She Painted Her Eyes

by Sheryl L. York 

June 21, 2024

A few days ago, I shared a dream that Veronika West had called 'The Joker, the Queen, and the King's Stolen Crown". I will again give you the link to read it in the button below but while I was sitting in the middle of the night working on Stacy Whited's Prophetic Report, I found something that I hadn't caught when originally reading it. You must first have an understanding of how God does things or what I am about to share with you will go right over your head. When God speaks, it will come to pass. There is no, maybe, or He'll think about it. No, His word does not return void even if like in the days of the children of Israel not getting into the Promised Land when they were told they would has to come to pass at a later time. If we fully read the story, we find that they did get into the Promised Land but because of their own grumbling, complaining and disobedience to God it took 40 years and the death of Moses before Joshua finally led in the younger generation. Why did I emphasize younger? Because dear ones I'm greatly concerned about how long all of this is taking and even more concerned that people keep blaming the delay on God when it is not a God problem. He is here doing what He said He'd do. You can't look around today or read my Prophecy Fulfilled Newsletters without seeing that God is moving mightily to bring down this Deep State mess that Christians allowed to take over our nations more than a 100 years ago. I don't care how old you are or how set in your ways you are you must let go of who you thought God was or who your grandmothers Sunday school teacher taught God was and renew your mind to who God has always been and what He is doing right now and GET ON THE LORD'S SIDE. Otherwise, we will continue to experience delay after delay and one day the younger generation will get in and those who don't believe could perish.

The time is now. We are at a pivotal juncture of literally losing our land and all we hold dear because many still want to have childish tantrums about God wanting to use Trump. I can't even count the number of blogs I've written explaining very well why God is using Trump but let me be blunt here. I've done nothing but walk in love with you all but it's time to pull up your big girl or boy panties and realize that one reason He is using Trump is because He couldn't use you. God has reminded us several times through Julie Green's words that He had to have someone who loved this country. He had to have someone who had wisdom in the financial arena. He had to have someone who was tough as nails and couldn't be bought off by the Deep State to betray the country. If that was you and God made a mistake choosing Trump then I suggest you spend more time in prayer telling God of your willingness and greatness because personally I am humbler than that and I realize that I too fell asleep and fell for the tactics the Deep State used to keep me in entertainment mode, watching tell a vision (theirs of course) way too much. Trump didn't. He warned us. I was eating their poisonous food and even water and then having to go to the doctor who then prescribed medications controlled by people like Anthony Fauci who just makes things up along the way and Bill Gates who wants our population to be way under where it is today and has openly said he will use vaccines to get us there. Trump found out and warned us. The reason God used Donald Trump was because HE LOOKS UPON THE HEART and not on the outward appearance. Stop holding Trumps sins over his head when you are living the life of being forgiven by God's grace through faith while judging another. I expect that maybe now that some of the BIGGEST church leaders of our day are falling and failing at every level, Stormy Daniels lies for over 4 years about Trump aren't looking like such a big deal anymore after all.

I know that this is a heavy read for some. Those who just met me or just started reading my blogs or Newsletters probably aren't surprised because they have nothing to compare this to but those who've known me for years are probably quite stunned to see me write like this. Dear ones I have heard the intensity of what God is saying through Julie Green, Barry Wunsch, Wanda Alger, Joseph Z, Charlie Shamp, Chris Reed, Hank Kunneman and Amanda Grace. If you've been paying attention to these prophetic voices for over 4 years now you hear it too. The delay is not a God delay, it is an us delay. It is an unbelief delay. It is a bunch in the body of Christ who still don't get it, refuse to wake up and stand on God and Trumps side and are willing to allow the Deep State to have their way. God has been over and over like a GPS (almost in a comical way, like the dream Veronika had) trying to keep warning us that we are headed in the wrong direction on this journey. We've gotten off His Highway of Holiness over and over and taken the wrong highways trying to get where we believe He wants us. That is pride and arrogance. Jesus is the ONLY WAY, or you are following Baal (the enemy). Choose which side you are on, or you may find yourself on the wrong side of History. Just like your GPS God will keep trying to reroute you to get you back on the right road again so that He can get you to where He had you headed but of course with each rerouting the journey is taking more and more time because you errored or missed the directions on the map that He set out before you. 

I have also now heard Julie Green, Amanda Grace, Barry Wunsch and a few others share that the Lord has given them very heavy personal words for DJT and his family and that they have gone to people that they know (i.e. General Flynn, Clay Clark, Eric & Lara Trump etc...) to get the words to Trump himself. When people ask you to pray for Trump this is why. He does know the Lord. He was born again over 15 years ago but does becoming a born-again believer automatically make you hear from God? The answer is no beloved. You must renew your mind and want to hear from God. There have been so many false teachings that say we don't hear from the Lord anymore which is untrue. We may never know why God is having to speak thru Julie, Amanda, Barry & Hank and He isn't speaking to you or me in the same vein. Well, we can't fault Trump for not hearing if many of us aren't hearing Him either. God is saying that Trump needs our prayer. Trump must now let go and let God help him. Trump must recognize the traitors and move them out of his midst. Those who are supposedly giving him wise counsel are actually trying to destroy him or the plans he thought he had to save this nation. The truth is only God can save this nation and this is where God needed us to be. Completely at the end of ourselves. Trump may help and he may one day finally be honored for what he did and what he went through but it is God who will get the glory. All the people of the world and I did say ALL will know that what takes place is a God thing and not a Trump or man thing.

