I Wonder If They Know - Blog

 Dear ones,

This particular blog will be read by many so please do not take offense.... lol Even if you don't feel it is for you you might consider sharing it with others. If you know anyone who is struggling in this area, please feel free to forward this message.

For several months now the Lord has been speaking to me specifically about Believers. We often tend to focus on the unbelievers, but I recently heard a wonderful teaching on Lazarus. At first, I almost turned it off because when you are a Christian who has known the Lord a long time, reads the Word, listens to prophecy and preaching you tend to think you've heard it all before or you know that scripture, that story, etc..., but look again. Notice that Jesus wasn't calling forth an unbeliever. He wasn't raising from the dead an unbeliever. He wasn't asking that the grave clothes be removed from an unbeliever. No, He was calling forth a young man who has died, was wrapped in grave clothes, and buried before his time yet this young man was not at all an unbeliever. Lazarus knew and loved Jesus. I would dare say he was definitely a Believer. I had the thought that maybe we as Believers need to ask ourselves a question. Have I been wrapped in grave clothes? Is it at all possible that I have allowed myself to be buried before my time or ministry is even fulfilled? 

Bear with me because in this letter I hope to help you see that although Jesus cares for the un-believers the awakening that we are experiencing even now is an awakening to wake up His body so that we as Believers can go out into all the world and reach the unbelievers. His Ecclesia has been asleep and worse yet they have fallen into Matthew 24, but because they think they know the Word, they forget that even the elect can be deceived, and they begin to avoid certain words or teachings. Who wants to believe that they could possibly be deceived? I do realize that some of you who have known the Lord longer than myself may feel that you cannot receive from me, but I hope that you will remember what was said to Jeremiah in Jeremiah 1:7 But the Lord said to me: “Do not say, ‘I am a youth,’ For you shall go to all to whom I send you, And whatever I command you, you shall speak. Therefore, if God is truly speaking right now those that need to hear this today will read on.

I wonder if many Believers even realize that they are literally living in Matthew 24 right now. We read about wars and rumors of wars thinking wow, this is where we are today, but we tend to Passover Matthew 24:10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. There are countless scriptures that came to your mind about hating a brother or sister or being offended when you read that, but I won't post all of them. Why? Because you already know those scriptures. My telling you or sending you a letter full of scriptures is not going to change you as a person. In fact, only Jesus can change your heart, but I believe wholeheartedly that a number of Believers who should be Leading or should be in ministry are falling away. People who should be rising up and getting ready for ministry and/or to be spiritually parenting those who are younger in Christ that the Lord is going to bring into the Kingdom are being bombarded by the enemy who is sowing anger, bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness, division and offense to the point of separation between family members, friends, and even spouses.

What do I mean by separation? I am not talking about something I have not experienced myself. These last couple of years have been brutal for many including myself. It's been like war just to remain un-offended not only by friends, but also by my spouse, and others as well. I can't even tell you how many arguments and/or offenses have come in the last few years and especially in the last few months. I've had thoughts of letting go of several people in my life. Each time I thought it was truly over, but God spoke to my heart and reminded me that it was ALL FLESH. Nothing that I can ever experience with a spouse, child, family member, Church Leader, job, friend, or anything will ever compare to what Jesus did for me by dying on that cross, not to mention the betrayal he felt going through all that he went through before He got to that cross in the first place.

What has happened to the cross? Have we forgotten it? What has happened to the blood? Do we remember not only what it did for us, but also for others? What has happened to us as Believers if we continue in our flesh and/or mind to think 'I can't take it anymore' or 'it's too much Lord. You have given me way more than I can handle or the famous ', but Lord you don't understand what they did to me or what they said to me.' Really? Is there any one of us who has laid our lives down for another like He did? Sadly, many in the Church still bite and devour each other and haven't learned to love and lay down their flesh at all.

Have we become like Fig Trees? We look great on the outside and we're able to make people around us (or at least outside our homes) believe that we live a fruitful life, but the Lord wants to come to us and find actual fruit. Once there, however, He is able to look under the leaves and see that we have no fruit at all. What is the fruit we are to have? Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. We call ourselves Christians, but we expect others to die to self and live the Word while we ourselves are not willing to do either. Have we not been told that God is coming back for a Church without spot or wrinkle, yet we allow ourselves to be part of the wrinkles by turning on each other! God says people will know you by your love, yet we have forgotten that love is even greater than faith and hope and that love covers and never fails.

