“Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” blog/word

 This morning, I woke up very early and by 4 am I had my Bible in my hand asking the Lord to lead me. Where do you want me to read today, Father? I want to be led by You and You alone.

While I was yet praying, I heard Luke and then I heard 13 so I said, okay Lord apparently you want me to read Luke 13. I won't share Luke 13 in its entirety, but I encourage you to take the time daily to get into the word even if it is only a chapter a day. As I read it, I knew the Lord was speaking to me but not only to me. He was also speaking to many of you.

Jesus Heals a Crippled Woman on the Sabbath

Luke 13:10-13

10 On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, 11 and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. 12 When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” 13 Then he put his hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God.

What stuck out to me immediately was that I have lived in Arkansas now for exactly 18 years and as much as I love it the truth is I have become less and less healthy. My health and the health of my family has been constantly under attack. For far too long we've been taught that God puts sickness and disease on us to teach us things or somehow get glory out of how we walk through things. HOGWASH! God wishes above all things that we would be in health and prosper. He does not put illness upon His beloved children. As the church renews their minds, we now know and understand that the devil is the one who puts sickness and disease on us, yet it is at times difficult to discern how it crept in. Where was the door or the window for me personally and you may feel to ask yourself that question. Have I somehow lived in unforgiveness, bitterness or resentment for 18 years not realizing it? Did I live in sin somehow opening the door for the enemy to come into my life and then into my body to cripple me? My answer was NO. I don't believe that I have but I repented and renounced every one of those things anyway. I believe it takes humility to repent and apologize to the Lord even when you don't believe that you have been walking in any of this. If you want the doorways closed, you have to go through a bit of history not to place yourself back under sins lies as we know that Jesus took care of that on the Cross but somehow sickness and disease got in and took a hold of me and just maybe some of you reading this right now are wondering where it came from in you as well.

Verse 11 specifically says 'crippled by a spirit of infirmity'. Amazing! If it is a spirit, then it can be cast out. If it is a spirit that is keeping me or my family members sick, diseased and unhealthy then it's time to take authority over it. Sickness will not cripple me. Disease will not consume me. Pain will no longer control me as I choose life and that more abundantly and I walk in the healing that Jesus took those stripes for over 2000 years ago. I choose life and not death. The Lord then said to me...

“Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.”

  May 13, 2024

My daughter you and many of My children have been living in bondage. A bondage that they did not even realize was not of Me. They reasoned in their mind that I knew they were infirmed and therefore if I wanted them healed, they would be. Many even thought, for some reason God hasn't chosen to heal me yet, but My children this is furthest from the truth for I have already done it. I already sent My word and healed you (Psalm 107:20). I already sent My son to die for your sins, but He didn't stop there, He also took those stripes on His back for your healing (1 Peter 2:24). You My children are not waiting for Me to do something for you. I, your Father am waiting for you to renew your minds to the truth so that you can accept the truth and receive from Me what I have already provided for you. It is already there for the taking. Stop looking at the natural. Stop reasoning in your mind and see through the eyes of your spirit (Ephesians 1:13). For your spirit is perfect and when the correct spirit (Holy Spirit) is in ascendency you will walk in the freedom that My son died for.

Deceptions and Doctrines of man have kept you from the truth for far too long and it is time that you know the truth for it is only the truth that shall set you free (John 8:32). My son came to give life and that more abundantly (John 10:10b). He came to set the captives free. Free from the demonic strongholds of Satan who is the father of lies and is the only one who comes to kill, steal and destroy. What has bound you for countless years can be taken care of in minutes. Receive the words of My son when He said, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” See yourself as the man who was crippled at the pool of Bethesda for 38 years but when My son asked him “Do you want to get well?” he took up his bed and walked (John 5:8-9). Invision yourself as the woman with the issue of blood who pressed in and simply touched the hem of His garment and was instantly healed. My son knew immediately that virtue left Him and with all the people around Him He said to this woman 'Your faith has made you well' (Matthew 9:22).

My grace has already provided everything that you need My children. You already have everything that you need but you must renew your mind to the truth that I am a good good Father. This is why it is so important to get into My word daily. When you open your Bible, you are opening My mouth to speak to you, My children. Do not shut Me up for I want to walk with you and talk with you just as I did Adam & Eve (Genesis 3:8) daily. You must rebuke the lies and realize that just as I created the heavens and the earth before I created them, I made provision for every need they would ever have, so I also did for you. There is nothing missing small or great (1 Samuel 30:19) that I have not already given into your hand. There has never been a need that you've had that I did not account for even before I put you in your mother's womb (Psalm 139:13). There is no health need or even financial need that I have not already made provision for. It is only through an unrenewed mind that the enemy can continue to lie to you and steal from you which he has been doing for years.

My thoughts toward you are of peace and not of evil My children (Jeremiah 29:11). I have an expected end for you that is far above all you could ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). I have never left you alone. You have never been abandoned by Me, but I must remind you often and say to you again My children the spirit that is even now causing sickness or disease in you is not of Me but until you have this revelation you will allow it to stay. So again, I say to you My children, you are not waiting for Me to do something for you. I, your Father have already done it and I am waiting for you to renew your mind to the truth so that you can accept the truth and receive from Me what I have already provided for you and given into your hands. It is already there for the taking. Take it by faith and you will receive it. Always remember that whatsoever things you desire when you pray you must believe you receive them, and then you SHALL have them (Mark 11:24). Take it says the Lord.

Sheryl York

America Reimagined

Arkansas, USA

The Lord reminded me of a blog I wrote on June 21, 2023, called 'I Am the Woman with the Issue of Blood' which I added the link to here...

I Am the Woman with the Issue of Blood (sheryllyork.blogspot.com)


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