I do realize that yet again I've been a bit longwinded to get my points across here but getting back to what the Lord showed me in the middle of the night from Veronika Wests dream that I felt it was imperative today for you all to know. That is the reason why this Newsletter is so late today. I had no intentions this morning or writing a blog at all. This newsletter was already full but when the Holy Spirit comes on me to write I can't do anything else and so I sensed I was to make sure this went out to you today.

I will now share an excerpt of when Veronika is introducing the queen of hearts in her dream.

"As I looked at her, I saw that it was Kamala Harris. She had two big red hearts painted upon her eyes and one red heart painted upon her mouth."

I was reminded that in 2 King's 9:30-33 Jezebel paints her eyes and within a very short time is thrown down from the upper window (high seat of power and authority) which is finally her end.

2 King's 9:30-33

30 Now when Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it, and she painted her eyes and beautified her head and looked out of [an upper] window.

31 And as Jehu entered in at the gate, she said, [Have you come in] peace, you Zimri, who slew his master?

32 Jehu lifted up his face to the window and said, Who is on my side? Who? And two or three eunuchs looked out at him.

33 And he said, Throw her down! So, they threw her down, and some of her blood splattered on the wall and on the horses, and he drove over her.

We've always seen Hillary as a Jezebel, but I don't often hear people calling Kamala Harris a Jezebel. If we read this story in 2nd King's we find that Jehu comes into the picture, and I personally think Jezebel knew it was finally over. Through prophecy Trump has been called 'My David' countless times and I have even heard him referred to as a modern-day Jehu as well. In this story (which I will let you read yourself) before her great and terrible fall from ruling and reigning in the land Jezebel painted her eyes. Why? Was she hoping Jehu could be seduced like others had been before him so that she could stay in power? I can't really say but in the dream, Veronika saw Kamala with painted eyes. This caught my attention dear ones because just before Jezebel was killed and the reign of Ahab and Jezebel came to an end, she literally painted her eyes.

What does this mean then? What I knew God was saying is that if we will stand with Him and pray for Trump (the man He is using) to hear from the Prophets, we will see that God is using Trump as a Jehu and he's come to clean up the reign of crime, murder, sexual immorality, slavery and the like just as he truly wants to do and believes is possible. We (not just Trump) can turn this thing around. If there is NOTHING else that you like about Trump, the truth is he has proven that he won't bow down to the evil overlords that are trying daily to destroy his family, businesses, finances and this country that he loves so much. I believe wholeheartedly that Veronika was given that dream that long ago to warn us about the stolen crown (that many have now just accepted) and to get us to unite in prayer (which Believers keep kicking against) to bring in the duly elected King (President) and the Lion of the Trible of Judah (Jesus) which MUST HAPPEN. We are finally at the end of all of this as we now see that God showed Veronika that exactly what she saw in her dream was shown on Fox News here and now. This in itself gives us a time frame. Obviously, the joker is Biden, and the queen of hearts is Harris and even Jesse Watters of Fox News can see it.

And finally worth noting. In 2 King's 9 while Jezebel is looking down from her window with painted eyes, Jehu unmoved, asks, 'Who is with me?' Who? The Lord is saying pay attention to what is happening as well as what is to come because Jehu didn't send men up to bring Jezebel out or even to go in and kill her. It was her own eunuchs who were in the room with her that threw her out of that window. This too coincides with all the prophecies through Julie and others for countless years now that, 'they will turn on each other, biting and devouring each other while taking each other out.'

Be grateful no matter what is going on in your life right now. We've been through some tough stuff in the last few years but put a sticky note on your forehead to remind yourself to stop grumbling, complaining and going your own direction. Pray for Trump like God needs you to, and you and I both will experience what we only read about in the Bible. These are Amazing and Biblical days we are living in. We are on the edge and running out of time which is just what the enemy wants. If you think this is not possible read about the Daniel Delay. The Prince of Persia delayed answered prayer for Daniel and he will continue to try to do that for us as well. Have you ever asked yourself how Obama ever got into the Presidency? Do you believe he was God's choice? Satan works overtime to try to change the times and I believe sometimes we ignorantly let him.

The evil overlords want your country, your kids, your health, your wealth and everything you have for themselves. They want you cowering in a corner, owning nothing and eating bugs. If you have kids, grandkids, or even great grandkids you have a reason to stand. 

1 Samuel 12:16 

“Now therefore, stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes:

Sheryl L. York

America Reimagined

Arkansas, USA



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