Several of you on my list are going through some serious stuff with a business, a job, or a spouse or family member, but I have to ask how much time you've really spent seeking the Lord's will. Not what your flesh feels. Not what your mind thinks, but what God Himself is saying? Put on the mind of Christ. Did He tell you to start that business or take that job? Did He tell you to marry that person or separate from that family member? I hear a lot of what people think or feel. Most of which comes through complaining, but rarely what the Lord has said, so I have simply tuned out and am praying for many. Not because I am being unfriendly, but because I REFUSE to allow anyone to sow offense into me.

Have you considered that just maybe God can turn around your business?
Have you considered that just maybe God will bless you with a greater job than you had before?
Have you considered that those in the separation trap are falling right into the hands of the enemy who is derailing the very plans and destiny that God called them to?

Have you considered warfare in and for that business, job, relationship, or marriage? I think many get complacent and forget that we fight not against flesh and blood, but principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness. I'm sorry to admit that I fail miserably at this. When you are fighting or arguing it is very difficult to see into the spiritual realm. Your flesh is so hurt or angry you lash out, but that is a place to grow, and we must do so. Just go back to the Lord, repent and move forward. Don't run from Him, run to Him.

We're all exhausted, and many don't want to continue fighting. It's understandable. I'M COMPLETELY EXHAUSTED TOO.... but we are to pray, bind, lose, and get the enemy out of that job, business, house, etc... Could it be principalities that are keeping you in constant strife? Pray, bind, lose, and get rid of anything that may be trying to bring division, strife, unforgiveness, unbelief, or even spirits of separation that may have lingered. Yes, spirits can linger in houses, businesses, hotels, etc... Tell them to get out in Jesus' name. You have authority, but the enemy does not want you to remember that and use it. The spiritual world is more real than the natural so get back into the spiritual realm and fight the good fight. Remember, Jesus spoke to the fig tree. He did not ignore it.

recently went through a situation with a family member whose name I don't feel to mention. I was very hurt and offended and sadly decided not to talk to this person for months. I then heard a wonderful message from Kevin Zadai that really shook me because of where we are today in our world. Meaning I was acting like a worldly person and not a spiritual person at all. He was sharing on offense and rather than click it off because I DID NOT WANT TO HEAR THAT I WAS WRONG, I listened. I forced myself to grow up. Take correction. Ugh! I hate correction. Don't we all?... lol However most of us realize where we are in History and what God is getting ready to do as well as how much demonic influence there has been for quite some time. Apologizing and humbling myself did not mean my feelings over the original argument weren't correct. I am not a person who always has to be right, but WOW did I feel I was right in this situation and honestly still do... lol, but because of where God is taking me and because I do wholeheartedly believe I will be a Leader in the body of Christ and in Ministry again I knew that it didn't matter whether I was right or wrong. That is pride. I had to humble myself and trust Him to work everything out. Even if this person wouldn't accept my apology, I had to do what God was asking of me. I contacted the person recently and apologized for my part of hurting and offending them and told them that I love them and don't want to continue going on with this silence between us because I want them in my life. They too apologized and now all is well, but I am admitting that I went literally months in offense. This is horrible as a Believer. Being in offense stops our Father from hearing our prayers. Oh, I kept talking myself into 'it's my right to be offended', they shouldn't have said or done that.' God will just have to forgive me because I was right and I'm just going to wait until they contact me to apologize.' Hogwash! That is all flesh. God expects more from those who are called and chosen.

Geez how deceived we can be. The truth is as a lover of Christ and a believer in the Cross and the blood I am to take up my cross and follow Him. His example is not selfish in any way. Jesus never thought or meditated on self. If we are doing that, we are not following Jesus. In fact, quite the opposite. While His own creation was murdering Him on that cross Jesus asked His Father to forgive them. Amazing! A true Believer dies to self, knowing Jesus now lives in them. You have the strength inside you to forgive. We don't have a right EVER to walk in offense or to be unforgiving toward anyone. You won't find this right in the Bible beloved. If someone is telling you or agreeing with you that living by your feelings is okay, they have deceived you. It's all flesh and we are called higher than that.

In closing, it is my hope and prayer that if even one person reads this and gets something out of what I have shared today and changes their heart toward others that I've done what God asked of me today. I am simply writing you today to remind you that if you are in offense toward anyone you need to ask yourself, 'Have I died, am I being wrapped in grave clothes and buried before my time because of a heart issue that God is pointing out?' Don't allow the spirit of offense to take you out. Don't be one who is trapped in Matthew 24:10. You are called to a much higher calling and have the ability through the blood and sacrifice of Jesus Christ to be seated with Him in Heavenly places. 

In His image,
Sheryl York


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