. It dashed my hopes at first. I felt pretty defeated and like many of the words that I'd heard and the things I'd been praying or believing for were not going to come to pass (at least not before the 2024 Election cycle) but as we have ALL walked through this, we can see that God is doing a mighty work even though it has taken way more TIME than we'd hoped. He lives outside of time. He created time. To Him, a day is like a thousand and a thousand like a day. To us, this feels like an eternity. 

2 Peter 3:8

Nevertheless, do not let this one fact escape you, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.

In the end, we must learn to walk by faith and not by sight. RIGHT NOW, more than any other time the enemy is going to throw everything at us to get our eyes off God and His promises to us. God has told us this over and over. Write it down. REMEMBER what He has said. He's got us covered. He does not want us in fear but in faith. We are in Goshen if we choose to live there and no matter how long this all takes our Father in Heaven loves us so much that He is helping us. He is fighting for us. He is showing Himself strong on our behalf and He is rescuing us just as He rescued Noah and his family from the evil that had taken over the beautiful earth that He created in his day.

And I will finally close this Q & A out by saying I am fully convinced that the answer is YES, His ultimate desire is to take us (His children), 'back to Eden'.

UPDATE: After the writing of this blog I found out that I was incorrect about the fact that God is the one exposing Chris Reed. This WAS NOT just the enemy getting in to take down a prophet. I have now seen a podcast of the woman who did not come forward but was forced forward because of lies that were being said about her and what really happened in their relationship. It is heartbreaking to see those the Lord is exposing. Chris has apparently come out and now and admitted that he didn't tell the whole story. 

I sit in the Heaven's and Laugh with my Father,
Sheryl York


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